I've noticed you managed to drag that shiny base of yours from deeper space where it wandered back into low orbit around Planet Shirane. Now, I've been making some good graff lately off them miners out there, and this serves as an unacceptable interruption in my operations!
I haven't been too unreasonable a chap I don't think, don't even think I've destroyed any of your ships, but it seems my harassment has provoked you to take this 'drastic measure'.
So, this can go one of two ways. A pay off, a BIG pay off, to keep me off your backs permanently, that is, Sumara ships mining Platinum out there, and your base.
Or, I refit one of my vessels for siege duty and start a campaign of harassment upon your little station which could lead to anything, including up to total destruction of the facility. I don't want this to get ugly mind ye, but me and me crews need to eat see, and we aren't versed in things like mining or shipping, we only knows one real way to make a living! Now, lets not waste too much of either of our savings, and you just move that base back into its higher orbit where it was, right then? I'll also be going and findin' some experts in siege warfare to help me out, fellas with similar 'interests'.
In the meantime, you're crews on that station will narry get a wink of sleep for the forseeable future.