I just don't see it as feasable to build a ship of that incredible size as one whole unit. It would have to be contructed modularly.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. (made by me) Note, I made that a while ago and there are some huge flaws I'd like to go back and correct. Most notably the truss structure holding the cargo pods on (which should actually be trussing, not straight bars), and the cargo containers themselves. Far too chunky and unrealistic. I don't have any experience in "real" modeling programs. Mostly DOGA and Sketchup ><
To make it fit with Disco, the pods could be clusters of cargo containers. Which would even closer fit the idea of "barge"
Obviously this ship wouldn't work, because to make it the scale of a barge would result in a width far too wide to fit through a jump gate. However, this idea could be worked with to create a ship of similar modular design, with cargo containers on 4 sides rather than two. Think about the Leviathan freighters from EV Nova. That is a ship with some believability, although I find the bridge ugly as all hell.
i wanted to test the ship ingame - but i cannot figure out what value determines the camera distance in turret mode. so the camera is too close right now. - for a good chase-view, the camera gotto be like 1500 away.
never mind, found it out myself - here are ingame pics - it was actually not too hard to get it into the scrapfield of o-15 right next to bornholm. - a lot less trouble than i thought at that size. - i have not tested docking though.
the smoking exhaust use the engine effects. - well, it makes them "charge" up when the ship is cruising.... but thats just a cosmetical bug we gotto live with i think. - the size of the docking ports and all appear to be OK. the docking port of the barge is as large as the docking port of bornholm - the ship is roughly... umm.... 15 times as large as bornholm:D.. so any sane junker would rather strap some engines on the station and fly around with bornholm than to fly a barge.... but there we go...
the upper right picture shows bornholm right next to the barge. ( the barges landing pad touches the station - so its really right next to it )
@seth - i can Email you the files if you like - the picture shows a camera distance of 1200 in turret mode and 1500 in chase view.
What's cool about this is only a few people started out seeing the value of it. Jinx was even at first not convinced it was worthwhile for play. I couldn't model, Seth offered, we got a put aside, I remodeled, Jinx got re interested, concept got revamped and that it can be seen, people are getting it.
' Wrote:the smoking exhaust use the engine effects. - well, it makes them "charge" up when the ship is cruising.... but thats just a cosmetical bug we gotto live with i think.
Dosn't the mining ship have "exhaust vents" on the side (I guess they are like horizontal thrusters or some such) and, as far as I remember, they don't charge up when cruising-so it might be possible?
(don't know all that much about modding, but I love the idea, and the model)