--Incoming Transmission--
--ID: Mai Suma--
--Subject: Encouraging encounter--
Konnichiwa, Guildmates,
It seems many of the less-informed employees of Samura now view Guild Space as an easy passage to and from Kusari, and I am kept constantly busy encouraging them to turn back upon entering our territory.
Not all is necessarily lost, tho, as, while on patrol around Helgoland, I encountered one such employee flying under the callsign "Seiko". Unfortunately, I was not in position to detain the vessel, but it's captain did deign to respond to my hails, and an interesting discussion ensued, the logs of which I enclose for your perusal:
It seems this individual is not fully informed of Samura's questionable business practices and, with luck and further encouragement, may be convinced to follow in my footsteps and relinquish his ties to that organisation. If only there were more like us in their ranks, the Guild's economic future would be much brighter.
CommID: Nitou Kaisa, Taruko Ishibashi Location:Daishouri, 59th Sigma star system To:Guild members Subject: Omicron-Theta
Kon'nichiwa Guild members,
Another fine day in Sigmas, nothing much to report except one important incident in Omicron Theta system. Be aware of Corsair's activity in Omicron Theta, because today I caught a convoy of 2 Corsair Trains and 1 Titan fighter. Titan fighter has been eliminated, however transports jumped back to their homeworld with supplies needed for space station. Report all anomalies found in Omicron Theta.
~ Nitou Kaisa, Taruko Ishibashi Gas Miners Guild Paramilitary
--Incoming Transmission--
--ID: Kou Yamato--
--Subject: Another Day, Another Daily Grind--
Another successful operation from the Guild's mining division. Apparently, our He3 reserves are running dangerously low.
Made contact with a vessel of the Junker Marauders flying under the callsign "Rhenopolos", the captain of which was gracious enough to assist in re-stocking of our supply.
ID:Tadao Fuku Division:Paramilitary Rank:Santou Kaishi Location:Planet Miura To:Guild Members Subject:Patrol through Omicron Theta
Kon'nichiwa Guildmates,
After I picked up the keys to a Karasu after dropping off the Ohgi.Kitaro Kaichou for serious repairs at Aomori, I met up with Nitou Kaisa Ishibashi-sama at Gas Miner Naha and we began our patrol. The patrol covered Frankfurt, Munich, Sigma 13, Sigma 17, Omicron Theta, Sigma 19, Okinawa. There was nothing out of the ordinary except for Omicron Theta.
We bumped into two individuals with callsigns Starlordy and EvilKot flying a Spatial and what I believe was an Albatross-class transport. The transport was hauling Iridium, but the Spatial was hauling 100 units of Artifacts and refused to acknowledge GMG laws against hauling such cargo, claiming it was a "trophy". Since the Spatial refused to drop the contraband, we opened fired and took care of him. Unfortunately the transport decided to open fire on us, so we had to destroy his ship as well.
I managed to snap a few images for your reference during this encounter, unfortunately I wasn't able to capture a clear shot of the transport's hold. I will try harder next time! Spatial Cargo Scan Spatial Destruction Transport Destruction
That is all, Santou Kaishi Tadao Fuku
Signing off.
ID: Mining Vessel - Antlion, Keydaron Blake Location: Okinawa To: Guild members Subject: Daily route and interception
Kon'nichiwa members,
Daily route of mining our precious gas and moving it around to sell for profit.
Even paired with other GMG convoy vessel for together's passage. Everything was going well, for a few rounds, before I was intercepted by a Lane Hacker, who then identified himself as Mr.Yoshida and he learned about our transportation route. For better safety of our movement, we hired "Kailkzih" freelancer for a small fee to be of use when we'll moving our another cargo.
Not suprised, maybe a little even after many hours the same Lane Hacker was awaiting us and wanted to stole cargo from us as well as asked for ransom. He didn't even seemed to be scary about GMG as whole and their protection. He extracted a payment of 5 million from me, then started fighting with the Freelancer escorting us, as well as he managed to blow the transporation vessel to ashes before he ever blinked. I managed to engage cruise drives to safety and inform quickly a Navy battleship on the way, which came on hot engaging the target. I do not know how the encounter faired after, because I left to another system to safety.
Lane Hacker also wanted to conduct a message to the Mistress, that he extracted money from our vessel, frankly I don't remember the rest, I was a bit stressed.
Moving on carrying normal duties.
ID: Sylvester Gannon
Location: Hegoland Station
To: Guild Members
Subject: Hostility and Patrol Report.
My first day in the Guild's Paramilitary Division, has been, well interesting. Mere moments after having my ship, a Karasu, outfitted up to the Guild's expectations, I received a distress call from a fellow guild member. There were two Kruger-Affiliated Bottlenose Class gunships in Sigma-19. We moved to intercept without realizing the threat they posed. Sadly we were outgunned, and were lead to retreat. Sustaining heavy damage upon our fighters.
Shortly after, I was called upon by our Nitou Kaisa, Miss Taruko Ishibashi. Along with another Guildmate, Tadao Fuku. We proceeded to patrol around our Zone of Influence, Starting in Okinawa, Coming back through Frankfurt to dock at Hegoland, in Sigma-13. The patrol itself was empty, No problems, or hostiles to be found. However, our guildmistress questioned the both of us on guild policy. I answered to the best of my ability, mostly being correct. She had taught me a great deal by the end of the patrol, and I am glad to have gone on it. Joining the guild was a good decision.
If you have any need of me, You will find me in the Hegoland bar.
ID:Tadao Fuku Division:Paramilitary Rank:Santou Kaii Location:Planet Miura To:Nitou-Kaisa Taruko Ishibashi-desu cc.Guild Members Subject:Patrol with Keydaron-san
Ohayo Gozaimasu Nitou Kaisa!
Today I had the pleasure of showing the pilot of the MV-antlion, Keydaron-san, our paramilitary patrol routes with his new Karasu. I met him at Gas Miner Ogashawa and we flew to Sigma 13, Frankfurt, Munich, Sigma 17, Omicron Theta, Sigma 19, and finished on Planet Miura in Okinawa. I'm not sure if Keydaron-san could hear the tremble in my voice as I talked about all the things to be aware of as a paramilitary pilot. I was in fact shaking with excitement as I cannot wait to fly with more of my fellow guildmates.
The only encounter we had was at Meinz Storage Facility where we were greeted by a Rheinland Police agent. There were no issues and we went on our way. Before docking on Miura I informed Keydaron-san to inform you regarding joining the paramilitary. I have included a copy of our communications log for your reference. Please excuse any mistakes I have made and please make the appropriate corrections/elabourations for Keydaron-san!
[15.03.2015 03:24:33] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Kon'nichiwa!
[15.03.2015 03:26:00] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Hey
[15.03.2015 03:30:43] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Do you know our patrol routes?
[15.03.2015 03:31:06] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Not yet
[15.03.2015 03:31:14] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: okay meet me at ogashawa
[15.03.2015 03:31:38] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Give me a few, I am half-life and quite dead atm, trying to keep myself awake
[15.03.2015 03:31:49] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: okay no problem
[15.03.2015 03:35:28] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: okay ready?
[15.03.2015 03:36:10] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Ready
[15.03.2015 03:36:51] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: S-13 is a common shipping system so lots of traders...and pirates
[15.03.2015 03:37:07] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Understood
[15.03.2015 03:37:14] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Protect the traders
[15.03.2015 03:37:26] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Their business is good
[15.03.2015 03:37:40] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: The only people to not allow
[15.03.2015 03:37:53] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: are Samura and Kruger
[15.03.2015 03:38:08] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: fine their transports 5 mil max and tell them to leave
[15.03.2015 03:38:29] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: if you see Hogosha, Outcasts or Corsairs shoot them
[15.03.2015 03:38:59] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Got it
[15.03.2015 03:39:20] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Junker Mauraders and Blood Dragons are our friends
[15.03.2015 03:39:34] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: but if you see them pirating tell them to stop
[15.03.2015 03:39:38] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: What about independent miners roaming around?
[15.03.2015 03:39:48] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: They are fine
[15.03.2015 03:40:03] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: I heard that we can intercept them, if they are mining HE-3
[15.03.2015 03:40:06] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: we respect their independence, we're kind of like them
[15.03.2015 03:40:09] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: yes
[15.03.2015 03:40:16] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: that is true
[15.03.2015 03:40:48] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: if you see KNF, make sure to shoot JM and BD
[15.03.2015 03:41:00] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: our relationships to them should remain hidden
[15.03.2015 03:41:07] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: 10-4
[15.03.2015 03:41:11] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: don't worry, they know of this and respect our decisions
[15.03.2015 03:41:31] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: JM help pirate Kruger, Samura, and shoot Hogs
[15.03.2015 03:41:43] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: btw.... don't patrol any south than here
[15.03.2015 03:41:50] Paul.Holstein: Good evening.
[15.03.2015 03:41:57] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Kon'nichiwa!
[15.03.2015 03:42:08] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Just don't a routine patrol sir
[15.03.2015 03:42:11] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Hello.
[15.03.2015 03:42:20] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: doing*
[15.03.2015 03:42:33] Paul.Holstein: Your loadouts seem fine.
[15.03.2015 03:42:46] Paul.Holstein: Have a pleasant journey, enjoy your stay in Rheinland.
[15.03.2015 03:42:54] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Arigatou!
[15.03.2015 03:43:01] Paul.Holstein: Auf wiedersehen.
[15.03.2015 03:43:23] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Btw..... if Rheinland military goes into S-13, shooot them and send evidence to our GM
[15.03.2015 03:43:43] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: We have a treaty, they can't be in our space
[15.03.2015 03:43:56] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Roger
[15.03.2015 03:44:09] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Since we are in rheinland...
[15.03.2015 03:44:49] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Keep our relations to the Bundschuh, LWB, and Hessians a secret to the RM
[15.03.2015 03:44:59] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Got it
[15.03.2015 03:45:05] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: same concept as with BD
[15.03.2015 03:45:21] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Any point of patrolling Rheinland space at all? I though it's outside of our influence zone
[15.03.2015 03:45:25] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Unioners....shoot them
[15.03.2015 03:45:44] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Our treaty allows us to go as far as Meinz
[15.03.2015 03:45:59] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: as part of security of GMG space
[15.03.2015 03:46:39] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: If Kruger goes to S-13 and runs back to Rheinland you can chase them past Meinz though
[15.03.2015 03:46:47] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: They are banned from GMG space and RM knows that
[15.03.2015 03:47:19] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: You will soon learn that there are a lot of forces trying to push and bully the GMG
[15.03.2015 03:47:25] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: so we have to be strict
[15.03.2015 03:48:01] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Okay, onto S-17
[15.03.2015 03:48:05] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: no mans land
[15.03.2015 03:48:48] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Oh yes... if you see contraband smugglers fine them and get them to drop the cargo
[15.03.2015 03:49:00] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: it's our duty as the paramilitary
[15.03.2015 03:49:04] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Which items are considered contraband
[15.03.2015 03:49:19] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: there is a list in the guild database, I'll forward to you later
[15.03.2015 03:49:29] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: the common ones are Cardimine and Artifacts
[15.03.2015 03:49:41] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: but also premium scrap bound for Outcast or Corsair space
[15.03.2015 03:50:51] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: on our left.... is the remains of a freeport
[15.03.2015 03:51:08] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Impressive
[15.03.2015 03:51:15] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: and that jumpgate..... built by those Samura scum
[15.03.2015 03:51:36] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: We are approaching planet Kurile
[15.03.2015 03:51:51] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: I've been commanded to keep a close eye on it in terms of shipment and supplies
[15.03.2015 03:51:59] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: GMG wishes to obtain it in the future
[15.03.2015 03:52:07] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: so fine any Samura transports you see
[15.03.2015 03:52:22] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Now... for the dangerous part
[15.03.2015 03:52:26] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Beautiful spot for a planet..
[15.03.2015 03:52:35] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Indeed
[15.03.2015 03:53:00] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: theta is our boundary
[15.03.2015 03:53:06] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: don't stay too long here
[15.03.2015 03:53:11] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Lots of corsairs
[15.03.2015 03:53:37] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: I personally don't enjoy coming here hehe
[15.03.2015 03:53:44] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Creepy place
[15.03.2015 03:53:57] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: There's the freeport
[15.03.2015 03:54:16] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: And... we go back
[15.03.2015 03:54:39] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Theta is used mainly for joint missions with The Order
[15.03.2015 03:55:56] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: If you see BD pirating IC, stop them
[15.03.2015 03:56:12] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Without IC, there wouldn't be Planet Miura
[15.03.2015 03:56:24] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: If anything, escort them if you see them
[15.03.2015 03:56:25] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Got it
[15.03.2015 03:57:03] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: There are 3 places that we patrol but I haven't been there yet
[15.03.2015 03:57:10] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Beta, Eta, and Tohoku
[15.03.2015 03:57:17] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Can we make a stop at station?
[15.03.2015 03:57:20] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Sure
[15.03.2015 03:58:17] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: I'll show you the location of the JH to Beta and Eta, then take you back to Planet Miura
[15.03.2015 04:01:47] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: We are approaching Okinawa.
[15.03.2015 04:02:37] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Btw, Keydaron-san, please do mention to Commander Shinju that you are joining the paramilitary
[15.03.2015 04:02:48] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: She has a text thing
[15.03.2015 04:02:51] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: test*
[15.03.2015 04:03:01] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: Roger that
[15.03.2015 04:03:04] GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze: I'll do that
[15.03.2015 04:03:11] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: I am just an Ensign with only a tiny bit more seniority than you hehehe
[15.03.2015 04:03:37] GMG|Tadao.Fuku: Okay, feel free to dock!
[15.03.2015 04:03:59] 2015-03-15 04:03:55 SMT Traffic control alert: GMG|Tadao.Fuku has requested to dock
[15.03.2015 04:04:15] 2015-03-15 04:04:10 SMT Traffic control alert: GMG|Keydaron.Darkblaze has requested to dock
Konnichiwa guildsmen/guildswomen. This is an event report following the skirmish in Sigma 13 that happened a few days ago. These events occurred the day afterward while I was surveying the damage. I noticed a large number of ships in the Sigma 13 system on long range scans, and decided to investigate. I encountered Crimson cross, Golden Chysanthemum, Bundschuch, and BDM vessels.
I found them near the Sigma 19 jump hole, and the first one I came across was the Crimson cross vessel, a pilot named Thomas Mendez, who was hunting for revenge after the unfavorable outcome of the previous days skirmish. He demanded a duel, however I have the feeling he would have opened fire on me even if I had refused. Nonetheless, after a long dogfight he was bested once again. I sustained heavy damaged and immediately returned to Naha for repairs. Afterwards returned to see the Bundschuch involved in a philosophical discussion with the GC. Both parties left peacefully afterward. No sightings of the BDM vessel.
Today while shipping Helium-3 I recieved word from a GMG pilot named Sulawesi's.Vengeance in Sigma 13 that a Kruger diamond shipment had... suffered damage near helgoland station. He asked if I had a transport nearby to pick them up, which I did.
Later another Kruger convoy tried to make its way discreetly through Sigma 13. They did not succeed, the paramilitary division was scrambled and we blocked all exits out of the system. His escort showed up and then retreated from the Honshu Jumpgate, but then the main transport, a Rheinland train full of uncut diamonds appeared at my post, the Honshu jump hole. He refused to stop, and I informed him of his doom in relation to the crimes committed by his people, and then blam. THE TRAIN IS NOW DIAMONDS.
Roughly $60,000,000 worth of diamonds have been recovered today.
[04.06.2015 14:48:38] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: going to check the jump hole
[04.06.2015 14:48:48] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: at the jump hol
[04.06.2015 14:48:52] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: hole
[04.06.2015 14:48:59] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they are or you are
[04.06.2015 14:49:32] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: ill head towards frankfurt hole see if they are in route
[04.06.2015 14:49:38] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: alright
[04.06.2015 14:49:58] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: //only in gmg do you swap from your trader to go pirate someone with the same faction
[04.06.2015 14:50:15] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
[04.06.2015 14:50:15] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[04.06.2015 14:50:15] Sirius News Network reports that a Vodka, Gin, Rum, Sake, Whiskey, Wine, Liberty Ale and Rheinbier are in high demand in various locations throughout Sirius. Contact www.discoverygc/forums.com for more information.
[04.06.2015 14:50:28] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they could be above or below plane
[04.06.2015 14:50:47] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: i think all the exits are covered
[04.06.2015 14:50:55] /fi quan:
[04.06.2015 14:51:06] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they could rush the jump hole though and get through
[04.06.2015 14:51:25] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: demand of them to stop
[04.06.2015 14:51:36] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they wont though
[04.06.2015 14:51:50] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: if they wont we can folow them to honshu
[04.06.2015 14:51:57] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: oh can we?
[04.06.2015 14:52:00] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: but have a screenshot. for proof
[04.06.2015 14:53:03] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they're moving slowly
[04.06.2015 14:53:10] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they must know that they're being hunted
[04.06.2015 14:53:16] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: of course
[04.06.2015 14:53:20] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: what ship are you by the way? this is a bomber
[04.06.2015 14:53:46] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: they're at the gate
[04.06.2015 14:53:52] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: well the escort is
[04.06.2015 14:53:57] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: Well well what have we here
[04.06.2015 14:54:07] Kruger|Sigma-08: I don't know what you're talking about.
[04.06.2015 14:54:18] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: id keep the hole guarded
[04.06.2015 14:54:41] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: im going to roam around looking
[04.06.2015 14:54:52] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: engade him with the proper rp
[04.06.2015 14:54:59] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: he fled, also hes a fighter
[04.06.2015 14:55:15] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: pursue
[04.06.2015 14:55:17] Death: A.Boczek was put out of action by 4-56|LN-A.Henderson-B (Gun).
[04.06.2015 14:55:31] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: go after him
[04.06.2015 14:55:34] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: risky he has an advantage 1 on 1
[04.06.2015 14:55:42] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: only had him at long range
[04.06.2015 14:55:46] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: we are close, and have back up
[04.06.2015 14:56:09] /fi sulawesi
[04.06.2015 14:56:33] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: someone should guard the frankfurt gate so they can't get away. we can trap them in here
[04.06.2015 14:56:46] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Engage the escort
[04.06.2015 14:56:50] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Why did you let him go?
[04.06.2015 14:56:54] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: So that we can track down the transport
[04.06.2015 14:56:58] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: he was too far away I couldn't catch him
[04.06.2015 14:57:02] /fi sulawesi
[04.06.2015 14:57:07] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: he is at the jump gate, go angade him
[04.06.2015 14:57:18] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: still? ok
[04.06.2015 14:57:19] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Stay here actuall
[04.06.2015 14:57:26] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Stay at the hole i do it
[04.06.2015 14:57:28] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: ok
[04.06.2015 14:58:09] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Let me know if you see a transport
[04.06.2015 14:58:11] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Are you at Sigma-13 jump hole?
[04.06.2015 14:58:38] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: Stop right there
[04.06.2015 14:58:44] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: i have the transport
[04.06.2015 14:58:48] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: CD
[04.06.2015 14:58:52] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Demand him to stop
[04.06.2015 14:58:59] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: You thought you could hide from us in our own nebula?
[04.06.2015 14:59:02] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Demand stop
[04.06.2015 14:59:06] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: CD him
[04.06.2015 14:59:08] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: stop now if you want to live
[04.06.2015 14:59:20] Kruger|KMS-Aller: Oh, well
[04.06.2015 14:59:24] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: You will pay for your actions
[04.06.2015 14:59:30] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: I said STOP
[04.06.2015 14:59:30] Kruger|KMS-Aller: what did I do?
[04.06.2015 14:59:53] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?
[04.06.2015 14:59:59] Kruger|KMS-Aller: I have no idea
[04.06.2015 15:00:02] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Stop
[04.06.2015 15:00:09] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: I have reports of your people harassing innocent gas miners
[04.06.2015 15:00:13] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: threatening their very lives
[04.06.2015 15:00:20] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: You know why you stope right?
[04.06.2015 15:00:21] Kruger|KMS-Aller: I am not doing anything, I was just passing
[04.06.2015 15:00:21] Kruger|Sigma-08: I think I told you to be careful
[04.06.2015 15:00:33] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: Your escort will not save you
[04.06.2015 15:00:36] Quan:Lee: Ha
[04.06.2015 15:00:41] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: I can have you dead before he can breathe
[04.06.2015 15:00:43] Death: A.Boczek was put out of action by 4-56|LN-A.Henderson-B (Mine).
[04.06.2015 15:00:43] Kruger|KMS-Aller: I didn't do anything
[04.06.2015 15:00:50] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: You work for Kruger
[04.06.2015 15:00:54] Quan:Lee: What is this then
[04.06.2015 15:00:56] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Your people are responsible for the WAR!
[04.06.2015 15:00:57] Kruger|Sigma-08: You've really fallen low if you want to shoot a transport..
[04.06.2015 15:00:58] Kruger|KMS-Aller: that's not my fault
[04.06.2015 15:01:06] Quan:Lee: Ah so you were working on a distraction then eh?
[04.06.2015 15:01:08] Kruger|KMS-Aller: and I haven't done that
[04.06.2015 15:01:11] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: You now have to pay for the losses!
[04.06.2015 15:01:12] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: should we take all his cargo?
[04.06.2015 15:01:16] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: I think so.
[04.06.2015 15:01:16] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Konnichiwa
[04.06.2015 15:01:22] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: i can get a train here and pick it up
[04.06.2015 15:01:28] Kruger|KMS-Aller: no, I don't
[04.06.2015 15:01:28] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: hes running
[04.06.2015 15:01:32] Quan:Lee: Stop moving
[04.06.2015 15:01:35] GMG|Hellion.Rocket: Firing weapons
[04.06.2015 15:01:38] Kruger|Sigma-08: Ah, joining in then
[04.06.2015 15:01:41] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Kruger you have a bounty on your head my friend.
[04.06.2015 15:01:42] Quan:Lee: Weaspons hot
[04.06.2015 15:01:53] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: This is your last moment you will experience.
[04.06.2015 15:01:59] Sulawesi's.Vengeance: Activating weapons!
[04.06.2015 15:02:10] Palmer.Expedition: Greetings everyone in this system
[04.06.2015 15:02:22] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: sure we can pursue?
[04.06.2015 15:02:33] Kruger|KMS-Aller: you will seriously follow me here?
[04.06.2015 15:02:42] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: the crow is ours
[04.06.2015 15:03:02] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: and you're the one who dragged us here
[04.06.2015 15:03:02] Kruger|KMS-Aller: can we make a deal?
[04.06.2015 15:03:13] GMG|Nagate,Tanaka: time for that has passed
[04.06.2015 15:03:19] Death: ~Connor~ was put out of action by [USS]Shadowguard (Gun).
[04.06.2015 15:03:21] Death: [USS]Shadowguard was put out of action by ~Connor~ (Gun).
[04.06.2015 15:03:21] Kruger|KMS-Aller: Come on...
[04.06.2015 15:03:24] Death: Kruger|KMS-Aller was put out of action by GMG|Nagate,Tanaka (Gun).