(09-13-2014, 05:26 PM)aerelm Wrote: It's planned to be a civilian ship openly available to everyone, most likely sold on some Freeports or other mostly-neutral bases.
so available to also to a freelancer jumper? Sounds good to me
honestly i think barges should be SRP only and stay that way.
making them available to everyone is just going to make the same massive pitfall as player owned bases.
and that is simply its an 'endgame' vessel which is available without any really trouble and also secretly has several dozen massive overbearing faults in design and implementation which will get the user griefed and most likely so mad they will leave the game.
groups of new players fall for the player owned base stuff all the time, "YEA LETS MAKE ONE GUYS!" so they get a bunch of friends without realising that if you go against the grain here you will immediately suffer 3rd degree toxicity burns, all the hard work will suddenly appear to be a collossal waste of time and goodbye even more new players with big ideas.
End game equipment needs to be SRP only to prevent the inevitable loss of players through having things be TOO accessable.