The O'Rhu "diplomat" is not your problem anymore. It is now an issue of his commanding officer that I will contact privately concerning this outburst. He is not and never will be diplomat speaking on behalf of The Order. That saying if you encounter any more issues coming from that or the other individual, you are free to contact The Order.
Meanwhile back to proposal I have noticed in one of the transmissions.
Omicron-gamma is off limits
The Order has no intention to dispute rights to Omicron Gamma or how it is otherwise known "Sparta". The Order avoids entering your homeworld, requesting permission to pass through if actually needed. However, we are unaware what is your policy concerning invasion of Omicron Gamma on hands of our common enemies, for example Nomads or Outcasts.
Omegas are our turf, You are a guest to us, act like a guest and be polite.
We do not dispute your claims. Your space is merely used as transit area as there are only very few systems of interests to us within your borders. To those would count Omicron Kappa and Omega 49 - just like you, we care for Gran Canaria.
Our smuggling operations to liberty should NOT be interrupted.
This got Overwatch's attention, given Corsairs do not share any specific direct route to Liberty space. The Order operatives embaring on long range patrols out of our territories are instructed to not fire on Corsairs under any circumstance except self defense or confirmed case of infestation within your ranks - in which case we would offer you evidence to back our actions. Do not bring those artifacts towards our own space (beyond Omicron Kappa) and you will have nothing to worry about.
Any fleet, that includes five to six spacecrafts must be known to us before they embark a journey.
We do not share details of our fleet movements to anyone, even our allies. Do note however that our presence in your territory is limited merely to fight our common enemies or transit of our vessels towards their intended destination. The Order agents in the field are instructed to not antagonize Corsairs, and cases like Harrison Adler will be dealth with.
Before we get to the point, I will introduce myself.
Cesar 'Flipado' Gutierrez, the newly appointed Corsair Elder and co-leader of the Corsair Brotherhood.
A senor you spoke to earlier was Elder Santiago Munez.
I am happy to announce you that we like the answer you just gave us. It trully made me wonder if I am dreaming.
If you manage to keep it up like this, I don't see any problemos between Corsairs and The Order.
However, don't get too comfortable yet. Your presence and suspicious operations in Omegas will be watched by us at all times.
As for senor Motormouth "Diplomat" from O'Rhu, he better watch his mouth!
That kind of an insult to Imperio del Corsarios and its respective Elders will not be tolerated!
We were close to decision to condemn that muchacho to death and send a fighter wing to spill his blood as a sacrifice to Santa Muerte, but you managed to convince us that gringo is not worth our time...yet. He owes you a great favor.
But this doesn't change anything.
We Corsairs do not forgive gringos for that kind of insolent behavior!
We are warriors seeking the satisfaction for justice of those who insulted us, not weaklings!
All O'Rhu ships are better to stay out of sight from Corsairs and Corsair space, if they know what's good for them.
They are the only part of the Order that should trully fear us now!
In any case,
I would like you to acknowledge Laws of the Corsair Empire. Breaking any of these laws will result in termination of the offenders.
Examine them carefuly, per favor!
I think that's all I had to speak.
Gracias for your answer, senor Golanski, it trully managed to solve this crisis with only little violence in the future.
Hasta la Vista!
Flipado out.
Texas Hack progress..................Uplodaing comms re-route...........................File established................LPI HUntsville transmission beacon infiltrated......................Link established to Order Receiver module.
"Are they getting this zoner?" ..........."Yes Gentle"
"Ahem...... Well its been a long time since I last communicated with the Order. Once I used to call them as good as hermanos. I am an old pirate I remember days when we shared much with one another. Technology, women, ahh yes your women... i lay with quite a few of them in my hay day. I digress, forgive me. It seems this attitude of caring for one another has diminished.
I am currently incarcerated as a guest of the good people of liberty. I am hoping that some of you at least will remember me from my better days as the Leader of the OPG. Indeed you may well have seen the OPG flags flying once more. The reason for this is that we are needed by the corsair people.
Our hermanos the TBH have resoloutely maintained a presence at Crete fending off attacks and such from the shared enemy we face while the OPG was fragmented. So this discourse from some of the Order pilots showing both a lack of respect, accusations of cannibalism and mockery of the food shortage at Crete has enraged me somewhat. I have seen some ridiculous transmission claiming our ships have not the power and our pilots not the skill.
Saddening that there are those in the order who perhaps need to come to cadiz to demonstrate their own skill in combat with some of the pilots from the OPG and TBH and of course the Benitez. You may consider that an invite. It would do no harm to demonstrate to each other in simulated training combat what our allies are capable of. It has always been my experience that ignorance breeds contempt. Let us not be ignorant of each others skill.
Admiral Golanski. A name I remember. You at least seem to have a handle on this situation. As an Elder of the corsair People I would welcome more of your sanity and respectful communication. You will be welcomed at Cadiz by me and my people should you wish to perform a diplomatic trip. Although sadly at this point I would not be able to attend due to my situation here in liberty.
Lest there be a re-occurence of this situation. Please do not underestimate how explosive a situation this could have become. No corsair wants to put a fleet into your territory. SInce the OPG now has a fleet once more Im certain the Order would not want to see us there on a more permanent basis due to a misunderstanding over territorial pissings, respect and skill.
This is OPG Gentle, Elder of the corsair people signing off. Adios.
Kill the transmission Manny I'm done.......
Yes you can stop transmitting now.............
For F*&*&*(* F&^%S sake will you cut the transmission before I eat your........................
I´m Commander Karl Jäger, temporarily second in the O'Rhu Fleet.
I have to say, that we are angry and ashamed.
Angry Because it was never in our interest, to force Conflicts with the Corsairs, and ashamed, that the the ORDER-HQ has to fix up our mess.
I want to aplogise in the name of O'Rhu, and assure to the Elders our high regard. Those rude words sayd, were´nt indicated.
Our "Dilpomat" is a good and brave man. But a high age, and hundreds of battles mades him a littlebit harsh to every non order.
He is now diciplinary dispatched to another Block.
And i want to put clear, that the O'Rhu cell is in every sort of kind bound to the ORDER rules and the Order Leaders.
We are not Freethinker creating our own politics. Just a small well armed Strikeforce in the Order collective.
So i hope the Elders, are wise enough and noble to ignore and forget our affront.