<<<<<Comm ID: Miles Dyson>>>>> <<<<<Ship ID: (\^/)Chronos>>>>>
Upon receiving the transmission signal of TAZ pilot Dr.John Henry Holliday inquiring to navigational information regarding the jump hole apertures of the Omega-9 system and I have transmitted (\^/)Chronos' NavMaps of said system. Relaying information of my current supply mission to Livadia Palace the good Doctor has offered the TAZ's assistance with the shipping of construction commodities originating in the western Sirian star systems. Docking manifests at Livadia Palace have been updated to reflect TAZ access.
Earlier this evening, I took my Fearless out for a spin in Omicron Kappa. This system, which normally houses tens of thousands of Nomads at a time, was empty. Yes, you heard me right, there was not a single blue jelly to be seen! I entered formation with a few Zoners for about an hour and patrolled the system, but the only thing we saw were a few AIs floating about. As strange as this is, it may be for the better, considering the possible plans of moving Lividia Shipyard to Omicron Kappa. Well, that's it for today. I think I'll turn in now. See ya next time!
::acking up Meta-Data... :::Encrypting it... :::Transmission Terminated:::
:::Incoming Transmission::: ::Comm ID: Matrim Cauthon ::Location: Planet Primus
Ey there!
As if to disprove my previous message, as soon as I take off from Lividia and get through the Kappa jump hole, I get ambushed by three Nomad gunboats!
Of course I owned them, heh.
After I finished off the last gunboat, my hull was dented and the paint was scratched, so I set a course for Primus. Ran into a few stragglers on the way, but those were no problem.
I made it back without more gunboats, thankfully!
Repairs took awhile, but the ship is good to go.
Aandd here's the payoff!
They fetch a nice price sometimes, so I figured I'd pick em up.
Well, I suppose that strange event has passed. At least we won't need to travel farther to do training. Kappa is the best place for it! See ya later.
::acking up Meta-Data... :::Encrypting it... :::Transmission Terminated:::
G'day to you my Phoenix brothers and sisters.
In light of some recent events I thought it prudent to advise you all of some recent security events that have taken place around some of our facilities.
Most pressing of these is the emergence of yet another group of AI's calling themselves 'Sov're' or 'The Sovereign'. This mysterious group of AI's recently attacked our (\^/)Hyperion at Livadia shipyard. Several ships, including the (\^/)Cressida were set adrift in the fighting. Luckily, Livadias repair and recover ships were at hand to save the critically damaged vessels, and no loss of life was recorded from allied ships. About 24hrs ago I was able to ask some AI's from the Consensus about this group, but I was left with many more questions after the conversation than before. The Consensus claimed to have absolutely no knowledge of the group, but let a few clues slip. Such as claiming that these AI's had been 'infected' with a virus. This seems to be a common accusation from the Consensus when encountering AI's with different opinions than their own. The 'living' proof of this would be 'Arbitrator.Intelligence' who on its own decided to attack the terrorist ZA on its own, much to the ire of the other AI's, who were quick to declare it their enemy. It should also be noted here that Arbitrator was also critically damage in that battle, unfortunately by friendly fire. If you see this particular Vessel please note that all observed actions made by it so far have been friendly towards the Phoenix, and I believe it to be a tentative ally at the very least. Now by their own admission they are aware of ZA's true hostile nature, so it seems that even the Consensus is quite capable of making errors. I also believe that they underestimate their true purpose and potential as a sentient race. AI's are perfectly capable of forming their own opinions and each should be treated as a individual, especially ones who do not fly the flag of the so-called 'Consensus'. I also find it very suspect that the Consensus have not encountered the Sov're. Or so they claim. I believe they are holding something back from us and know a lot more than they are saying. Regardless, I am issuing a rare general order for all Phoenix vessels operating in the Omicrons near the Kappa sector. Avoid these Sov're and any other unknown AI's at all cost. They seem to operate in tandem, and are capable of using very advanced tactics. Be very wary, capital ships are at the most risk of attack. And although underrated in my opinion, the AI cruiser class vessel is a very deadly threat, especially when operating in tandem.
The other issue I would like to mention is Ames station in Kepler. Finn McCool is the administrator of the facility, which brings it under our umbrella of operations. This is a very unique situation as it is sandwiched between both Kusari and Liberty houses, but patrolled by neither. BHG runs patrols through the system, but we all know how effective they can be as a substitute for law enforcement. We have received many complaints from trading vessels in the system, and it seems we are being looked upon to provide some order and relief from acts of piracy in the system. Finn, some time ago, laid out a 'Rules of engagement' for Ames and the surrounding trade lanes to me. As we are neutral to all parties, lawful or otherwise, we must be very careful in our encounters with piracy attempts in the area. I will take a moment here to remind you about how we operate. Seeing as both pirates and lawful traders use Ames as a home base or a rest stop, violence in the system is actually bad for everyone. If the lawful traders become fearful of Kepler and start to avoid it, we would have to close the doors for good as we would surely go out of business. Therefor all ships in the Area should be considered to be under Zoner protection. I have personally escorted several traders out of pirate hands, explaining that frequent attacks would mean the loss of the base, and a valuable sell point for the goods they acquired by whatever means in other systems. So far, every pirate I have encountered has understood this, and no firefights have broken out as a result. Being polite seems to make the difference, but the pirates will still break the rules when they think nobody's looking so more frequinent patrols are needed. I have moved my best Osprey MKII fighters and the (\^/)Europa a new 'Condor' class gunship to the area to help with the effort, although I think more may be needed.
Anyways, that's about all I have for you for this briefing. Remember to stay alert out there, and you will come back alive.
Report: I was making deliveries of industrial equipment to Lavidia Palace and I noticed it looked like The Palace had taken damage. See snap below. I did not see what caused this but an AI was in the area asking if I've seen a rouge AI group on a rampage. I myself have seen no one but another Zoner in the system. End Report
Report: I made 4 deliveries of industrial hardware to The Palace towards the required materials left for the next upgrade. No incidents to report. Snaps are below. End Report
A rather calm day today, as far as the Omicrons go. Ikaruga has only just left the drydock after a long month of retrofits, but things are already falling back into the normal groove. The science deck and I were quite interested in checking out some of the new scanning arrays placed on her. At first we ventured into Omicron Delta in an attempt to do a high gain scan of part of Naurus northern hemisphere. Unfortunately we ran into a medium sized K'hara placing it self directly between us and the planet. Tobias of the Pleiades was in the area and moved to cover Ikaruga should the need have arrived. After minutes of standoff, the K'hara cloaked and disappeared. We cautiously approached the planet and descended into a low orbit to begin the scan. It was going well until all the sensors went haywire. There was a massive explosion underneath Ikaruga and we suddenly registered large amounts of what appeared to be biomass. The Nomad from before had descended between the planet and Ikaruga and detonated. Most puzzling. Fortunately, after a quick damage assessment, only minor transmitters were harmed.
Later in the day, the science team wasn't quite satisfied. We decided to venture into Omicron Lost and get some scans of Moros. Pleiades once again acted as a wing for Ikaruga and we ventured into the Kiribati. Largely uneventful. We arrived at the site and Ikaruga once again descended into low orbit with Pleiades keeping watch.
We were able to get some high quality scans of the surface. We're looking them over for any possible ruins that might have been missed in prior expeditions. A long shot I know, but it was mostly an excuse to try out the new equipment.
And finally, an odd note. When we were departing Moros, I happened to look at one of the stars. Lost being a trinary system, it's interesting to see. The blue dwarf is on the verge of being ejected from the system, but that's not what's interesting. What's interesting is the utter lack of stars in it's region. If you look at it. It's as if nothing is in that region of space. Hard to even think of. We pointed all the spectrometers we had at the region and turned them to maximum gain, but nothing to suggest that there was anything in the region. We may go to the star on another day to investigate if it's something with the star itself warping space around it. I've attached an image below of what I'm talking about. Just... nothingness:
Research continued today. On our return from Lost yesterday, we tractored in what we thought to be destroyed Nomad biomass from a medium sized Nomad. I thought nothing of it except to dispose of it when possible or hand it over to the next Order agent I saw. However, scanners inside the medbay determined it was not all biomass. Knowing the dangers of interacting with the biomass directly, we used the robotic arms in the bay to pick it apart. After the cargo crew had extracted what they could with the arms, it was sent to the science division and I on the 3rd deck. We ran it through one of our detectors and found a number of similarities to certain strains of Cardamine.
We gave the biomass to a passing Order patrol but held onto the cardamine, it was too intriguing to let go. Unfortunately, Ikaruga is still slightly understaffed on the scientist portion. I was not about to let that stop me though. We returned to Livadia, I had hoped that Fortitude would be through with repairs in the drydock and that I could take it to Corinth to retrieve some more scientists, but it was not to be. Fortitude remains moored. My curiosity does not typically like to wait so there was only one thing to do...
Standing on the bridge, I ordered forward half speed and Ikaruga entered the Corinth Mine Field. I had navigated it many times in a Fearless but never a Nephilim. She lumbered through the field, but at no point were we close to danger due to excellent helmsman skills. Fortunately, the journey was completely uneventful and we moored with Corinth.
After catching up with some of the other scientists aboard, I left them with roughly 75% the substance to perform testing on. I kept a bit on board for our own testing, but not enough to raise eyebrows should we come across others. Not sure what I expect to find, but if the Nomads are carrying it, I believe it's worth looking into. We procured some more research equipment and more importantly, hands for said research equipment while we were there and then departed the Peloponnese. If I find anything, I'll let you know.
I don't like making reports but here is something of particular. During my travel to Pennsylvania. I encounter an AI ship while passing West Point in New York . Initially, I thought it was another one of those probes send to gather data in house space so I didn't pay much attention. However, as I entered trade lane to the Jump Gate it began sending emotions and thoughts to my head to my surprised. I broke lane contact and began hunting for this entity.
I found it again at the Orbit of Manhattan later on, and further communication suggest this being is actually not a nomad in disguise as it first seemed. This is another race that uses the same form of communication as the nomads but however with an actual organic body and living just above absolute zero temperature. They proclaim their home world was destroyed by the makings of Dom K'Vosh, that they are enemies of nomad and also impervious to their infestation. I believe they could be useful in our cause against the nomads and a mutual friend if we can trust this new species of Sirius. The being also mention a previous contact with the VMA, so some cross reference with that group could be beneficial.
Here is the detailed Comm Log for the encounter
[13.03.2014 12:34:33] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: **Greetings human. This one greets you.**
[13.03.2014 12:34:42] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Goodday.
[13.03.2014 12:35:05] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: What brings an AI out to the center of Sirius ?
[13.03.2014 12:35:27] Unidentified.Vessel: ( You feel a happy emotion from the ship )
[13.03.2014 12:36:09] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** At least this one's cover still works **
[13.03.2014 12:38:10] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: **Greetings human. This one greets you.**
[13.03.2014 12:38:20] (\^/)Philomelus: Hold it right there Unidentified Vessel
[13.03.2014 12:38:25] (\^/)Philomelus: Identify yourself now
[13.03.2014 12:38:58] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours does not take orders when presented in such a rude tone. ** (You sense an angry emotion)
[13.03.2014 12:39:23] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: I dont like sensing emotions either, it brings of bad ... memories
[13.03.2014 12:39:34] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Now tell me who you are
[13.03.2014 12:40:04] Battleship.Stingray: Jonathan, leave him.
[13.03.2014 12:40:14] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours is an alien. ** ** We mean theirs no harm **
[13.03.2014 12:40:24] Battleship.Stingray: AI, you free to go.
[13.03.2014 12:40:25] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Define "Alien"
[13.03.2014 12:40:35] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: The blue type or the metallic type ?
[13.03.2014 12:40:46] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Or furry ... type
[13.03.2014 12:40:56] Battleship.Stingray: Know yout spot, Zoner.
[13.03.2014 12:41:15] Battleship.Stingray: Leave him.
[13.03.2014 12:41:20] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** The Order mistook ours for those you call Nomads when they first saw this one. **
[13.03.2014 12:41:27] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: I know my spot, and nomads have no place in Sirius
[13.03.2014 12:41:35] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours does not mind human. **
[13.03.2014 12:41:49] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Good to hear .. I think
[13.03.2014 12:41:58] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Tell me your purpose then.
[13.03.2014 12:42:35] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours came to the Sirius Galaxy through a now-closed wormhole in the Omicron Iota system. ** ** The Dom Kavash -
[13.03.2014 12:42:41] Unidentified.Vessel: destroyed ours homeworld**
[13.03.2014 12:42:53] Battleship.Stingray: The Earth....
[13.03.2014 12:43:09] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Incorrect. **
[13.03.2014 12:43:18] Battleship.Stingray: I heard legends about Solar System.
[13.03.2014 12:43:35] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Right .. but you manage to pass through an infested nomad home system unscathed ?
[13.03.2014 12:43:37] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours comes from a different Galaxy known as the Triangulum in yours language. **
[13.03.2014 12:44:15] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** The 'Nomads' mistook ours hive for a meteorite. **
[13.03.2014 12:44:46] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours hid it inside a giant asteroid, so it looked like one. **
[13.03.2014 12:44:54] Battleship.Stingray: So... You need to revenge?
[13.03.2014 12:45:03] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Incorrect. **
[13.03.2014 12:45:18] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** The Dom'Kavash have no presence in Sirius. **
[13.03.2014 12:45:39] Battleship.Stingray: Dom K'Vosh?
[13.03.2014 12:45:46] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Intresting .. Tell me how your homeworld came to be or destroyed ? And your extensive relationship with Dom K'Vosh
[13.03.2014 12:45:55] Battleship.Stingray: They are died.
[13.03.2014 12:46:18] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Our homeworld was destroyed by a giant fleet of insect-like warships. **
[13.03.2014 12:46:21] Battleship.Stingray: The Slomon K'Hara - leaves of Doom K'Vosh.
[13.03.2014 12:46:37] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Theirs came without warning **
[13.03.2014 12:46:51] Battleship.Stingray: Like Nomads...
[13.03.2014 12:46:56] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** At first theirs and ours lived in peace.. a tense one.. **
[13.03.2014 12:47:00] Death: Cruel.Avenger was killed by an NPC
[13.03.2014 12:47:51] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Suddenly, theirs fleet uncloaked somewhere on ours borders. **
[13.03.2014 12:48:08] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Theirs came as a suprise, us stood no chance. **
[13.03.2014 12:48:43] Battleship.Stingray: Yeah... A similar story with Freeport 7.
[13.03.2014 12:48:49] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** When they reached our homeworld, they put in use a highly heated beam, increasing the temperature to about 100 degrees*
[13.03.2014 12:49:26] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** The ideal temperature for ours species is -200 degrees celsius. **
[13.03.2014 12:49:35] Battleship.Stingray: Whoa....
[13.03.2014 12:49:48] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Hmm
[13.03.2014 12:49:51] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Yours can now understand what happened to those on the planet. **
[13.03.2014 12:50:09] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: So are you exactly fleeing or fighting against the nomad now ?
[13.03.2014 12:50:30] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Or rather Dom K'Vosh ?
[13.03.2014 12:50:35] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours are fighting the Nomads, and fleeing from their masters. **
[13.03.2014 12:50:49] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** As theirs nomads cannot infest ours bodies. **
[13.03.2014 12:51:27] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours temperatures are to cold for even theirs. If theirs enter our ships or ours body's, theirs will flash-freeze. **
[13.03.2014 12:51:27] Battleship.Stingray: Ooo....
[13.03.2014 12:51:59] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: That is certainly intresting
[13.03.2014 12:52:06] Battleship.Stingray: Interesting...
[13.03.2014 12:52:18] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: I think we can be mutual friends in the long run, if we can trust your kind.
[13.03.2014 12:52:18] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours is trying to live in peace with theirs human race. But previous encounters badly damaged this relationship. **
[13.03.2014 12:52:20] Battleship.Stingray: So, for win, they was need to take you in alloys
[13.03.2014 12:53:16] Battleship.Stingray: I heard some stories too...
[13.03.2014 12:53:25] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** About 1000 human years ago, ours race made a failed attempt to take the Earth as a colony. ** ** Ours regret that -
[13.03.2014 12:53:37] Unidentified.Vessel: decision for all this time already. **
[13.03.2014 12:54:07] Battleship.Stingray: This is realy epical..
[13.03.2014 12:54:30] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Our family lives in the Edge worlds, seperated from the political groups of Sirius. The nomads are our main threat
[13.03.2014 12:54:34] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** When ours race made planetfall on Gammu, ours race immediately mimicked the local vessels. **
[13.03.2014 12:54:58] (\^/)Philomelus: and I think we can make a positive relationship with a mutual enemy.
[13.03.2014 12:55:01] Battleship.Stingray: And then your learned or language.
[13.03.2014 12:55:06] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** It is a good thing that many humans mistake ours for Artificial Interlligence's. **
[13.03.2014 12:55:09] Battleship.Stingray: our*
[13.03.2014 12:55:10] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Yes see you have done a great job of that
[13.03.2014 12:55:45] Unidentified.Vessel: ( Your scans show organic beings inside the drone, and the drone being consisting only of an outer shell.)
[13.03.2014 12:56:35] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonthann: Just a heads up, now everyone likes the AI though, especially the Gas Miners Guild, and the Kusari Republic
[13.03.2014 12:56:39] Unidentified.Vessel: // Its a shame i cant change these ugly green lights to light blue though :\
[13.03.2014 12:56:46] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: So you might want to stay away from those regions
[13.03.2014 12:57:01] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours is aware. **
[13.03.2014 12:57:16] (\^/)Philomelus: Heh, isnt there 2 lightpoints ?
[13.03.2014 12:57:30] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** This one believe's this one hasnt introduced yet. **
[13.03.2014 12:57:36] Unidentified.Vessel: // ye, shamefully
[13.03.2014 12:57:59] Battleship.Stingray: Toledo is follen by Keepers... They are was a Nomadic Boys...
[13.03.2014 12:58:31] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** This one believes the Philomelus being and this one's race could make a benifitial alliance. **
[13.03.2014 12:58:40] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Anyway, this is an intresting encounter.. to be meeting in New York is a suprising factor as well ...
[13.03.2014 12:59:00] Battleship.Stingray: And... They will introduce in Ellesmere. Then - Alaska and NY.
[13.03.2014 12:59:17] Battleship.Stingray: Or GRN will take California...
[13.03.2014 12:59:18] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours is known as Alpha. One of the beings that keeps the Hivemind in its current state. **
[13.03.2014 12:59:20] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Ill bring up todays event to my head of family, he will be certainly be intrested to know more
[13.03.2014 12:59:49] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours can only communicate through telepathy. Humans cant understand ours vocal language. **
[13.03.2014 13:00:19] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Fortunately the Gammu AI's tought ours the secret of the Neural Net. **
[13.03.2014 13:01:02] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Explains why I thought you was a Nomad at the start. Name is Jonathan by the way, I am from a group called
[13.03.2014 13:01:07] (\^/)Philomelus: the Phoenix
[13.03.2014 13:01:20] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Nice to meet yours, Jonathan. **
[13.03.2014 13:01:22] Battleship.Stingray: My name is James Walter.
[13.03.2014 13:01:23] Traffic control alert: LNS-Amadaeus has requested to dock
[13.03.2014 13:01:40] Battleship.Stingray: And i will help you, for avery reasons.
[13.03.2014 13:01:41] (\^/)Philomelus: We mainly reside closed to Planet Gammu, by the system called Omicron-74
[13.03.2014 13:01:45] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Good to meet yours aswell. **
[13.03.2014 13:02:12] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: ** Ours is aware. Yours are being plagued by a so called Alliance, correct? **
[13.03.2014 13:03:02] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: In a way... yes. They are a milita group of Zoners, rather ex-zoners as we do not offically recognise them.
[13.03.2014 13:03:24] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: They are rather abit inactive at the moment, and we are turning a blind eye on them at this stage
[13.03.2014 13:03:52] Battleship.Stingray: I'm contacting with LNS. We are hate Nomads and K'Hara like you, so we will help you.
[13.03.2014 13:04:03] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** If theirs will be plagued by the alliance again, this one will help yours if possible at that point. **
[13.03.2014 13:04:49] Traffic control alert: Battleship.Stingray has requested to dock
[13.03.2014 13:04:49] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Forgive this one for sounding rude, James. But ours does not entirely trust the House Military Organizations. **
[13.03.2014 13:04:50] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Good to know, but I dont think it will nessessary needed at the foreseeable future, but Its good to know, thanks.
[13.03.2014 13:05:23] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** The houses are known for commiting tests on anything not previously known to theirs. **
[13.03.2014 13:05:59] LNS|-Stingray-: James: Yeah... Now i'm in LNS
[13.03.2014 13:06:09] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** This one greets the Naval humans. **
[13.03.2014 13:06:56] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Anyway, I need to leave for edge space again.
[13.03.2014 13:07:09] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: Can this one accompany yours? **
[13.03.2014 13:07:29] LNS|-Stingray-: James: I'm returning for my patrol.
[13.03.2014 13:07:49] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Certainly, althought I will have to stop over at Planet Huston
[13.03.2014 13:08:09] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: In texas, which I dont think it will be very healthy for you if your left your spacecraft ...
[13.03.2014 13:08:10] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours does not see the harm in that. **
[13.03.2014 13:08:33] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: You may accompany untill there then.
[13.03.2014 13:08:37] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours has powered exosuits that provide freezing systems. **
[13.03.2014 13:09:02] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Alright, form up on me if you wish
[13.03.2014 13:10:17] LNS|-Stingray-: i will escort you
[13.03.2014 13:11:08] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Anyway I will make a neural comm to my family head in my break in Texas and see what he thinks
[13.03.2014 13:11:59] Unidentified.Vessel: Apha: ** Im sure theirs will be... interested.. ( You feel a slight happy emotion from the alien ) **
[13.03.2014 13:13:12] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: So what are your views of the Humans inhabitians in Sirius at this moment ?
[13.03.2014 13:13:41] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** To be honest, most of them are the scum ours race used to disintegrate. **
[13.03.2014 13:14:26] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours hopes that yours family will be different, like the Vereinigte Wilderstands Armee. **
[13.03.2014 13:15:10] Unidentified.Vessel: ???: **Greetings human. This one greets you.**
[13.03.2014 13:15:13] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Intresting, well I hope you find new friends along the way in Sirius, it will certainly be useful against the fight
[13.03.2014 13:15:17] (\^/)Philomelus: against nomads
[13.03.2014 13:15:48] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Expecially the Order you do not like to piss off... they are very distrustful of anything not ... human
[13.03.2014 13:15:50] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** The nomads are a minor threat, if you compare them to the rest of the universe. **
[13.03.2014 13:16:16] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: But extremely useful partners if they are on not on your backs and an ally.
[13.03.2014 13:16:45] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: I think this is where we part ways
[13.03.2014 13:16:55] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours previous interactions with them have been less than friendly **
[13.03.2014 13:17:31] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Its sad, but true. Good luck in your voyages. (You feel sadness as a shared feeling from the Alien) **
[13.03.2014 13:18:03] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Yes, as I expected, relationships with them will take time, if not forever. But dont make things sour with them
[13.03.2014 13:18:23] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Or things will get nasty ...
[13.03.2014 13:18:34] (\^/)Philomelus: Jonathan: Anyway you too, have a good day
[13.03.2014 13:18:46] Unidentified.Vessel: Alpha: ** Ours will at some point contact them over the Neural Net. Goodbye, friend. **
[13.03.2014 13:18:51] Traffic control alert: (\^/)Philomelus has requested to dock
Well, let no one ever say I do not pull my weight. Flying to the nearby systems, Burden has brought to the Spaceport:
~30000 units of Reinforced Alloy
15000 units of Food
15000 units of Water
15000 units of Oxygen
35000 units of Robotic Hardware
Note that 15000 units of Robotic Hardware are earmarked for Hawkings project. An extremely uneventful trip doing so, no unexpected surprises which is rather welcome.
Regarding Dirk's note above and request for assistance, Hawking and I had a chat and decided that I will be headed towards Ames aboard the next transport to attempt to keep the peace. One of our Fearless class vessels, Fortitude, was left moored there. I will assume command of it upon arrival.