I'll be shifting old ideas here for a more appropriate place to discuss. Please keep the thread on-topic by adding your own perk suggestions or assessing others, rather than protesting the entire premise. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, so feel free to continue that discussion in another thread.
Disclaimer: These are personal ideas and not guaranteed or signed off on by the admins or devs. However, even though they're undecided, there's no reason why there can't be feedback and suggestions. If community members don't want to be prescribed changes without consultation, it doesn't hurt to meet the staff halfway.
• Battleship POBs - official military factions can construct stationary battleships at key locations to keep conflicts dynamic, giving some tangible impact to organizing activity in contested regions. This will probably require extensive review, but after years of POB review and feedback, the admins have a pretty good handle on what's sensible.
• Stipend - monthly allowance of credits (eg. 500mil, but can be raised/lowered based on faction, so trade factions get fewer credits) for the sole purpose of purchasing ships for members, paying out bounties, fines, fees, etc. To prevent abuse (eg. embezzling funds for personal use), factions will need to do some basic accounting. Funds are use-it-or-lose-it and not carried over to prevent embezzling and extreme accumulation for factions with few expenses.
• Gear - Eg. Armor, CODENAMES, etc. to a preassigned ship of choice to avoid selling/transfer, especially to reflect work done on reinforcements, innovations, blooded crews, etc.. Alternatively, this can take the place of a stipend, so factions choose whether to mount or liquidate them based on their needs.
• Commodity events - current system is unstructured. Official factions will have the ability to choose commodities to receive a buff. Some possible duration and frequency: monthly for entire month; monthly for 2 weeks; monthly for 1 week; bi-weekly.
• Supply events - use of the event plugin to arrange for supply events (# of goods sold to an NPC station are actually tracked by a counter). Rewards TBD. Like commodity events, duration and frequency might need some trial-and-error.
n00bl3t Wrote: Battleship POB doesn't raise flags in my head.
No idea what the devs and admins have in mind, but since stations can take multiple forms, there's potential for dynamic stations or reflecting a change in ownership of contested space. These can be built and stocked on the fly without having to dig through the complex process of actually having to add assets to the base files, balance trade routes, add ship sell points, etc. They can be stocked with bonus items - expensive commodities, CODENAMES, armor in order to reward the victors while it lasts.
If it works and lasts, perhaps they can be a request for a permanent station.
n00bl3t Wrote: Stipend sounds bad for primary trade factions. Especially how much it is. It'd be nice to know you could have recruitment funds though. Perhaps like a tax return system where you list what you bought for X member and then claim it back through Admins?
Stipends can be adjusted at different "levels" based on what a faction does, but the refund system sounds good too by simplifying.
n00bl3t Wrote: There's a few official factions. Do all of them pick a commodity together? Or two each? That's a lot of buffs.
Would honestly need to see what a reasonable expectation is of admin time and trade balance. Perhaps 1 per house? Maybe rotate factions, though periods with holidays or exams may mean unequal activity.
n00bl3t Wrote: Supply events sound quite cool. Especially wehn linked to commodity buffs. For instance The Order needs microprocessors because of X roleplay event. Buff for microprocessors delivered to Evora for Y amount of time. Would need a lot of coordination. Would be nice to have game masters more so than Administrators for this, but it could work.
Even making other perks depend on events and encouraging inter-faction cooperation for rewards. As it gets more elaborate, it'll certainly take more time. Eg. in order to restore a jump gate, tradelane network, or "capture" contested territory, one group of factions or a house have to supply of X materials to a nearby base - preexisting or spawned. This will require a mix of traders and fighters. And yeah, having more volunteers to help with the legwork so we can support more events would be great.
By creating these events, we can move beyond forumlancing between a few in order to (possibly) determine the outcome of a territorial shift, base change, etc., instead allowing official and independent faction members alike to take an active in-game role in determining how things play out.
Most of these ideas so far have been in the form of direct material rewards, but if separate official faction IDs are implemented, it's possible to have things such as faster adjustment to tech/shipnerfs in response to RP, rephacks, and ZOI adjustments.
If these changes are tested with official factions and prove to work well, there's nothing stopping the staff from extending them to independent users of the ID as well. So let's change the paradigm - rather than viewing it as a disparate system of haves and have-nots, for those who have no intention of joining an official faction: what changes would you like to see the official factions be a test dummy for?
Edit: Making this more concise to save our eyesight
I'd love to see an ease on the sort of ID line that official factions would be allowed to use on their IDs.
It'd also be pretty cool if official factions could get perks related to FLHook...
(01-17-2015, 07:58 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I'd love to see an ease on the sort of ID line that official factions would be allowed to use on their IDs.
It'd also be pretty cool if official factions could get perks related to FLHook...
Any specific examples on what you'd like to see for factions - yours or others?
I like that idea of rebates for helping equip new faction members with basic ships and equipment.
Though only in the case of new players who dont have the funds to equip themselves.
The idea of a stipend? if you could get payments which could then be used to finance Large scale RP (like funds to pay shippers and traders to haul commodities for construction of a ship/base/etc),
I think that could be very handy. Of course, as you mentioned, adjuster per what the faction does. Could even be an RP tool in and of itself (for house militaries could call it operating budget)
I also like the idea of quicker responses to RP developments (ie technerf, rephacks and so on.)
Perhaps the potential to be able to get a new NPC base to be put in at a proper, admin approved location and achieving that through Construction RP. (proper, believable RP reasoning as well of course.)
- i raise this, because the idea of a shipyard in Baffin for TAZ is very appealing
Another thing - personally, I feel that these shouldn't all be an automatic given just by virtue of being an official faction. Perhaps they can be presented as a menu of options and only obtained by satisfying RP, trade, activity, or combat goals.
(01-17-2015, 08:53 PM)Pancakes Wrote: Please no stationary battleships. Not more of them. They are annoying with all the base huggers as it is now, no need for even MORE of them.
I can understand that frustration, but how would you feel if they were destructible?
why are we brainstorming about this? Just let the devs do what they wana do about this and then comment on it. :/
We dont even know at what scale these perks are. They could be small.
We already had a call out for perks that might interest Official Factions. They pretty much ran the gamut of what we expected. I would caution against too much speculation on what these perks might be. I don't need wild speculation bringing player's expectations up so high that we'd have to start handing out Admin shields and Banhammers to meet up with them. I believe Official factions will be pleased with them, but if you are expecting CAU 9's or .beam commands as had been asked for in the thread below, your going to be disappointed. I will also tell you, free credits are not part of the perk. Sorry to disappoint. Go out there and earn your own damn credits.