"Very well then. There might be some stories worth sharing. One of them is 13th and 17th Sigma system battle between our Guild's Paramilitary and the A.I. from Kappa system in Omicron Sector. The A.I tried to claim our space, they tried to build their stations in our space and our task was to eliminate and protect our space. We had to face large numbers of broken Hardware and Software, honestly it's harder to fight against emotionless and well programed killers. However, if you know how to use your own space against enemy, then you have a chance. Near Ogashawa, our wing found two The A.I core vessels, cruiser sized, three core vessels, fighter sized. But before the fight even started, Navy maniac appeared and we eliminated this guy who tried to help A.I. We had just two Kaichou bombers, but still we managed to kill both Cruiser sized vessels, two Fighter classed vessels and one ran away. I however lost my wingman. This is just summary. We were using our nebulas, low scanner range provided us with ambush and stealth attacks, also our reinforcements could ambush them as well. Next tactis we used is fear and confusion, still trying to scare them with incoming reinforcements. Another thing is knowledge of enemy tactics, watch them and observe their tactics. Drones were sliding for a bit too long time, so few seconds later we got used to it and out turned them, then they were easy targets for our Antimatter cannons. Don't be so hurr hurr into battle, observe and be patient. She looks around quickly, trying to guess their feelings.
A young Templar raised his right hand. He had been silent for the entirety of the class, while other of his fellow Discordians exchanged opinions now and then on Taru´s words. The GMG Ace pointed at him, giving him the chance to ask a question Kallisti Taru-sama. He reviewed his notes before asking.
In Baffin, Templar forces are the first line of defense when it comes to a potential Gallic invasion. In your anecdote we would be your wingman and yourself. Reinforcements include but are not limited to Rousillion´s Council forces, and the Colonial Republic Coronado fleet. He cleared his voice a bit, he was kinda nervous of speaking to such a space combat veteran. These reinforcements can take a while to be contacted and to renezvouz with us wherever in Baffin the conflict arises, so we are indeed in need of diversion and surprise tactics. After finishing, he realized that he had not really added to what Taru had spoken about, just comparing it to a similar situation with a more domestic context, and he felt somewhat ashamed of himself.
"Very good question, Templar-sama. Firstly reinforcements might or might not arrive. Here you need to get some time for your wingmen and reinforcements. Also do not be so hurr hurr, firstly you should get some informations like number and ship types, exact location, armor plating, shields and weapons. You also need to share it with your allies and prepare perfect tactic. As far as I know, Baffin has one large asteroid field and one huge nebula with asteroids. If aggresor attacks you, then you should take a cover in those fields untill your forces arrive. Asteroids will protect you against huge capital ships. Anymore questions? Don't be shy! Questions now can save your life. She smiles kindly.
In another section of the Deep Shrine sits a simple but comfortable meeting room. This room will soon see s meeting between the Coalition Premier and Discordian Popes.
An 18 year old girl wearing pope's robes stands before a gigantic grey wolf waiting to greet the visitors. "Brother said they should be here soon."
And they had indeed arrived, outside the door to the meeting room a pair of men stood, one wore a gray suit, his glasses glinting off the light of the corridor while his taller companion wore the easily recognizable Coalition uniform, the first figure was obviously Premier Warner, the second figure was from the Engineering Corps, the very same that built Mykolaiv and dug out the massive caverns of Zvezdny Gorodok, he had Rheinlandic features, a strong and firm jaw, cold blue eyes and short brown hair kept under his peaked cap. He was here by the Premier's request concerning aiding the TAZ with a project of significance.
As they entered the room, leaving behind their Templar escorts, Warner pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, a habit he had developed over the years when he was stressed, travel didn't agree much with his cybernetics anymore, particularly when crammed into tight quarters like the Lithuania.
The girl makes the sign of the Chao to the Arrivals. "Kallisti and Welcome to Baffin. My Big Brother Skarsi will be along in a few minutes. He's just dealing with some Paperwork that was urgent."
The girl walks over to the bar and picks out a bottle from the fridge. She gives it to the Wolf, who walks back to the table before standing up and placing it on the table with it's mouth. "Some of your fine Coalition Vodka, chilled to perfection." She places some glasses on the table for them.
Returning to the bar, she makes herself some tea before taking a seat at the table.
As they sat down, accepting the glasses of Vodka, Warner looked over at his companion who simply downed the Vodka like it was a glass of water. Causing the man to let out a very deep sigh and shake his head in mild annoyance as he took small drinks himself from the Vodka, savoring it rather than downing it like a shot as Major Hasselhoff did.
"It is not an issue, I am well aware of the ban of leaders, I am Premier Warner, elected leader of the People's Republic."He greeted before gesturing towards his companion with his free hand which was obviously cybernetic."This is Major Hasselhoff from the Coalition Corps of Engineers, here by request to discuss the proposition your people had concerning the construction of a facility similar in shipyard capacity to Mykolaiv itself."he introduced, trying not to look directly at the Major as the man tended to be quite....rude, still it was tolerated because he alongside his team did excellent work in both the upkeep of the current facilities and his work in the Mykolaiv Drydocks. The man in question was currently looking into his glass as if wondering where the Vodka went before setting the glass down on the table, he stared right at the Dischordian with an uncaring expression."Yes yes I'm not here to be nice.The man dismissively commented, ignoring Warner's tired expression as he continued onwards.
"I am here to discuss my only real love and joy in life, not prattle on about politics and all that trash."
Gypsie watched his Templars getting all pupmed up about the stories and tips, so he had an idea. Excuse me Taru-sama, but why if we leave questions for later? I think these Popes and Popesses are eager for some practical training. He nodded as the exciment rose in the room. We've got some of our Kaichous and Pythos adapted with salve ammo for this purpose waiting outside. As the Templars left the room, he approached the GMG. There is someone I want you to meet before you go out and take arms against my Templars. He smilerd and put a hand over Taru's shoulder as he helped her out of the room. The Premier was waiting.
Skarsi walks into the room, running a little late. "Kallisti Premier, sorry for the Delay." Skarsi takes a seat as Ryka brings him a cup of tea with vodka. "I believe we have a few things to discuss. Why dont we start with the formalization and signing of our Tech agreement."
Skarsi takes out a datapad which projects some file in front of him."Once we get that sorted, we can move onto the topics that Comrade Engineer is knowledgeable about."
Warner was relieved when Skarsi walked in, he doubted that Hasselhoff's mouth would've kept himself out of trouble if he was permitted to continue speaking, giving a nod to the man as he sat down he folded his hands across one another while the Major glowered at his empty cup."Indeed, we much much ground to cover it seems, still might as well get this on the road and appease the hell-spawn known as Paperwork, the bane of Sirians everywhere."he lightly joked before his face turned serious.
"As we have spoken earlier the TAZ requested access to Coalition armaments and vessels which is granted up to Gunboat-Class, however it has also been brought to my attention that our Destroyer Design has also drawn interest.'Warner comments, the Typhoon was the pinnacle of Coalition Engineering at the moment while the Tempest Light Carriers were being constructed in their dry-docks. The Typhoons tended to be more resource-costly due to the advanced sensor suit that goes into them along with other various technologies produced from Coalition ingenuity.
"The Coalition naturally is willing to open access to it's Snub-Fighter Line, armaments for the vessels in question and use of our Storm-Class Gunboat, the Typhoon is a more...difficult position as much time and resources go into the construction of a single vessel and with the Corsairs trying to press their way further through the Omega-49 Protectorate to Bretonia as well as deny the Coalition it's right to annex the Cayman system from the former RoS terrorists there is a pressing need for the majority of our forces which includes the Typhoon to be stationed in their respective battle-groups on the 49 Front."He states, the Coalition's position in the Omega systems was currently holding with heavy aid from the Mollys, however they could not get complacent, not with the Corsair's battlegroup maintaining a stranglehold on half the system from the Fes Battlegroup.