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Quote:In fact that is a pitfall we probably need to avoid. The ship should not be as good as other civi ships that people can use or everyone will be flying these next time we look around.
This ship would be a Xeno varient of the Civi line, say made of cut up blazers and glued together with extra armour plates. We would also campaign tirlessly to have it sold in Tau 45, the Xeno guard system so no-one could exploit it. All that need to be done is the XA raising, *gasps* one billion credits.
I don't really have a opinion on the technical stuff, seeing as I know nothing about it but if you guys decide, I'll fly it ingame ad tell you what I think. I'll judge off how it handles when released.
Well what if it is a Xeno exclusive ship.
I seriously thought BD was a HF not a VHF. My bad.
Lately ...actually for the last 4 or so months, if I see a Xeno, he is suddenly swamped by 4 or 5 ships. One or two capital. I am being very objective here, but having a ship with 4+1 is not going to make it a uber fighter. Remember, these have to hit and run before caps arrive. They need something they can use.
Having 4+1 puts it in a niche where it is a HF.
Care fully listening to what you are saying,
' Wrote:Xenos have no capships. They solely rely on fighters and bombers and soon their Starblazer modification.
I think the model is finished. Close design discussion? Any last words on its layout? Oh yeah, I need to add a few hull panels randomly on the ship so it looks like it got reinforced badly. I might also add a few tubes... That'd look nasty.
You can put some scratches at the skin and also some burned parts as it was made from scratched parts.
Tell me if you need something in Photoshop... I just cant handle any 3d...:(
The design of the ship is perfect for a advanced starblazer. Awesome work!
' Wrote:Well what if it is a Xeno exclusive ship.
I seriously thought BD was a HF not a VHF. My bad.
Lately ...actually for the last 4 or so months, if I see a Xeno, he is suddenly swamped by 4 or 5 ships. One or two capital. I am being very objective here, but having a ship with 4+1 is not going to make it a uber fighter. Remember, these have to hit and run before caps arrive. They need something they can use.
Having 4+1 puts it in a niche where it is a HF.
Care fully listening to what you are saying,
The turret bugs me. There is unfortunately no turret version of Xeno guns, so I'm gonna make it 5 guns instead.
before getting your hopes up high - i remember an official statement saying "xenos will NOT get any exclusive ships" - but maybe i remember something wrong there...
then - if its a LF, compare it to other LFs... if its a HF, compare it to other HF.... if its a VHF, compare it to other VHF. - then take into account, that xenos are not too brainy when it comes to shipbuilding - and that they most certainly should not get anything that is superior to ANYTHING of the same class that the houses have or the bigger and richer pirate factions. their roleplay history simply does not allow that.
i think - making it a LF MK2 type is the way to go. - there is currently only the griffen for civilians out there - and a MK2 of the starflier line would be nice. ... with that in mind... :
6200 armor
agility that is comparable to the griffin
2 lvl9 guns, 2lvl 8 guns, powerplant like the griffin ( can the griffin fire a razor? )
lvl8 LF shields
i d take that as a base and modify it a little - end of the story.
personally, i don t give a **** how much xenos have no capships or are bashed by indies or whatever disadvantage they have. if you RP a xeno, - live with being the underdog, don t expect something to "compensate" for the disadvantages you have.
xenos are not there to defeat warships, they are there to defeat traders and occasional policecrafts - and they are rather supposed to retreat when the cavalery turns up.
Jinx, only LF that can fire a M-razor is Loki. Energy is not the problem, torp slot is.
Anyway, I'd like to see it as HF more then LF.
We definitely have more then enough VHF's and LF's, which can't be said for HF's.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:8k powerplant...
4-6 slots... lvl 8 and 9.
some 1.3-1.4 agility
lvl 9 shield
and it will be really small.
civ. bomber will get an upgrade.. and actually against a BC I would pick that one over Falcata. Without inferno, Falcata doesn't recharge the SN fast enough to fire before the shield comes up.
Also Slipstream is actually quite a brick... for a LF.... compared to Wyrm/Phantom/Liberator/Tiger shark.... you name it...
EDIT: @Ximen.... comparing the Black Widow to the by far best lvl 9 in game is not really objective..
take a look on this:
Black Widow:
Damage: 580
Energy Usage: 175
Range: 550
Speed: 700
Particle (best on Gravitons) lets see...size issue...well...starblazer is very large fighter comapring to liberator, or even eagle for that matter...check might be surprized...
I think this ship shouldn't be in Liberator class...starblazer almost is...
people mention Xenos here a lot...if you wish to make this ship for Xenos, then make it in HF class, but real HF...with 6 proper guns, superior agility to VHF's and ability to fire those guns...(like stilleto or Valkyrie)
about those guns comparison you mention...i have a civ bomber with 4 of Black widows...and with that huge power plant ship feels when i fire them...they eat trough 9k of eagle's powerplant like butter, add to that 2 debies who are also power hungry and you have extreemly powerful fighter, who cant bring transport shiled down cause it cant sustain more then 2 seconds of fire...and what BW is among lvl 9guns, that is sutinger among lvl 8 guns...
not to mention only 550 must practically be in face of your enemie just to be able to hit him...
many people complain that xenos ram bigger ships in fights...after u get to 500m to fire you dont have much room manouver...