(11-10-2014, 07:58 PM)Pavel Wrote: I understand where is this coming from, but thing is, pros will keep being pros regardless do they use missiles in their current state or not.
- if we have return to guns vs guns situation, people who from various reasons don't spend an hour daily in conn are more or less excluded from this game. Various techniques to make up for their lack of skill will be ruthlessly combatted and ostracised as ganking, basehugging, botfeeding, shieldrunning and so on. Suffice to say that group is some 80% of this server.
- if pros in a sign of protest boycott missiles...well, it's their loss. Many people keep pointing out CMs are the way to go.
- if pros use missiles, in a mixed vs mixed loadout, in a duel they will win anyway.
Pros would win in guns vs guns scenario, and would win in a mixed loadout duel/fair fight case.
What missiles in their current form do, is making impossible situations when one pro player can butcher like Rambo entire swarms of noob/average opponents, scenario which is possible in a pure gun loadout snub fight.
And that is a very, very good thing, speaking from general server-wide perspective, to prevent such Rambo-like situations from happening.
P.S. I remember similar drama about turret zoom when it was introduced, also coming mostly from skilled snub pvpers.
Good post.
My point above was referring to the fact that missiles are unbalanced. However, they give the key feature to snubs for less skilled players that make them worthwhile to fly at all. I use missiles because I'm not good in snubs. But tbh, even though my missile is kind of OP, I can still get wrecked.
Ergo, I just use gunboats or caps <3
Please inform me next time you see one of these "pros" ingame slaughtering people, because I haven't seen exactly many of those around lately.
That being said, the point of missiles being the pro-slayers becomes moot, when you consider none of the culprits are actually spending a lot of time on disco.
And then all that's left are a couple of "normal" people claiming missiles are balanced and a couple, who oppose, ladder of which are backed up by the majority of "pros", who recognize that missiles are not balanced for the gun slot they're currently in.
You could make them CD/Torp slot exclusive, maybe that's a good compromise.
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An issue that's not been brought up yet, I believe, is that missiles also strongly encourage / support / improve the effectiveness of ganking. Essentially, if all ships have missiles, there's no way in hell three players can beat five (as long as it isn't literally the biggest skill difference ever seen on discovery freelancer, anyways).
Ganking was popular enough before missiles were designed to further encourage that sort of behavior, if you ask me.
Although, as has been said before, people have likely noticed that the majority of the more avid PvPers have left the server in the last few months.
(11-10-2014, 10:20 PM)Haste Wrote: An issue that's not been brought up yet, I believe, is that missiles also strongly encourage / support / improve the effectiveness of ganking. Essentially, if all ships have missiles, there's no way in hell three players can beat five (as long as it isn't literally the biggest skill difference ever seen on discovery freelancer, anyways).
Ganking was popular enough before missiles were designed to further encourage that sort of behavior, if you ask me.
Although as has been said before, people have likely noticed that the majority of the more avid PvPers have left the server in the last few months.
Maybe if missiles were balanced to be useful in 1v1s, but poor in group fights, that could solve the problem?
What, you mean like big, slow missiles which do loads of damage and are easy to hit on jousters but have poor tracking, and are therefore kinda useless in groupfights?
I currently see no problems with the missiles at this time. *shrug* Counter-Measures I hear work wonders in deterring Missile-Spam, but in any case that is just my position, if there really IS a problem I'm sure the folks working on weapons balance can look at the stats and see if there is truly a need to nerf them.
There is some problem with CMs that happens fairly often to me.
The last time, I was trying to avoid a GB missile and the CM was completely useless. It was set to auto-fire, launched a long string of maybe 20 flares, yet the missile still tracked and hit.
It also happens frequently if I forget the CM on and some NPC fires Javelins.
Due to this effect, CMs are quite useless against players, for me.