Suprised no one had poke the fun or made a meme out of the current Zoner drama yet, I took some time out from reading the heated discussions and made this in the mean time.
Anyway, since the Zoner Drama this time has turned into a Freeport land grab, Anyone care for a game of Freeport Monopoly ?
Simple games rules, get some land (freeports), build some base extensions like houses and hotels and charge the other parties hefty cost for docking rights.
utilities should be "Positive Order Reputation" and "Negative Order Reputation", owning the positive order rep utilities decreases the prices of houses but increases the prices of hotels. Opposite for Negative Order rep. Owning both starts a bonus where both hotels and houses are cheaper
Well the empty spots are where the Utilities and Chance / "Discovery" Community chest lies, so you can make up whatever you want in the cards relating to the game
(08-05-2014, 04:11 PM)Alley Wrote: I'm more confused about your forum name. We can't have two Alvin.
I deposed of the other Alvin, im the one true Alvin now !
CoF budget fee - each player pays 50M to the bank.
Corsair food deliveries - player receives 20M.
Your Nephilim was spotted docking inside House space. You go to Bastille for two turns.
If player owns all Freeports in a faction cluster, he may buy up to four Corvos per Freeport. Each Corvo raises parking fees received from other players two times.
If player owns all Freeports in a faction cluster and has four Corvos in Freeport Defence Wing, he may buy one Nephilim for that Freeport. Each Nephilim raises parking fees tenfold.