10mil for a barge? And you complain about a pirate who was actually being nice to you? Dear lord..
1.barge value can go up to 30bils,seen more too..
2.a barge can carry cargo that can sell up to 400-500mils
3.Keep reading..
Bellow are the profits with a barge doing normal trading(fuel is included,money are split 50/50 with jumper)
193,719,650 per player for 1 route(2 jumps)
565,557,900 pre player, 1hour
1,131,115,800 total in one hour(without splitting/sharing money)
So..if i were the pirate..oh boy..you would've paid..a lot more..or just destroy you and retire of making money for a week/month ... (cause i would've had a transport that i can sell the cargo myself)
People want to believe that God has a plan for them.
They don't wanna believe that anyone else does..
Pay Tax and don't QQ
you never had escort when I tax you..
also trading with barge like you do is lame
oh and I notice little of metagaming from you yesterday whan you saw me on your scann.
you just disconect in O7 and then you came with GB..hmm you know ping is funny thing.... we can check it
Soo I will try to play like you do, and try to tax you in all the ships that I have from Newcastle to O9.
Ahh to all other pirates if you wish to know his ship name just PM me.
One thing i'll mention, a barge with a cap 8 is VERY difficult to destroy, even with Novas.
A pirates dream indeed. Just be wary of the ten-fifteen minutes the pilot has to pull in help. Although I suppose that could be seen as oorp perhaps. The barge and pirating/taxing idea is teetering on the edge of whats right and wrong - Although if you're getting taxed or pirated, that is not against the rules. -- Although if you're the one pirating or taxing said barge? Don't be a pain in the rear and constantly do it over and over every few systems. That's just demoralizing. Keep the game fun.
Don't make this a trial-by-form or an argument as well, willya?
Remove the metagaming option by constantly renaming your ship and do the same with your escorts. Try not to group with your escorts because it is suspicious.
Don't fly on the common routes around lines or planets if you does not intent to load/unload there. I have more then 400 barge hours in a way more busy server back in the time and was not even single time successfully pirated. If you thing out of the box it is amusing how you can fly 17k from the piracy spot with worthy cargo if you have good escorts.
Use the escorts to check on the jump holes and gates before you move in. Send one back to lock the gate with the 30 seconds return bug in order not to be backstabbed and send one in front to cut the line if you use gate so no hostile can approach you you charge and get out of the scanner range.
Does not use single route with predicable pattern. Use some unloader ships- if you need to unload your goods at planet going with the barge directly at the planet is kinda stupid, staying 17k back now 30k back due to the new scanners and having your escorts to switch to unloaders is better if there are many hostile contacts in the system. If not then unloading fast in front of the planet is better solution, as barge pilot you move slow and you have plenty of time to look around and check your environment for potential threads sending one of your escorts to check on them..
Equip Spyglass/BS scanners on the escorts and at the barge, equip cau8 at the barge.
Make sure you have 1 good VHF escort and one good GB escort or even if you haul ores and such third cruiser escort.
The barge was changed at the beggining of 4.86 in order not to be suitable for trading ship, the old barge was able to take lines and cruised with normal speed.
Barge is useful for base building as middle storage or as RP platform. It is also the best cash making ship in the game if the jumping is not yet nefed.
If you learn how to deal with stones and asteroids and how to position the ship and how to plan your route and good team Barging around is really fun thing.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Good advices Govedo, but point is i dont want to evade interaction. I like interaction, but dont wanna interaction be pay or die. I dont need credits to move it at all, except 2 times a week to supply base. Ill try to hire escorts and see how will pirates act. Just want find ways and rule ajustments that would allow people to plunder me with style if they desire so much.... and for me to be plundered with style if i wanna be stylish and hire escorts.
If you do it for fun not for credits then just hire some heavy duty escort force that protects you with 3 or more different ships with good pilots. Then you can have fun blasting away the pirates. The rules are fine as it is, one can pirate you only once in scanner range/ 2-5 min time. After the encounter is ended it is up to you to log of/ take different route/call the local law enforcement/escorts/mercs to deal with the pirate etc.
I suggest to put high individual bounties on the ones that systematically harass you with huge bonuses if the mercs kill them while protecting you. Some people have fun in destroying the other peoples fun in such case the only RP that you can expect is RP with guns.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Don't trade in it.
I have never met a demand below 100 million when caught on the Barge.
The Barge is not meant to be flown. It is meant to be jumped (even though the already stupid and oorp process of jumping it has been made even harder, I was told). Load it with transport, jump, unload it with transports.
The only reason for Barge to exist is: as additional storage on bases when building them. And that's it.
Back in .85 or .86 I found a faction or group (which I ultimately forgot the name of) who used the barge in its right purpose. Mobile base. They kept this online, and it worked as the faction's base, and the RP was just great. They didn't bother trading with this, that's another thing I liked them for. You wouldn't fine a base, would you? If you consider it a ship and use it as one, then yeah. People are going to treat it as such.
Completely out of topic: I jumped the barge off the map by mistake quite recently (in the recent few days) oh we were lucky we had a tad spared fuel (it was a mixture of MOX and H-Fuel and we were lucky the fuel lasted for a jump, with the fuel running out as we jumped)
Jumps with the barge require time for planning and all that, it's not as problem-free as people might think.