A fully armed Liberty Carrier with a cloak has 815 cargo space so it's even worse. (Weapons take up cargo space). The best cloakers are Kujira (4,7k) and Zoner Whale (5k) This might be wrong because I'm not sure if they can activate the cloak.
I have several questions about the OP:
1. What is the intended availability of cloak ammo? (all stations; some stations (Conn transfers?); PoB manufactured; etc)
2. I expect the ammo to be at least a bit pricey. How can it be justified that a small fighter can burn the same amount of cloak fuel/ammo as a battleship in 1/4th of the time? Isn't it better to have different ammo for each cloak type?
3. Is it possible to have non-integer fuel consumption rate? For example 1 per 5 seconds (0,2/sec).
4. Is the Light Cloak intended to be used only for running?
(06-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Corundum Wrote: 1. What is the intended availability of cloak ammo? (all stations; some stations (Conn transfers?); PoB manufactured; etc)
Available on all bases, similar to any other type of ammo.
(06-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Corundum Wrote: 2. I expect the ammo to be at least a bit pricey. How can it be justified that a small fighter can burn the same amount of cloak fuel/ammo as a battleship in 1/4th of the time? Isn't it better to have different ammo for each cloak type?
[6/23/2014 9:26:25 PM] aerelm: the ammo cannot be linked to the cloak, so it wont be highlighted in the dealer screen even if you have a cloak mounted. you'll be able to buy it regardless, but to make it appear as first item on the list (to make sure people wont have trouble finding it) it has to be defined as a CD ammo and cost less than 50sc.
(06-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Corundum Wrote: 3. Is it possible to have non-integer fuel consumption rate? For example 1 per 5 seconds (0,2/sec).
Unfortunately, the game engine does not recognize "half a commodity", so this won't be possible. Of course, there's the option of adjusting the cloak fuel consumption intervals to something like x per every 10 seconds, rather than the current x per 1 sec, but since that can overcomplicate things, we won't be using that unless it proves necessary.
(06-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Corundum Wrote: 4. Is the Light Cloak intended to be used only for running?
It's intended to allow for short range ambushes as well, but with a bit of effort, coordination and precise timing rather than "cloak in and go looking for stuff".
(06-25-2014, 03:09 PM)Corundum Wrote: A fully armed Liberty Carrier with a cloak has 815 cargo space so it's even worse. (Weapons take up cargo space). The best cloakers are Kujira (4,7k) and Zoner Whale (5k) This might be wrong because I'm not sure if they can activate the cloak.
True, I forgot about those things .. but that doesn't change much.
And I didn't mention the Kujira and the Whale , cause the Whale is Zoners only, and the Kujira .. not sure about that...
Cloaks running on Shield Batteries, because why not people would sacrifice the Shield Batteries for Cloak = Balance so it gives you a risk in using the cloak, you have to be careful because why not. 8)
I'm not sure if that would help much, cause then you would either lose loads of cloak time ( hence you can't run around with a gazillion shield batts) or would have to run around with tons of shields batts ( which means shield battery limit would need to be modified I guess) , it would be an easy thing to feed a cloaked ship with "ammunition" , andthe pvp heavy part of the players would start throwing things at devs for not being able to pvp that long if they cloak , cause they use up their batterys
Uh.. Snake...That's a terrible idea :| Well, I mean, unless you want to make cloaks absolutely worthless.
The goal of the rebalance appears to be to get rid of 'permacloak base-location hunting ships'. If cloaks run on shield batteries, the only ships using cloaks will be those guys.
Checked the updated numbers, looks damn nice to me, especially with the caps. More than enough time to be cloaked.
One question though, any chance to decrease the chargeup time and balance it with fuel cost?
A full charge costing around 5 million, perhaps.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Would the cloak ammo be tradeable? Just like bots/bats. Because, a group of fighters with that ammo might feed a cap (other way around to that of botfeeding) continuously.