One of the biggest mistakes we've made with the POB plugin is that the items they produce remain within the circulation until the player market is saturated enough that nobody makes them anymore.
As some of you remember, Cannon promised that equipment such as Cloaks, JDs and Scanners would have a 10% chance to drop off upon death in order to prevent market saturation. This never happened, because he forgot to enable the plugin responsible for it and by the time the mistake was found, many players already were using these cloaks and suddenly changing the rules would result in major qq.
I highly suggest we start using POBs for consumables in order to kick up their usage. Due to the new cloak system change, where the cloak ''fuel'' will now be placed within the ammo compartment, I think that would be a good place to start.
Ammo for missiles and top-tech mines could also be a thing. The more consumables we can attach to POBs the more activity they will see.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I like the idea of something valuable that will have to be rebuilt, again and again. If it´s not the cloak itself, let it be the fuel.
I know that many players call supplying a PoB "the grind" and look down on it, but for some who don´t have the hardware or the skill for PvP it´s fun.
Sure, you can fly and trade ... but after a while you have more money that you need, and it starts getting senseless.
A PoB gives you a REASON to fly in that case, gives you some goal to attain.
Another 20.000 units needed for this ... oh my god, and another 5.000 of that...
If the stuff produced would then be used up and gone after a while - either by falling of and being destroyed or by being a consumeable commoditiy from the start this would also ensure a reason for Interaction between non- PoB Pilots and PoB traders.
If you build something once and it´s done its not as " valuable " as something you need to ceep stocked again and again.
It´s time and effort that makes something valuable, not really the amount of credits you have to put into it.
Another suggestion would be some sort of reactive armour : takes up cargo space and IS DESTROYED with the damage it deflects.
(01-02-2015, 06:43 AM)FynnMcScrap Wrote: Another suggestion would be some sort of reactive armour : takes up cargo space and IS DESTROYED with the damage it deflects.
I like this. armor thats stronger than existing armors, but is a finite thing that can only be "rebuilt" from a POB.
(01-02-2015, 06:43 AM)FynnMcScrap Wrote: Another suggestion would be some sort of reactive armour : takes up cargo space and IS DESTROYED with the damage it deflects.
I like this. armor thats stronger than existing armors, but is a finite thing that can only be "rebuilt" from a POB.
This would indeed push the usage/value of PoB along with the Fuel. But now you need to find a PoB each time you come from Conn
I believe the idea of Jumpdrives and Cloaks being destroyed upon death was a concept which was going to be implamented, but for some reason the code liked discarding them more than they should. -- It hasn't been worked on since. Perhaps a major point to be re-implamented for the next patch. (The goodies are stacking up!)
-- Lets see what the Dev team can do. They have a lot of work currently otherwise, but this indeed does seem to be something which should be addressed.
I don't think the idea of 'moneysink', just like the idea of 'noobtube', is all that warranted in gaming. I know both are 'established truths', but I am not entirely convinced that they foster more (positive) activity, nor that the noobtube necessarily makes PVP games more welcoming to the new/skill-less players. If a game is good enough, activity will be a given no matter what you can sink your credits into. I was pretty active at a time, and trading had nothing to do with it: I was active because the game was fun to play and offered a lot of surprises and unpredictability with each encounter. If a moneysink is crucial, then lower profit from trading and/or up the price on ships and weapons.
So no, please don't force any more of the game over on POB's. Just don't. Don't make cloaks destructible as they were supposed to be, it will just create more tedious POB grind and more tedious bases. I'm not opposed to the idea of the gear randomly going poof upon death, I'm opposed to the idea of more forced (bad) POB activity. If you make cloaks and jd's available at NPC bases, then sure by all means introduce the 10 percent destruction-upon-destruction risk.
How about using POB´s as "Ship & Equipment Repair" stations. Instead of a manufacturing plant for Cloaks or Jumpdrives, a player could choose to install a "Repair" module on his/her POB.
The in-game damage that POB build Items such as Cloaks and Jump Drives (Reactive Armour ect ect) recieve during gameplay could be repaired on these Modules and ONLY on these Modules. As long as the Base is stocked up on ship repair commodities, a player could dock on a POB and have his Cloak and JumpDrives fixed, before they get destroyed by damage or wear and tear.
The POB could charge a price for the repairs. Players who like maintaining and RPing POB owners, would have a revenue stream that is born out of damage and repair of items and less on how saturated the market is for a particular item.
(I hope I made myself clear...29hours of work over the New Year, 6 hours of sleep..Im still abit Fuzzy)
(01-02-2015, 11:58 AM)oZoneRanger Wrote: How about using POB´s as "Ship & Equipment Repair" stations. Instead of a manufacturing plant for Cloaks or Jumpdrives, a player could choose to install a "Repair" module on his/her POB.
The in-game damage that POB build Items such as Cloaks and Jump Drives (Reactive Armour ect ect) recieve during gameplay could be repaired on these Modules and ONLY on these Modules. As long as the Base is stocked up on ship repair commodities, a player could dock on a POB and have his Cloak and JumpDrives fixed, before they get destroyed by damage or wear and tear.
The POB could charge a price for the repairs. Players who like maintaining and RPing POB owners, would have a revenue stream that is born out of damage and repair of items and less on how saturated the market is for a particular item.
(I hope I made myself clear...29hours of work over the New Year, 6 hours of sleep..Im still abit Fuzzy)
Do you mean to replace a manufacture plant or have the repair station apart/along it?
I realize that this is not where the thread was originally heading, but I would suggest that the POBs get modules for making upgrade or value added commodities.
You could do things like Fertilizer + Seeds = Coffee. This way, the base produces something that is a consumable and unique, since the commodities in question would not be things that are available on NPC bases.
This would broaden the use of POBs without significantly changing the power dynamic. It could also give the factions the ability to fulfill aspects of their lore by giving them the ability, Cryer for example, to make their products.