I'm currently looking for a goal to set myself within Disco, to try something new and maybe get a faction rolling, also something to get me through the tedious credit grinding phase of restarting which brought me to OS&C. Having never tried a transport faction I figured it'd be a refreshing change so I starting looking into it, checking routes, rep and the like.
It does have some interesting possibilities if steered in the right direction, however some of the routes seem a bit confusing (judging from what the FL companion is showing me) with a few starting and ending in odd places:
Such as VIP's who buy for the cheapest on a Hogosha base and sell for the most on FP11, which takes you directly though Corsair space. The nearest OS&C can get them is Hawaii for over twice the price (5000 vs 12712) and sell them in Gallia for only 700 credit profit per unit (using 3k of room it's a grand total of 4 mil profit) compared to Tourists which generates almost 10 mil for the same route.
There's also the costs of the ships which at the best value are well over twice the price of a similar cargo transport and at the worst almost eight times as much. I understand the value is offset a bit by the hp but the prices are still ridiculously high for glorified transports.
Are there any changes in the works to make liners and/or OS&C more attractive? Some more varied routes perhaps? A price reduction on the ships? Perhaps a bonus to carrying passengers? (VIP's and such only taking up 1 cargo space etc) Is there any room to suggest such changes or will it stand as is for the time being?
If you want to revive the faction, I suggest getting in touch with the people who have tried before. Then the devs. Dump them in the same chat and see what you can do to make the ID and the NPC faction more attractive to indies and work from there.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
The Enterprise liner could use a little updating, a bit of colour certainly wouldn't go amiss. The Gallic liner could be gained via RP with Solar as I believe OS&C can freely enter Gallia however unwelcome they may be which is all within the realm of possibility, who knows maybe an enterprising (hah) modeller will rise to the challenge. Also a name change would be nice, Enterprise just seems off for a luxury liner, perhaps something like Elegence or Decadence.
It's an idea spazzy, however I'm not the most connected person on Disco at the moment, a year and a half break tends to put you behind the times somewhat. We'll see what comes of this thread, my skype details are on my profile for anyone who is interested, just be sure to put some mention of Disco on the request so I don't mark it as spam or ignore it.
Post a new thread then. "Looking peeps to rebuild OS&C with" or something. And see what you can cook up with them.
Get a few faction leaders onboard as well. Throw in Jax to plan a few little events to promote the ID.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I will do at some point but before that I'll need to come up with some solid ideas otherwise it'll be a non-starter.
I'm playing around with the idea of bringing in more Gallic items into Sirius with one or two illegal items, sorted artefacts for example. If only a hundred units or so could be smuggled in RP'd as "decorations" it'd open up a lot of opportunities.
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily need to restrict yourself to human cargo alone. You will need all the amenities and essentials too. Luxury food, holotainment bands, recreational drugs etc.....
I'm slowly working my way through FLStat commodities list to see what can be brought under the OS&C umbrella, though I think drugs may be pushing the limits a bit. A few more days and I should have a decent basis to build from but in the mean time I'm open to ideas.