Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
You do realize the Junkers are the most shakendown faction on the server. Junkers get hassled all the time from lawfuls and unlawfuls so you saying "it's time" shows you don't know what's going on in this server. There are groups specifically devoted to hassling junkers so making another one shows little initiative or originality.
You are entitiled to your opinion. But the facts just don't stack up against what you have said. If Junkers are the most "shaken down" faction on the server, why do their main faction have almost 3 times more activity than any other faction? That's not even taking into account JM| or indys. If its so bad for Junkers like you say, surely there would be less activity.
They may well be more incidents of Junkers being targetted, but I think that is more to do with the disproportionate number of Junker players hence more incidents for them.
Maybe if you hadn't specifically said you're going to target Junkers then people would have thought nothing of it. To me this smacks of more metagaming because someone is jealous of Junker popularity. It's a fact Junkers get targeted and if you were a junker you'd see that but it's also a fact that Junkers are a friendly bunch and nowhere have I seen more camaraderie than in the Congress and people are jealous of that.
Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
You do realize the Junkers are the most shakendown faction on the server. Junkers get hassled all the time from lawfuls and unlawfuls so you saying "it's time" shows you don't know what's going on in this server. There are groups specifically devoted to hassling junkers so making another one shows little initiative or originality.
You are entitiled to your opinion. But the facts just don't stack up against what you have said. If Junkers are the most "shaken down" faction on the server, why do their main faction have almost 3 times more activity than any other faction? That's not even taking into account JM| or indys. If its so bad for Junkers like you say, surely there would be less activity.
They may well be more incidents of Junkers being targetted, but I think that is more to do with the disproportionate number of Junker players hence more incidents for them.
Maybe if you hadn't specifically said you're going to target Junkers then people would have thought nothing of it. To me this smacks of more metagaming because someone is jealous of Junker popularity. It's a fact Junkers get targeted and if you were a junker you'd see that but it's also a fact that Junkers are a friendly bunch and nowhere have I seen more camaraderie than in the Congress and people are jealous of that.
What. No. Xenos always have and always will shoot Junkers. It's part of their RP to hunt them. They hate them. XP| just seems to be exchanging a secondary goal for a primary one (instead of focusing on foreign shipping they're going to focus on ridding Liberty of Junkers).
In all honesty I'm looking forward to seeing these guys shoot JM and other Junkers, because it means I can hunt more Xenos and take advantage of some JM defense ships.
Personally, I don't care how popular Junkers are. The idea behind this was to start a faction that would be right in the middle of the activity. Yes, Junkers will be a target. Why? Because they are plundering Liberty's resources just like any other foreign entity. Junkers have always been a target for Xenos, there's no point being upset about it now that someone has finally had the idea to make them pay for it.
Junker's ain't the most shaken down faction on the server. I'm really quite bored of hearing the Congress cry every time something is said or done against them. It's not the opposing factions fault that you lot are generally quite bad at dealing with RP encounters. Stop taking it personally for a change and try using words to lighten the load that you seem to think is constantly coming down on your heads. The Xenos are primary enemies of Junkers so there is nothing wrong with this factions goals. It's not like they're going to purely focus on you anyway.
That aside, As XA- Leader I'm happy to see another Xeno faction. Do feel free to get in contact with me if you have any questions or want to do some RP. Xenos have to log in groups after all, or we get capped to death instantly.
I really hate the idea that "Junkers are targeted oorply". It's such a bad argument. Sure, some people might be targeting you ooRPly, but it's definitely not the majority. Most people are doing their inRP jobs, and you're complaining because you can't silent powertrade your way to billions of credits because you decide to not pay the 5 million credits or whatever some random Corse pilot wants in the Taus.
Your enemies are so few and far between it's not even funny. It's literally the Unione Corse, the Hogosha, the Xenos, Kusari Lawfuls, CR|, and...I dunno, can't think of any more, but I'm probably missing a few. Complaining that you're "hated on" by the rest of the galaxy is laughable, and even more so since you're complaining about it to XENOS. XENOS, the people who have FOUR FACTIONS that aren't -1.0 hostile to them.
To say that people are "jealous of junker popularity" is hilarious. It's literally the funniest thing I've seen all year. No, none of us are jealous. We're doing our inRP jobs. [UC] stop cardamine traffickers and Malta suppliers. GRN| stops any smuggling, period. Xenos kill Junkers.
"It's a fact that Junkers get targeted." It's also a fact that Lib Navy gets targeted. Rogues get targeted. Xenos get targeted to hell. Bretonians get targeted. EVERYONE gets targeted, because IN ROLEPLAY it says you should. I'm not going to be on my GRN| and say, "Oh, that BAF| might get his feelings hurt if I engage him, so I'll just fly off and eat some cheesecake on Leeds." No, I won't, I'll engage him, in a fair fight, win or lose, and that'll be it. Because that's how this game works. This game isn't powertrade simulator 24/7, it's a game simulating the politics and interactions between various factions. And get this - you're not some special little snowflake just because you mine scrap. There are people that hate you out there, in roleplay, and they're going to shoot you, or pirate you, or whatever.
And stop saying people are jealous. They're not, they're really not. It's admirable that you have such a high activity, that you bring so many new people into your faction, and you teach them how to play. That's really awesome. But if you come on the forums, complain that, because a total of like, three factions are trying to blow you up, because you can't listen to piracy demands and keep going through the same systems expecting things to change, you lose any credibility you might have had.
Now, let's get back to what this thread is -supposed- to be about: New faction. I like the idea, I see a lot of promise and a rebirth of Xeno activity. I look forward to playing along side you on XA- and every other faction, too!
(09-04-2014, 11:34 PM)|nfrared Wrote: Personally, I don't care how popular Junkers are. The idea behind this was to start a faction that would be right in the middle of the activity. Yes, Junkers will be a target. Why? Because they are plundering Liberty's resources just like any other foreign entity. Junkers have always been a target for Xenos, there's no point being upset about it now that someone has finally had the idea to make them pay for it.
I'm not upset i'm just exasperated at peoples attempts to come after Junkers all the time. You make it seem like what you're doing is the first time anyone's thought of it. "Finally had the idea to make them pay for it." Is wrong, should be "I have an idea many others have had so what the heck I'll give it a shot." Junkers aren't plundering Liberty's resources, we're cleaning up the mess left behind. Junkers area also not a foreign entity, Junkers have family everywhere, they are at home everywhere.
I have not seen a faction as much extorted as USI. Reasons, they are most active corporate trading faction that is pirated by unlawfuls.
Junkers are quasi lawfuls and less pirated than Zoners even.
Honestly, you cannot count harassment by lawfuls as piracy. It's roleplay repercussions for smuggling contraband and not dealing with criminals docking with bases in plain sight of lawfuls.
Well actually...
Junkers ARE foreign, its just they've been in Liberty so long most people tend to forget that they were the Gallic espionage tool for gathering intel on the rest of Sirius.
The saying "Ones trash is another's treasure" springs to mind too. Premium scrap is money leaving Liberty any way that you look at it. Also slave running targets the lower classes of society, likely Xeno families or sympathysers. I could think of more reasons but I don't really think I need to.
While the feedback has mainly centered around Junkers, I'd like to point out they aren't the only ones in danger. Anyone caught in a foreign trade vessel, or trading goods obviously across Liberty borders should be worried as well. As was previously mentioned, Xenos have very few allies and alot of factions outright hate them.