With a few new members joining and some love being given to the faction, it's time for a rollcall to see just who of us are really still around. You have until the 7th of September 2014 to respond to this rollcall in time. Failure to do so in time will result in you being kicked until you are able to be active again.
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name/Display Name:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Your ships and time logged on them:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Any extra notes/comments:[/color][/b]
Skype Name/Display Name: quinnzai / QuinnZai Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Herald. 03:11:30 23/08/2014 10:16:17
XA-Herald' 02:04:34 23/08/2014 10:44:28
XA-Herald 01:58:53 23/08/2014 10:17:32
IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that: N/A Any extra notes/comments: Lately we've had a spike in activity that has led to the faction being given more attention. Attention it really needed so I am looking forward to logging some more with you guys in the future. Also, remember to post any kills you guys get on the rewards board as it's up and running again.
Skype Name/Display Name: Sindroms (Spazzydragon) Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Rain.Riley 00:34:32 22/08/2014 06:49:37 IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that: Any extra notes/comments: We have a rewards board? Hue.
Skype Name/Display Name: Luc Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Grass' 01:20:35 22/08/2014 01:46:55
XA-Grass 01:03:07 19/08/2014 23:59:25
XA-Grass. 00:00:00 19/08/2014 23:59:19 IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that:
I renamed XA-Grass shorlty before logging it for about 1 and a bit hours with Omi and John. Any extra notes/comments:
Skype Name/Display Name: KaiserDietz Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Freddy,Moonshine 00:00:00 17/08/2014 00:41:54
XA-Freddy.Moonshine 00:00:00 17/08/2014 00:43:20 IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that: I have been very busy pprepping to go to unviersity next year, and have found it difficult to find time Any extra notes/comments: Will try to be more active in the next month or so.
Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Diamondback. 02:42:06 24/08/2014 22:55:43
XA-Diamondback' 02:18:25 24/08/2014 23:51:54
XA-Diamondback 01:21:00 22/08/2014 00:45:27
IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that:
There is time on my ships anyway, but I swear like over half my time was gobbled up by the tracker when I /renamed my ships from Siobhan to Diamondback. |:::::::
Any extra notes/comments:
admins please don't ban me this is a rollcall ;_;
Skype Name/Display Name:Moketaman/Jose Estevez Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Bob.Franklin 11,52 hours
XA-Bob.Franklin. 4,06 hours IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that: Any extra notes/comments:Stop drinking! go killin'!
Skype Name/Display Name: Mímir / lookout1234@outlook.com Your ships and time logged on them:
XA-Richard.Dokes 00:02:22 IF there is no time logged on your ships, the reason for that: Any extra notes/comments: Planning on more activity, yep.