Well, too bad Hogosha couldn't participate in the event, as neither "Synth Paste" or "Deshima" are within the acceptable. No use talking about shooting or fighting too.
Kudos to the BD| who are - for me - the winners in this event.
I hope you got bribed by the other powertraders there, too, so that you made a good cut even without running the lane up and down.
Kudos for not going the easy way.
Sadly, it was necessary to get caps. The bombers first did not cut it.
And... this is what I imagine the Hattan lanes to be like in "real" Disco. All day long.
Also Kudos to Garret who kinda picked up on the "not entirely serious" nature of this event and did the "Gandalf: You shall not pass!". I had a good laugh!