Diego seemed to anger a bit at the Inquisitor's words. The Maltese are a group so fractured and weak that their entire capital fleet consisted of a Ranseur each per familia and a few support vessels...and the Inquisitor wants to risk life and limb to capture a Gallic warship for no good reason.
He stood up, turning to the Inquisitor.
"Senora, you must not understand. If you are planning to...to sneak aboard this vessel, or to cripple it from the outside, or... whatever plan you might have, it's simply not feasible. The Gallics take an incredible amount of time in designing and protecting their warships - a batallion of marines aboard, security screening, and enhanced computer suites are all working against you here. And senora, if you really want to get another warship, perhaps you could...oh, I don't know, help build a Ranseur instead?"
He sat down, shaking his head silently. It's the blind leading the blind over here...
" I seem to recall the order going down for further warships to be built, and yet drydocks 02 and 06 remain for the most part empty. I'm glad to know our Chief Engineer is so concerned about others doing their jobs, almost as much as we are of him doing his. "
The room entered a brief stunned silence, everyone exchanging awkward glances with eachother.
Olmos finally broke the silence after several moments of staring off into space.
" You two can have your disagreement later. Isabel, what precisely are you suggesting?"
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
After a little thought, Isabel comes up with a plan.
"What about if we capture one of their transports heading to the Courbet, dock it with Cali base, spike everything with Cardamine and then send it back on its way, only with Outcasts piloting it?"
Diego sighed. If they're dumb enough to think this plan has any merit, he might as well keep them from killing themselves..
"If you want to do this, you can't just steal a transport. Even if they've not got security teams onboard, they'll at least have radio comms. You'll have to jam those first, and then break into the transport itself. Now, catching a lone transport isn't going to be easy, but they've gotten complacent over the years, so might have some luck..."
He paused for a moment. I should've stayed in the shop.
" Knowing the Gallics, security teams are almost a certainty. Dealing with an intercept of a naval transport is one problem... how precisely we 'adjust' their supplies is another we need to consider."
" Short term, high-dosage exposure is one possibility, it could leave the crew crippled and possibly even at odds with each other as they try to control their withdrawals.. but that's still a lot of un-controlled variables. Plus, we have to consider any and all auto-systems that could do the jobs of the crew for a time, were the stations to go un-manned.
We need a more definitive plan than 'spiking their supplies' as it were."
Espinosa concluded, standing as tall as her stature would allow at the head of the table, pondering the possible plans of attack while her gaze shifted over, back to Ramos.
Several around the room were contemplating the possibilities for a while before Olmos broke the silence.
" I'm sure Teniente Ramos--"
He said placing emphasis on the out-of-place rank
" --can come up with something a fair bit more solid and structured in a few days.
Erika, if you would, grant her full access to the patrol schedules, get her set up with a few squadrons from Cali and make sure they know this takes priority over patrol and raiding duties. We'll re-convene here, same time, in about 5 days then?"
Many of the others gathered paused, almost gawking at what was likely the most impromptu and informal promotion any of them had witnessed, before everyone began to file out for the recess.
The Cardinal approached Isabel as the others were departing:
" We'll hold the official knighting ceremonies and you can serve your vigil after the recess. The 4 oaths, you and I can do later tonight in the Tarixen cathedral. Right now, get us something concrete for this, si? "
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
"Si. Si... I will do what I can. I'll try and be back within the next few days then."
The conference was done, for now. Isabel had her assignment. She was the first one to stand, hanging her head low. The stress started to run though her veins until all of a sudden, she remembered something.
"Wait here!" She shouted to try and gather everyones attentions. "Hold on, I've just remembered about something!"
"On my patrols, I came across 3 Royal Navy transports under the names of Chaulieu, Granville and Val de Grace. Two Vaches and a Liner. Can you make anything out from these detailed reports?"
The Inquisitor, halfway out the door, paused and spun around, walking back in and tossing her satchel into the corner.
"What I can make out of them is that we have 3 very viable targets. You have access to the very same information that I do for their patrols. So you tell me, when should we hit them and with what, as well as how."
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.