(10-19-2014, 09:13 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Cool, the faction seems sound so go for it!
Good luck!
Ty very much for the feedback!
Yeah i certainly do hope I have covered everything that was jumbled up in my head.
Considering i reviewed it a bunch of times I think I am now happy with it.
(10-19-2014, 09:22 PM)Snak3 Wrote: So are you Junkers or Freelancers?
erm.... the write-up at the top says Freelancers.
This is what happened:
1 year ago or a bit more unofficial factions could choose more than one ID.
AFC chose Junker ID for the pirating out of house space and FL ID for the rest.
So then the rules switched not too long ago and now all factions, unofficial/official must use only 1 ID. Therefore after a long thought process and talking to a few admins about it we decided to go with FL ID and use the Bounty system to fill in the blanks for the rest.
So it is now FL IFF and FL ID
and since we did that might as well go for official B|