I've been using FC 2.02 for years -- it has never shown dynamic economy price variations, nor has it ever shown ore sell prices. Based on the recommendations in this thread, I uninstalled FC 2.02, then I downloaded and installed FC 2.01. However, I can't get FC 2.01 to show me dynamic economy price variations, nor ore sell prices, either.
Below is what I did:
1) I made sure that FC 2.01 is pointed toward the Discovery 4.88.1 folder (which it did automatically when I installed FC 2.01);
2) I used dslauncher to start up 4.88.1;
3) I loaded one of my characters on the WarZone server where I know Planet Houston pays $12,010 for cardamine which is more than the standard price of $5255;
4) I couldn't get FC 2.01 to show me a non-standard price for cardamine at Planet Houston, even though I pulled up the $12,010 price on the Planet Houston infocard;
5) Clicking "Load Dynamic Economy..." (or using Alt + D) under the Universe tab produces a pop-up which states "Load real prices from running game/The game must be running and you must have the adequate rights./To collect online prices, you must already be connected to the server as the character of your choice." followed by three buttons: "Launch Game," "Load" and "Close." Load was grayed out, even though I had already logged onto one of my characters on the WarZone server. Launch Game started up a second copy of Freelancer (which had the Discovery: Conquest graphics and oversized buttons, leading me to believe that it started up a copy of 4.87) which I closed. I couldn't get FC 2.01 to recognize that I already had logged onto a character.
6) Since I hadn't rebooted after installing FC 2.01, I wondered if maybe the installation process hadn't been finished, so I rebooted my laptop.
7) After rebooting, I started up FC 2.01 (without starting Freelancer or dslauncher first), then used the Launch Game button to start up Freelancer -- the Discovery: Conquest graphics came up with the oversized buttons. When I tried to connect to an online server, no servers showed up on my list. If it was running 4.87 (which is still on my laptop), it should've listed two servers where I still have characters (Lancers Edge and Valor of Marr). It couldn't have been running 4.88, since I uninstalled 4.88 before installing 4.88.1. I have no idea which version of Freelancer/Discovery it was really pulling up.
Has anyone been able to pull up dynamic economy price variations and/or ore sell prices for 4.88.1 on either FC 2.01 or FC 2.02? If so, how?
(03-08-2015, 07:59 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Run as Adminstrator
As far as I know, I'm already running as administrator. I'm the only person who uses my laptop. I just tried to switch users and couldn't find any other users listed (I have a friend who is a computer professional -- he fixes and upgrades my computers when I need it, but he lives an hour away, so I rarely see him -- I thought that he might have set up an administrator user account, but I must have been thinking of my last computer, since I couldn't find any extra user accounts). As far as I can tell, my laptop only has one user account, so that means I already have administrator privileges. How do I check if I've got administrator privileges?
(03-08-2015, 09:09 PM)Snake Wrote: So Uhm... I don't get it. The program wont start after close. It wont start when I double click on it, it just loads but nothing appears. I checked Task Manager, the prozess shows that its running but nothing is shown, can someone help? Yes, I have win 7.
(03-08-2015, 07:59 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Run as Adminstrator
As far as I know, I'm already running as administrator. I'm the only person who uses my laptop. I just tried to switch users and couldn't find any other users listed (I have a friend who is a computer professional -- he fixes and upgrades my computers when I need it, but he lives an hour away, so I rarely see him -- I thought that he might have set up an administrator user account, but I must have been thinking of my last computer, since I couldn't find any extra user accounts). As far as I can tell, my laptop only has one user account, so that means I already have administrator privileges. How do I check if I've got administrator privileges?
Right click on FLCompanion, select Run as Administrator
(03-08-2015, 07:59 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Run as Adminstrator
As far as I know, I'm already running as administrator. I'm the only person who uses my laptop. I just tried to switch users and couldn't find any other users listed (I have a friend who is a computer professional -- he fixes and upgrades my computers when I need it, but he lives an hour away, so I rarely see him -- I thought that he might have set up an administrator user account, but I must have been thinking of my last computer, since I couldn't find any extra user accounts). As far as I can tell, my laptop only has one user account, so that means I already have administrator privileges. How do I check if I've got administrator privileges?
Right click on FLCompanion, select Run as Administrator
Thank you very much, Snak3 -- now it works as it should -- I can finally see ore prices and event commodity prices.