Just thinking 'bout it,nothing special.I get the craving from time to time,to RP once again,not to mention PvP...
I've been browsing around forums for some time now,trying to figure what's new.So far,I'm happy with changes made,still bit short on info about faction activity.Not the time that they spend playing,rather event activity.Corsairs are my first love,but it would seem there is a decline in activity,and less faction/groups than before.But,I'm still to do my homework on that topic.If someone finds time to drop few words here,about Corsair groups especialy,I'll be very happy.
Thank you in advance,I hope I see you in space soon.
The [THB] are high in activity... I dont know what you are on about lol.
there are almost daily raids now so ye.
If you need to get into the Skype channels let me know and PM me on forums.
Looks like I'm going to have to wait little bit longer.I've just find out that I'm to go to Germany for 2 months.Firm,for which I work for,is procuring new type of machines,type that requires specialized training in how to work on them.Not too happy about it,but I have no choice.Thank you Mordor and Nomnom,for giving me welcomming words.As soon as I get back home,I'll try to join TBH.
See ya' all soon.
You are always welcome in Corsairs and I am really happy to hear that you are considering coming back and even want to join TBH.
The Corsair activity is MUCH better than when you left. There are raids, system blockades and even artifact convoys.
It's good to have the smelliest Corsair back and I am looking forward to see you raid with us. Once you're back from Germany, let us know.
Damn,I'm glad to see that you're still here.I've had so much fun and laughs with you and rest of the TBH fellas.Once I get back home,I'll stink up Omegas once more.Have fun mate,you will be hearing from me when I sort things out...
Mimir,I promise I'll check APT as well.I remember our training sessions in Conn,you'll have to help me get back in shape again.
Cheers all,and smell you guys later