So, who's taking their final exams now? I've literally just finished my Engineering one and it went well! It's the only one that's going to go well aha... I've got about 6 left to do so that's okay, i guess! What is everyone doing in the way of exams then?
Already started, last week on Sunday, only two schools started that day, rest the next month, luck me.
last exam on Thursday, the exam's table is very pressured, My guess well I'll get ~90% in all of them, All luck too all with the their exams.
(05-13-2014, 12:28 PM)Mrs. Altejago Wrote: 18 assessments/exams due in the next few weeks. Don't get me started on whats due in the few weeks after that.... It isn't any better....
Everything we do has as much weight as the normal final exam. And to add to the pressure... I need a minimum of 80% in all of them.
Holy cow thats alot. Good luck with those! Im guessing thats for uni?
Good luck to everyone else as well. I know some of us, like me, will need it aha
Every single subject I have is bound to strike me in the next month. I need 80+ percent.
Honestly I don't know what I've been doing with my life for the past four years. I didn't study, I didn't play games that much, I didn't socialise...I most probably stared at a white, blank wall.
To sum it all up in nice verses from Laibach.
We sleep, we dream,
with no time in between.
We never stop,
listening our chant in the heat of the nights.