After a little research i've became aware that Codenames are not that special as they should be. OR at least as it was intended. They were, once!
Why should anyone bother to collect them and use(besides their 'civilian status') if there are a number of house weapons with the same or alike stats and alot less power comsuption?
Do they really worth to continue in game to be as it is?
Think their stats should be raised and re-balanced, their power comsuption is too high for their performance.
Having a Codename should be reason to be proud, should make their bearer outstand.
Best regards!
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Codenames shouldn't be "objectively better" than their house counterparts, otherwise you'll end up forcing everyone who wants to be competitive in PvP to use them.
Right now, plenty of them are worth using. Claymores, Excaliburs and such all have a significant edge over their class 8 "equivalents".
I do believe they're getting a rework, though. Seeing a few codenames with a significant weakness but an interesting combination of speed and refire could be nice, to spice things up. Along the lines of 750 m/s 3.03s with poor efficiency and average dps or whatever.
They have to be balanced to be comparable to Class 8 faction guns and not superior, because they're usable by anyone and despite their "special" status in lore, in practice there really is nothing to stop anyone from acquiring and using them.
It's true that they are not as good compared to faction guns as they used to be, because the latter got a buff for .87 and codes didn't.
But as Quinn said, they're getting a rework of some kind. Soon™