I'm not particularly biased either way, I am a member of some official factions but I mostly consider myself an indie. I don't really have a part in all of that per se.
BUT I think it is in order that someone asks the fundamental question that to my knowledge hasn't been raised before: Why?
Why should official factions receive extra perks? Is it to encourage people to join factions, and are we thereby saying that any player is a boon to a faction no matter what? Would a faction really be interested in members only joining for superior gear/rights/whatever?
Is it because Official Faction players are to be trusted with more powers and rights than regular Joes, and if that is the case, howcome there are no objective criteria to join an official faction, to somehow prove that you are a "better" player?
Well one way of looking at it is that official factions can be held responsible for their actions, also official faction members need to actually work to get stuff, ex. indie buys a cap, sets his own rank and as long as he follows server rules/ID they are good, officials on the other hand have to work to rank up to use certain equipment, so maybe they should get some perks...
So are we saying that any member is a good member, and that the faction with the most players is the best?
Aren't we just diluting the official faction system?
I can name quite a few current official factions that produce roleplay, activity and in-game attitude that is far below that of indie groups in the past. Are official faction perks really fair, and moreover are they even desirable for responsible faction players when looking at the broader picture?
Indies have one huge perk that official factions don't. It's freedom. Freedom to play within ID rules and role the way you want without any responsibility or accountability.
If official factions have something different from indi then it makes a difference on being an indi and being member of official faction also people work really to make official factions they deserve to have upper hand then indis
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
Why shouldn't they perk? They're the Officials itself, don't you know?
They have more right than indies. They're more pros than indies. They're more respected than indies. They're much better PLAYERS of this game. Isn't that enough?
I do not beleive that official factions should have more than one simple perk- admin approval to evolve their respective NPC faction as Disco and the Lore moves on.
Nothing else.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Official factions are held to more accountability than indies, so it only makes sense that they get something out of it. Why join a faction when I can just go indie with more rights and freedom?
I'm not even in an official faction either, so you can't call me biased.
(01-05-2015, 05:23 PM)Tutashkhia Wrote: Why shouldn't they perk? They're the Officials itself, don't you know?
They have more right than indies. They're more pros than indies. They're more respected than indies. They're much better PLAYERS of this game. Isn't that enough?
Was that sarcasm cause gank squads can't handle our GB power XD.