I assume Freeport 11 somehow is not in your liking. Omicron 74 is as well home to awful lot of warlike hobos we make training practices of once in a while as they dare to leave docks of their own installations and are bold enough to display correct IFF of their organisation.
There are two potential port available, both located one jump away from Omicron Delta. Omicron Zeta, our protectorate runs on more relaxed rules than systems we deem "home" or otherwise are important strategically. First installation is our own fortress which purpose is to enforce our military presence. Second installation is authorized Phoenix base, should they wish to let you in (not a freeport).
In any of above, we ask to no use any of the jumpholes present other than Omicron Delta access until approved by Command and respect any instructions Order patrols might have. Other standard matters such as not bringing uninvited guests are common sense.
Thank you for swift reply. I have already sent our operative to Omicron Zeta. His name is Diavolo. I am more than confident he will handle this flawlessly. Anyway, I will be in touch.
I wanted to inform you that the mission for which I required base of operations in the Omicron region is completed. It is unlikely you will see any of our operatives in your part of the universe any time soon. While returning to Liberty our operative has encountered three vessels belonging to infected Kusarians in Sigma-17. They have fought GMG forces there and later engaged Blood Dragon wing in Sigma-19. I suggest you should, if you haven't already, use your contacts within these two organizations to gather more information on Wilde activity within Kusari and the Sigma region. We have also spotted ships with similar energy signatures in Galileo, Shikoku and New Tokyo before. As always in such encounters we have maintained safe distance. I hope you will be able to use this information to fully assess threat represented by our common enemy.
It has been quite some time since we last conversed. I am afraid I bring you some troubling news.
We have recently noticed an increased Nomad activity within Liberty. This activity has a tendency to be highly spontaneous and uncoordinated, while the encounters range from hostile through indifferent to even moderately friendly. Several days ago I have encountered a non-aggressive morph in Badlands. The same entity attacked our two Bactrians in Cortez just two days later completely unprovoked. The same morph was spotted in Alberta by Airdrie Interceptor, while just two days ago during Mr Nick Nack's operation two different morphs showed hostileattitude at Pennsylvania Gate near Badlands in New York. I have been told that Mr Yoshida along with Mr Trigger have encountered a Nomad battleship accompanied by several smaller specimen in New York, while Mr Nick Nack has reported another sighting of a Nomad Cruiser. Yesterday, during our harassment of the new LPI base at Fort Bush another morph has helped us during combat, while today with the help of Mr Trigger and Mr Scorpius I have put an end to a Nomad cruiser stalking me for past couple days in Badlands.
I attach several surveillance logs for you to get a proper picture of what is happening. For obvious reasons the surveillance shows only what is happening in my cockpit. Nomad activity within New York Badlands is at least troubling. I think it would be wise to send several agents to the region to fully assess the situation.
Also, since many of my operatives have come recently into contact with Nomads and it will most likely remain so for at least near future I do need to implement an up to date solution to scan all of our people on a regular basis for a possibility of an alien infestation.
Can you help with that?
Kind regards,
Nicole Hunter
Surveillance log: New York, Badlands, The Superbomber, 15th August
Nicole Hunter enables internal recording and inhales a dose of Cardamine. Then she activates an analog barrier which disengages most systems except lifer support and engines. Nicole Hunter: What news do you bring? Nicole Hunter enables self-destruction mechanism and resets its timer once it reaches several seconds. Nicole Hunter: We weaken the Liberty Navy for our own interests not yours. Nicole Hunter: Mr Scorpius, please maintain 5 click distance. Vladimir Scorpius: Yes, Professor. Nicole Hunter: If my bio-scan will turn out to be uncertain you have the right to terminate me. So what brings a specimen of K'Hara to me? Nicole Hunter shakes and starts to breath very deeply to regain control. She then targets the Nomad cruiser, locks on it and unleashes its entire Supernova potential. Nicole Hunter: Stop now! Stop! Stop! Nicole Hunter looks like it required a great determination for her to say anything before she calms down. Nicole Hunter: We have a stalemate here. A balance of power. Nicole Hunter: It is your existence will cease here if you try to invade my mind again. You cannot be certain whether your minion will manage to destroy me on time without your support. Nicole Hunter: A balance of power and risk on both sides. A situation your kind rarely sees. Nicole Hunter: Now, what news do you bring? Was it Miss Corino who sent you after me? Or you are just an expression of the Hive's curiosity about this weapon? Nicole Hunter: Indeed, it is a technology level you have never achieved. Another argument for your limitations. Nicole Hunter: Its source lies in Omega-5. Ronneburg, it is the name of it. This I can tell you. Nicole Hunter: Now you need to pay the price for this information. My scanners detected a Cardamine of the highest purity. I think it would be proper for you to give them me. As an apology for intruding my mind and as a payment for the information. Nicole Hunter quickly opens an encrypted channel to an Order operative within the System. Nicole Hunter: Good evening. Are you looking maybe for a quite large blue jelly? Prim Claark: Alright, I am free. Nicole Hunter: Do you have more operatives available for a gunboat class ship? Prim Claark: I'm only available agent in this region but I can try and gather more people, Hacker. Nicole Hunter: Lost it. The gunboat cloaked and cruised away. Prim Claark: Last known location? Nicole Hunter: Sector D7. Prim Claark: Alright, entering Badlands.
Surveillance log: New York, Badlands, Nicole Hunter's Rapier, 25th December
Nicole Hunter: Reveal yourself.
Nicole Hunter: You surely have access to the Hive's knowledge about myself.
Nicole Hunter: So you are a juvenile form. What is your purpose?
Nicole Hunter: You should know that my knowledge about your kind is above standard.
Nicole Hunter: And I know very well that this "peaceful nature" is only a temporary trait.
Nicole Hunter: Perform following thought process. There is Entity A, B and C. Entity A and B have an alliance. Entity A is aggressive, while B is lenient. B meets C and knows B is allied with A. C is wise. What C's stance towards B supposed to be considering it's wise?
Nicole Hunter: Please elaborate. Why neutrality is the best long term strategy.
Nicole Hunter: Good argument.Indeed trying to get as much information from you would make me better prepared for what is to come at some point. This approach makes sense for you as well. Though I must say that it would be in both yours and mine best interest to feed each other with misinformation.
Nicole Hunter: Cannot argue with that. However, flaws are the motor of our evolution. In constant struggle we are forged.
Nicole Hunter: As far as I know your kind did not evolve at all for centuries. You remained exactly as you were created. Accumulated experience though your "species" for a lack of better word stayed the same.
Nicole Hunter: Really? Wasn't the war that broke away over two decades ago a best example of a scenario when a change should be in order? Perfection of replication is at the same time a curse of stagnancy.
Surveillance log: New York, Badlands, Mactan Retaliator, 1st January
Nicole Hunter: You may reveal yourself now.
Nicole Hunter: You are certainly an adult specimen. Though you are far smaller than the Harbinger.
Nicole Hunter: Do not try to subdue me. Nicole Hunter instructs her crew to initiate highest security protocol and inhales another dose of Cardamine. Nicole Hunter: I do have a different view on what enlightenment is.
Nicole Hunter: I do understand that you're linked with the juvenile specimen of your kind I encountered several days ago.
Nicole Hunter: I believe I am capable of comprehending you regardless.
Nicole Hunter: Two standard solar days ago a kin of yours attacked me and our initiate near Pennsylvania Gate in this system.
Nicole Hunter: Three standard solar days ago another of your kin attacked two of our Bactrians in Cortez unprovoked, when they were trying to avoid any contact and withdraw.
Nicole Hunter: So you insist that our purpose is to entertain you or die?
Nicole Hunter: As far as I've been told they were conducting operations completely unrelated to your presence and decided to withdraw on your first sight. What is your rationale for this hostility?
Nicole Hunter: Similarly to your juvenile form pilot of Airdire Interceptor lacks our greater understanding.
Nicole Hunter: I hope you understand the concept of equality. I lack the same with regard to pilot of Airdire Interceptor as you towards being you called Enki.
Nicole Hunter: The problem is that you are in no power to do so. You can guarantee lack of aggression neither of your "lesser forms" nor the "greater ones". Am I mistaken?
Nicole Hunter: Indeed - we do understand the potential of Cardamine. This does not mean we intend to become your slaves or that we appreciate what some of our dear Maltese allies have done in the past.
Nicole Hunter: Are you capable of speaking on behalf of entire of your Hive? Nicole Hunter quickly contacts Leiden Retaliator on secure channel. Trigger: Should I approach you under cloak? Nicole Hunter: Yes, and uncloak near me. Trigger: Alright, going under cloak. Nicole Hunter: Your general stance towards our species and your previous deeds do not suggest it would be in our best interest to stay indifferent. Answer yourself a question. Our long term goals are not convergent. More so, we view you as a grave threat which indeed you are. You do not ally with someone who planned to annihilate you in the past and is not doing it now only because of temporary weakness.
Nicole Hunter: I have heard it so many times. The specimen Enki was also indifferent in the past but suddenly decided to change his stance. We have learned enough about you to know who you are and what you do and what you are capable of. For the time being your infiltrators amongst the government and military forces are the biggest threat. You are weakened and as long as you stay in the deep Omicrons we will be indifferent to you.
Nicole Hunter: We will be even indifferent to you here in Liberty. As long as you do what we have done with regard to you - avoid us. To send you this message - to avoid us - we will destroy this corporal "husk" as you call it.
Nicole Hunter: Be on your way "Spirit". Open fire. Vladimir Scorpius: Totally logical.
Trigger: Roger that, I am going in.
I received your transmission, reviewed your intel and passed it on to our respective intelligence division.
Nomad activity in Liberty is not inherent because of considerable distance from their permanent staging grounds. If they made appearance in your House, it is obvious they seek to further their plans against our race. There is no question about denying our assistance with your problem - we will send over additional operatives for more active duty patrols, as well relocate more personnel to the region with necessary equipment to handle situation at hand. I assume that Mactan and other major Hacker installations will be capable of accommodating our reinforced presence by default from now on.
One important matter we have to discuss are your personal attempts of interrogating a Nomad specimens. While infestation through indirect contact is plain said: physically impossible, continued exposure to communicating K'Hara pose risk of not fully understood side effects on your psyche. Ever since our organization begun regular confrontations against Nomad invaders, more and more of our own pilots suffered from what we simply call Nomad Indoctrination. Effects and symptoms vary depending on strength of your will and extended contacts with aliens. I recommend you to report to one of our medical personnel should you hear faint whispers. Stage 1 symptoms are best diagnosed when relaxed and in tranquil separation from everything else. Cardamine users may consider using dose of the narcotic for better 'reception' should it prove necessary.
I did not expect you will sendyourtwoagents so quickly. Unfortunately, our meeting in Colorado yesterday was disrupted by a large group of bloodthirsty Navy lackwits. One of your vessels was destroyed, while the other ran. This was a clear sign for us to disappear as well. Shortly after I was approached by the old friend of ours, ThreeWinds. If even Three Winds is in Liberty, then something big is going to happen soon.
Naturally, our bases in Magellan, Ontario and Galileo are open to your ships. Obviously, under no circumstances you can endanger our plausible deniability. While using our bases your operatives will be required to maintain low profile, avoid detection and make no contact with our dear allies, the Outcasts, whatsoever. As for your base of operations I suggest Cochrane Depot in Ontario due to its close proximity to both Bretonia and Kusari corridors as well as easy access to New York. I am not sure what are your current relations with the Liberty Rogues, but if you wish, I might try to arrange something so you could once again use Buffalo, if it is not the case now.
We are eagerly awaiting a shipment of your new infectee detectors as well your presence in Liberty.
Kind regards,
Nicole Hunter
P.S. Thank you for your concern regarding my sanity. Be sure though that if I ever start hearing voices there will certainly be a kind Lane Hacker there to treat me out of this disease through the most successful cure ever discovered - a superheated plasma bolt to the head.
Our forces are allocated along the Liberty-Kusari border, shipping necessary equipment to Leiden. Short of trusted Blood Dragon pilots, none know of our presence in and around dark matter clouds. There is however... abnormality that you unknowingly reported... Two supposed Order operatives are not known to Order Overwatch. Broken IFF signals and presence of alien technology not issued to even our most advanced prototypes leads us to conclusion that you were mislead by The Wild. Next time you see them or those alike, do us a favor and apprehend / kill if not co-operating. Their vessels - while of Order make - are outdated very heavy fighters with a flaw in their shielding systems decreasing their survivability.
I will be honest with you: We fell to a D9 false flag operation and now they know about our co-operation. It has not impended our assault yet, my best agents managed to recover several examples of alien materials. It was made certain that LSF will never get their hands on samples in question. Specific orders have been issued to lower chances of hampering our further advances into Liberty space should D9 act out on information revealed to them. Our equipment will be allocated to each major Hacker base by 19th. Agents Valkyrie and Hellion are in charge.