I. Background
Barrier Gate Navy, or BGN, is a small private military company that was created to secure business and defence around the Barrier Gate Station. Despite called themselves Navy, the BGN is nothing more than a bunch of Freelancers who share the very same goal - the defence of their shady haven and to prevent issues between both traders and unlawfuls around the station.
However, with arrival of the Colonials, the Barrier Gate Station became the thorn in the newcomer's eye, as the station itself was also a stop for various smugglers and pirates, who either bring the black market goods or look for safe place to stay while being harassed by the law authorities. This fact would become the main issue between George Tinsley's men and newcomers to the Coronado, who seemingly do not like smugglers and pirates in the space claimed - one-sidedly - by them.
II. Directives
1. The BGN is a quasi-lawful organization, whose role is to bring passive security the Barrier Gate Station's business.
2. The BGN, despite having shady contacts with the underworld in Liberty, is not meant to pirate or impose taxes or fines.
3. The BGN is a passive security to both lawful and unlawful contracts and vessels - and neither piracy nor bounty hunting is allowed around the base.
5. Colonial Military vessels are excluded from the 5-K radius around the base, as claimed in the Colonial law.
6. No vessel around Barrier Gate Station would be harmed, unless the vessel is a threat to the vessels around or the vessel itself.
III. Zone of Interest
Primary: 5-K area around Barrier Gate Station, Cortez JH, Baffin JH.
Secondary: Coronado, Baffin, Cortez.
Tertiary: Tau 29, Magellan.*
*Only in case of emergency.
IV. Diplomacy There are no true enemies to the Barrier Gate Station, unless a group breaks the neutrality of the base; the forementioned laws will be broken; the open assault over Barrier Gate Station and/or Barrier Gate Navy will take place.
Vessels of these groups has special status around Barrier Gate Station:
- Bretonian Privateers*
* Can enter only for repairs or rearm - also they will hunt neither lawfuls nor unlawfuls in Coronado, in exception of the Gallic Royal Navy Invasion and their allies.
Vessels of these groups are not welcomed around Barrier Gate Station:
- Bounty Hunters Guild*
- House Militaries*
- Liberty Security Force**
* These groups may distrupt the neutality between lawfuls and unlawfuls.
** This also applies to any spies and privateers working for the Houses (exceptions above).
Vessels of these groups are considered hostile:
- Gallic Royal Navy*
* This group is claimed hostile by default, as GRN will not honor any other but the Gallic law.
V. Identification Codes
Tag: BGN)
Used IFF: Freelancer
Markings: Freelancer ID
Barrier Gate station represents two things, both inrp and oorp
oorp, its a station where unlawful ID\IFF's can setup ships with better than baseline equipment for ships. It represents a docking point that is neutral, regardless of ID or IFF combination. Much like a freeport, but better in terms of equipment\ships sold
Second, inrp, it provides a station for people who consider themselves Freelancers - but also Merc's, and Smugglers, and basically anyone in between. In much the same way, its like a Freeport, but it has literally no law.
Untill CR| came along, BGS always had some sort of unwritten rule that no one would attack each other around it. I've had lawful characters sit side by side in space with pirates, and never had to worry about things. Thats just the culture of the place.
In my opinion, that doesn't need to change. BGS and the Barrier Nebula doesn't need to be a shooting gallery.
Quote:Untill CR| came along, BGS always had some sort of unwritten rule that no one would attack each other around it. I've had lawful characters sit side by side in space with pirates, and never had to worry about things. Thats just the culture of the place.
The factual goal of the BGN (or BGM, Barrier Gate Militia in the future) is to prevent Colonials from poking fingers into Barrier Gate Station business, as they hunt out smugglers and stuff in Coronado.
We need to choose one thing: what ID should we use? As Freelancer ID, we can escort EVERY vessel from Baffin to Cortez. But Pirate ID would allow BGN to enforce their own law, whilst Freelancer ID cannot act unless 1) attacked first, 2) the escorted vessel has been attacked (but pay is needed).
Registering Freelancer ID on unlawful BB is a workaround, but it would be very questionable though, yet everything would be good to the letter.
First of all I like the name Barrier Gate Militia a lot better as that fits what you are trying to do more. Second of all if you can find an unlawful bounty board of a faction that uses the Coronado route a lot to smuggle it would actually make a lot of sense as you can kinda roleplay that you are being funded by some of the factions that want to keep the route smuggler friendly.
It would break immersion a lot if every time you need to attack someone you will have to mention a bounty on them,i suggest using the pirate ID and maybe in the feature switch back if you want,after you manage to create contracts with other faction and add a special bounty board for your faction/or atleast a mention in their own..
However that will be hard to do,keep it simple,pirate id
People want to believe that God has a plan for them.
They don't wanna believe that anyone else does..
That point is true, although using a pirate ID might cause issues if Diplomacy with lawful factions is ever needed. I could see some factions willing to work around the ID while others might just be "pirate kill". Just something to keep in mind
Militia sounds much more descriptive than Navy...but then again, a bunch of space gun nuts can style themselves whatever they want...The Barrier Gate Kingdom Defence Of Justice Force, anyone?
As far as ID goes, I believe freelancers can act on an as-needed escort contract hashed out in game between the relevant parties, which would pretty much cover any smugglers you needed to protect.
As for driving the Colonials out of the space they decided not to claim...don't the outcasts have blanket bounties on Colonials? That would give you your rules-specific causus belli, while you can RP it as a "get out of our space or we'll shoot you" thing...or maybe even "if you get out of our space, we WON'T collect these bounties" thing.
Of course, whatever ID you select, you'll have to "interpret" the roleplay to fit in with the server rules, as what you're attempting falls outside of the cookie-cutter faction mould.
(12-21-2014, 07:57 AM)Loki557 Wrote: That point is true, although using a pirate ID might cause issues if Diplomacy with lawful factions is ever needed. I could see some factions willing to work around the ID while others might just be "pirate kill". Just something to keep in mind
You won't find any lawfuls in coronado/near barrier gate,unless they are camping the npc base/JHs to shoot quasilawfuls(smuglers,junkers,etc) or unlawfuls ,but hey..isn't that one of the reason you made the faction? to protect them from those kind of individuals?
As for diplomacy,history shown that it can be done with a pirate id (VR/NO) a faction that even went official..but that's not the only option,you could try to use two tags like the junker group T&T or whatever was the tag name (one for their FL id and one for their junker mining vessels ) so you could have F-BGN) for pirate id to enforce your 'laws' and BGN) for your freelancers id for diplomacy and escorting..
Quote:Vessels of these groups are not welcomed around Barrier Gate Station:
- Bounty Hunters Guild*
- Liberty Security Force
- Corsairs (a.k.a. Corsair Empire)
- House Militaries*
* These groups may distrupt the neutality between lawfuls and unlawfuls.
i don't think you should prohibit corsairs vessels from docking on the base,it's the only base they can use in that region,whether is for equipment,smuggling or just a place to dock when they pirate in the borderworlds..
People want to believe that God has a plan for them.
They don't wanna believe that anyone else does..
About the ID: it depends probably on what you want to focus on.
If you want to focus on cooperating with guests of Barrier Gate Station you'd probably choose the Freelancer ID. Btw I don't think you specifcally need to be -paid- to be able to escort someone. A simple agreement should be enough. I personally wouldn't pay for it anyways, since you should be paid by George Tinsley inrp already, just like any other "law enforcement" is already paid by their employer inrp.
If you want to actively cause trouble to the Colonials and want to "force" people to accept being escorted, you could take the pirate ID and demand from people to stay close to you as your piracy demand until you escorted them through Coronado.
Yeah I personally agree with Hannibal comment on the Corsairs should be able to dock at least until they actually do something to warrant being kicked out. I am saying this as a member of an OC faction as well... wouldn't mind having a heated insult match with a sair outside of Barrier and seeing if either of us breaks and opens fire.