This crossed my mind today while flying my Pytho....
Why in heaven does CR doesnt have its own SNAC yet??
Well if they can design so beautiful ships why cant they have a Snac of their own,almost every major Faction have their own snac(combination of blue-red would look gr8 )
Did Admins forgot to give Colonials their SNAC ????
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Factions that have their own SNAC are: BHG, Coalition, Corsairs, Hellfire Legion, Order, Outcasts, Xenos.
Every other SNAC variation is basically house lawful or unlawful and is shared by several factions. Meaning that very few factions have their own SNAC.
The Council have their own SN about as much as the Blood Dragons or the Red Hessians.
The gun itself is named "'Ballista' Gallic Antimatter Cannon" and the infocard states that it was developed by the Council. However it is shared between Gallic unlawfuls and is listed under "Gallia Generic Unlawful Weapons" in the tech compatibility table.
I didn't mention the RoS SN for the same reasons I skipped the Phantom one.
The existence of Nomad SN is pretty much required as mounting a human SN on a Nomad ship would be ridiculous.
Totally forgot about the Wilde SN, though.
I really don't think adding another one is needed considering they are all the same. You can use at least two different SNs as a Colonial anyway - Civilian Antimatter Cannon and the classic "Supernova" Antimatter Cannon.