Greetings employees, this channel is intended to serve as a place for yourself and other employees to report the outcomes of any and all activities to your superiors whilst on the job. If you wish to advance in your career as a BMM employee you should make frequent use of this channel to help build a positive portfolio of your achievements in the organisation, keep in mind this could lead to future promotions.
Data collected from your reports will allow us as a growing corporation to:
Efficiently operationalize our strategies, Invest in world-class technology and leverage our core competencies in order to holistically administrate exceptional synergy.
Set a brand trajectory using management philosophy, advance our market share vis-à-vis our proven methodology with strong commitment to quality. Effectively enhancing corporate synergy transitioning our company by awareness of functionality. Promoting viability and providing our supply chain with diversity.
Distil our identity through client-centric solutions and synergy.
Bring to the table our capitalized reputation, proactively overseeing day-to-day operations, services and deliverables with cross-platform innovation.
Gain traction with our resources in the marketplace, it's mission-critical to stay incentivized. Our business plan will foster flexible solutions for our customer base.
As you successfully complete operations our corporation grows and flourishes, this does not go unrecognised. BMM rewards excellence, as such the management team has decided to introduce bonuses for large scale successful mining operations. See below for further details:
-Mining operations in which 25,000+ units of ore is mined and hauled successfully will result in a 10,000,000 credit bonus for all BMM- pilots involved.
-Mining operations in which 50,000+ units of ore is mined and hauled successfully will result in a 20,000,000 credit bonus for all BMM- pilots involved.
-Mining operations in which 75,000+ units of ore is mined and hauled successfully will result in a 35,000,000 credit bonus for all BMM- pilots involved.
-Mining operations in which 100,000+ units of ore is mined and hauled successfully will result in a 45,000,000 credit bonus for all BMM- pilots involved.
After completing an operation that meets the above criteria be sure to make a report about it in this channel, we cannot reward excellence if you do not not report it to the management team.
So, what are you waiting for? This is your opportunity to improve not only your own future, but the future of Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing as a whole So get out there and do a damn good job and make us and more importantly yourself proud to say that you are an employee of Bretonia Mining and manufacturing!
From: Mr John Smith Topic: Yesterdays gold mining operation
Good day everyone, I am pleased to announce that last night we managed to complete a successful gold mining operation in which 31,819 units of gold ore was extracted from the independent gold field at sector Echo-Two in the Dublin system. The large majority of this ore was shipped to Canary Wharf Station by our very own Mr Henry who was piloting the BMM-Alpha.Seven, one of our newer company ships.
I am also glad to be the one to let you know that we have picked up a couple of new customers, during the mining operation we had two lovely pilots contact us and purchase gold ore from myself. The first didn’t want to drop his name, however he did make a rather fascinating comment about how we were much better than the competition. Although he didn’t put it quite so mildly, I am however loathe to repeat his exact wording in a channel that may be used to determine my future as an employee of this marvellous corporation.
The second pilot was well, erm… Let’s just say that she knows what she wants and is used to getting her own way. Her name is Rico and her vessel is the FV-Bohemia. Watch out for this one she drives a hard bargain. As tempted as I was to turn her down due to the insanely low price that she demanded, I understand that with the war going on we need every customer we can get. Henry and myself negotiated about the price with Rico until we eventually came to an agreement of 2,550 credits a piece. Still it was another customer filled up and some extra change in my pocket which certainly made me happy.
Here are my guncam shots showing just how much ore I managed to mine during this operation:
I also understand that because the total amount of ore mined and hauled off during this operation was 31,819 units that myself and Henry are eligible for the 10,000,000 credit bonus. Please could you send the money to the following accounts:
Convoy Information :
The Beryllium mining operation took place in Cambridge near the Cardiff Mining station. The miners filled the Bowex transports with beryllium ore and that was delivered to Carnary wharf.
Convoy Incidents :
At the beginning a few pictures where made by the independant Vessal "the.Watcher", who had shortly before made a reportage about the fight in Poole between Corsairs and bretonian forces. After the first two shippments the BES Lipton and Lawrence opted out, they had to attend important negotiations in a big restaurant in New London. BES McGregor and BES Avalon continued the shipping, while the Miners just left the beryllium ore floating in space, it was tractored in and brought to Canary wharf. Before each start the vessals were scanned to get a picture of how much ore was mined.
All participents were more than satisfied with the results , a stunning 41437 tons, and signaled their willingness to repeat the exercise.
From: Mr Jan Amroth
Topic: Yesterdays gold mining operation
Good day everyone, I am pleased to announce that last night we managed to complete a successful gold mining operation in which 51378 units of gold ore was extracted from the independent gold field at sector Echo-Two in the Dublin system. The large majority of this ore was shipped to Canary Wharf Station in cooperation with Bowex, the rest to the Tower. Bowex sent the BES Emrys and the BES Pendragon for the shipping.
We also managed to convince a rather shy customer a freighter pilot called Thalia Thorn to get some ore. She was very polite and paid the asked price without any haggeling.
Our second guest a Molly bomber called "Wild.Sow" wasn't so nice. He accosted the Captain of BMM Jacarie and escorted him out of the gold field. In the meantime I contacted the security department in headquarters and BMM-Bravo.Four steered by Mr. Smith showed up. Together with Mr Andrew McFarland from BAF they tried to talk Bloodwyn into leaving and defeated him after the negotiations failed. Mr McFarland showed suspicious behaviour by insisting that the Molly had to be alive and finally escorted him out of operations zone.
Here are my scans showing just how much ore we managed to mine during this operation:
I also understand that because the total amount of ore mined and hauled off during this operation was 51378 units that myself and the Captain of the Jacarie and Mr Smith are eligible for the 20,000,000 credit bonus. Please could you send the money to the following accounts:
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Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Operational report: Gold and Beryllium mining, 10-11/06/22.
Employee ID: Fred Wight
Recipient ID: Internal Communications and Reports
Encryption: Medium.
Got two operations to be reporting in at the moment. One from yesterday, 10/06/22 mining gold in Dublin and another today (11/06/22) mining beryllium in Cambridge.
Dublin was a fair busy evening, involving a whole heap of BMM and Bowex ships. As a foreword, there were a pair of Mollys around at first, but corporate security from both BMM and Bowex held them off. Eventually the BAF turned up, so the security blokes felt they weren't needed and bugged out. Don't know how the BAF ended up, but the Mollys never bothered us while we were mining so I assume they survived. By my count, involved participants were:
All in all, we shipped the lot over to Canary Wharf from the BMM ore field. Checking in with the logistics manager - Manning or something - he said that there was 73,000,000 in stock. I get that we're a wee bit shy of the bonus target there, but it was close enough, yeah?
For today's proceedings, we headed out to the IMG field in Cambridge and got mining Beryllium. Participants were as follows:
Again, checking in with Manning, he confirmed that we shifted 53,000 units of Beryllium Ore out to Canary Wharf. Please could any applicable bonuses be sent through to BMM-Fred.Wight.
SENDER ID: Fred Jones, IC&R management. LOCATION: Graves Station SUBJECT: Bonus Payments
To: Mr Smith & Mr Henry,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent work on that gold mining operation, I would also like to inform you that the 10,000,000 credit bonus has been forwarded to both of your neural-net accounts.
To: Mr Amroth,
Thankyou for bringing the results of these two mining operations to our attention, it is pleasing to see just how well BMM and Bowex operate when working together. I am also happy to announce that a payment of 10,000,000 credits has been sent to the neural-net accounts of BMM-Improvised.Pickaxe and BMM-Ore.Digger, as well as payments of 20,000,000 credits which have been sent to the neural-net accounts of BMM-Jacarie, BMM-Bravo.Four and BMM-Amroth.
To: Mr Wight,
I am going to be nice, instead of lodging a complaint about you breaching company policy I will give you a warning. We here at BMM reward excellence and nothing short of it, if you ask for more than you have rightly earn't again it won't be me you'll have to answer to. Since I am feeling generous I will also pay out the bonus of 20,000,000 credits to the following neural-net accounts: BMM-Dessorte & BMM-Jacarie for the first mining operation. I am also paying out 20,000,000 credits to BMM-Fred.Wight for your efforts in the second mining operation filled in on your report.