So yeah, the time has come and we, members of GMG| are going to request our own Gunboat/Gunship.
First of all, there are people and their question:
"Isn't Ahodouri suitable for the role of GMG Gunboat?"
My answer is NO, Ahodouri might be part of GMG development, but its role is Exploration of unknown systems and such. Plus GMG would love to have its own Gunboat/Gunship for offense and defense of GMG space and people, with GMG style and colors.
Having flown around Liberty these days, I suggest getting a light or a med cored ship. One that is perhaps long-ish, but not narrow/high or flat/wide. And then just roll everything that moves.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(04-06-2015, 06:50 AM)Crackpunch Wrote: Doesn't that go against one of the key aspects of GMG lore?
You know, the favouring of snubs due to the ass-whooping they handed Rheinland?
You know about what's going on in game currently? Us getting an ass-whooping from gunboats in gas clouds?
Couldn't GMG ask devs to take a look at the gasclouds instead, rather than make GMG into yet another bland faction with a bloated shipline?
Or use civ (BW?) tech if a gunboat is really so needed?
Please don't taint the awesomeness of the GMG NPC faction.
Limitations spur creativity where abundance doesn't. I think that's a fundamental truth that kids these days have a super hard time wrapping their minds around.
(04-06-2015, 10:24 AM)Mímir Wrote: This is a sad day.
I second Crackpunch.
Couldn't GMG ask devs to take a look at the gasclouds instead, rather than make GMG into yet another bland faction with a bloated shipline?
Or use civ (BW?) tech if a gunboat is really so needed?
Please don't taint the awesomeness of the GMG NPC faction.
Limitations spur creativity where abundance doesn't. I think that's a fundamental truth that kids these days have a super hard time wrapping their minds around.
You know Mimir, I really respected you after I saw your post about the mass ban on Tutaskhia and co. I thought to myself "finally, somebody who understands that this isn't a point at which we can pick and choose which activity we want to see, and that people doing things is more important than the way different people perceive the lore of the game!"
Yet the same applies here. The GMG want a gunboat. This is something that would promote them to fly, something to be proud and happy about if only for a few months. Limitations don't spur creativity or activity, just bitterness really.
Gunboats are a fundamentally broken ship class and being a fighter pilot like myself I think that's more what's under your skin here than the GMG getting a gunboat, but that is a topic for a different thread.
Let everyone have everything and not a soul can complain about bias, if the game isn't balanced that's not the fault of the faction for wanting to be on equal footing with others.
(04-06-2015, 10:24 AM)Mímir Wrote: This is a sad day.
I second Crackpunch.
Couldn't GMG ask devs to take a look at the gasclouds instead, rather than make GMG into yet another bland faction with a bloated shipline?
Or use civ (BW?) tech if a gunboat is really so needed?
Please don't taint the awesomeness of the GMG NPC faction.
Limitations spur creativity where abundance doesn't. I think that's a fundamental truth that kids these days have a super hard time wrapping their minds around.
Okay, so I will try to bring some facts, mkay? How many times have you seen a GMG| or Indy Gunboat untill now? I've been part of the GMG since 2012 and we used our Gunboat just once, just once.
A bloated shipline? I hope you aren't serious here. GMG tech - Karasu, Kaichou, Garanchou and Kujira, it's nothing compared to IMG, BHG or Colonials and please take a note, GMG is the oldest one from them.
People had a chance to use Gunboats since GMG| removed Cruisers and Battleships from their ID and to be honest, I have NEVER seen any of them. Plus if I can remind you, GMG tech chart sucks.
Blood Dragons - 75% - We are okay with it
GC - 75% - Also okay with it
The Order - 75% - But we are working on 90%
Zoners - 90% - But to be honest, Zoners can offer just Gunboat and Osprey MK2
Colonials - 75% - From the old deals, not going to be used anyway.
GMG lost a lot of cells due to new Tech chart... IMG cell, KNF cell and I can continue like that for a long time.
As I said, all factions are developing... Look for example at Hellfire Legion? GMG made just Karasu, Kaichou and Garanchou while Hellfire made Battleships and so on... Blood Dragons, Order and much more developed meanwhile.
GMG| is developing slowly, step by step and Gunboat is something we have been talking about for more than a year already.
Nobody used GMG Gunboat so far and I don't think people will use it in large numbers, GMG| has their own rules including Gunships and Gunboats, so I don't really think so called "Awesomeness" will be gone...
Well fair enough, I can relate to the fact that a faction wants a variety of choices. The official faction activity rat-race makes the desire to offer potential players everything that much larger, and the cost for an active player faction is often (in my view) a weakened NPC faction/lore.
I am just concerned when quantity equates to quality, and in threads like these it is often how things are shaped. I'd argue that more will equate to a drop in quality (in that GMG as an entity is represented by its lore, and its lore is represented in-game by its ships).
Btw I used to be a die-hard capwhore, so it's not that I am anti-gb per se - I just find it annoying that there isn't a single venue left where people stick to snubs (just like I was annoyed with the 4.85 bombers and the fact that it was impossible to get a strict cap vs cap fight anywhere back then). Almost all factions have gunboats and so on, making most fights pretty similar, and that's a shame.
To me, if you want to fly around in a gunboat and shoot baddies, there are sooooo many choices of ID's and ships - why not choose one of them instead? I know this doesn't help GMG| one bit, but then again everything doesn't have to be about the official factions, does it?
GMG is (was?) a special and unique faction through its lore and use of ships. Sure you can argue that changes in Sirius have lead to an increased need for a gunboat and that its all very RP, but you can't deny that the faction and the game loses a little bit of flavor when unique traits are overwritten.