Before I begin, I would give a public kudos to @Thyrzul for being an utter bro. After a certain individual tried to sell off a stolen ship, the guy bought it for us and just...gave it to us. No questions asked.
On that note, let us talk about the current policy on shared ships. Ever since somewhere around 2009, the Admin team have been very clear on the subject of shared accounts and the potential drama they hold. Share ships at your own risk. Do not come running to the admins if you give your codes to people you do not trust. Sounds reasonable and simple, right?
Yes, yes it does. But it makes huge problems in certain situations, where deletion or stealing of faction assets is seen not only as something you should be prepared for and take responsibility for, but also a community where there is a certain knowledge that at any time given, you can take your faction's shared ships and, maybe apart from your reputation stained, you can get away with it. People can and have created alts to join factions and made off with their assets, even if they are just a few shared fighters for quick reactions and emergencies.
I see this as a problem. I want to see a faction be appealing to players, because it supports them. Not only by not making them fly alone, but allowing a player join, who perhaps does not have the funds to get a ship they will perhaps not use as often, by giving them access to, say, a shared transport.
I do not believe that the reason we did not refund stolen ships back in the day was due to the lack of software needed to track these changes or logs to prove what has happened. If that was the case, then surely that practice would have been changed by now with all of the stuff we have. No, the reason for it was because every single encounter involving ship theft was very specific and often due to certain circumstances. But with factions, it should NOT be the case.
With LR, our bank was, for example, deleted by a leaving member who was angry at Disco and was trusted enough to have access to it to help new LR members set up their ship, back when SNs were sold only in Kappa and you had to keep some on your faction bank.
Later, an ex leader stole both of our SRP cruisers, back from when the LR ID did not have the ability to fly cruisers and were using Specops IDs, along with the banks, a few notable ships used by older leaders and ended up selling most of them off.
And the worst part I personally remember was a friend of mine who had too much money fund five Legates and make an open group to share them and allow players to farm then highly lucrative missions in Gamma. They were all stolen.
Enough of this nonsense. Please let us factions get a chance to submit certain ships as Faction Property. Ships that do not belong to any player within the faction including the leader. If it gets stolen/looted, it would be restored, no questions asked. No more vagueness and questions whether or not ex leaders or members have some sort of ''right'' to what was essentially given for all faction members to use, if they happen to leave or have a fallout within the faction.
Just give us a chance to say, hey, X and Y and Z ship with those loadouts are now faction shared ships. Please let us submit a violation report if they are stolen by a member or looted. Heck, make it an official faction perk if you have to- I will totally apply for it.
I want my faction members to have fun. Sadly, things can happen which lead people to do stupid things. "Allowing access to trusted individuals only" has nothing to do with it. Anyone can do this. Individual players, I get it. Both sides give a different story and it is hard to have the admins decide who is right.
But if we can simply submit a list of ships which are the property of the tagged faction, surely it avoids this sort of problems?
I want the input of all involved sides- faction leaders, members as well as the admin team when they have the time. Is this a reasonable request?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
This isn't unreasonable so long as the original creators of the ships agree to it or have been gone for a long period of time imo. There have been a couple of cases with the [HF] and [LN] over the years where this would've saved me and others a lot of hassle.
Perhaps an FLHook that disables selling the ship or its equipment. Sort of locking it. That would prevent it from happening, and avoid administrative paperwork as a whole to having to trace, the thief and the money. If the code allows it, it only have to be done once, the maintenance and furnishing of such ships would be the responsibility of the faction, and have a /lockship pwd flhook command, that locks the asset from bogus transactions. If equipment needs to be changed, /unlockship pwd than after the load out change re lock it. If you give out the lock password, now grounds for complain, but at least you have a safeguard in place for faction shared assets.
Doubt that locking equipment would be a good idea. Sometimes it makes sense for you to quickly change a loadout for the need of that particular event. But yes, the original creator of the ships can submit the request and give up his rights on the ship and make it "faction property".
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Actually, if the name could be locked on those ships, that would make them visible at the whole time, so if anything happens to it, Admins wouldn't have to search the whole log to see what happened and how many times did the ship got renamed , would only have to search for the original name and see what's up. also, @sindroms idea is pretty much solid, although I have experience from the other side, where when I left for a year of break, the RFP bank acount had loads of guns and credits on it, and after a year, even though I have no idea how many people have access to it, is still there. Not to mention that my personal accounts were still in tact thanks to Laura C. but that's a different story.
+1 to the OP , should save admins and factions from a lot of dramalama.
Lock account? Like this char inside this acc is property of this faction, thus it's not allowed to be moved unless there has been made a request again to be unlocked. I think thia should be possible. Once the char is setup on shared acc, you submit it to Admins then they lock it? Whenever u try to move it ll just give an ERROR Char Locked, unable to move.
(06-10-2015, 08:12 AM)sindroms Wrote: Doubt that locking equipment would be a good idea. Sometimes it makes sense for you to quickly change a loadout for the need of that particular event. But yes, the original creator of the ships can submit the request and give up his rights on the ship and make it "faction property".
If it can be locked/unlocked by the owner, than expensive armor and weapons would be protected as well, still efficiently altered, only by the owner.
(06-10-2015, 08:35 AM)Snake Wrote: Lock account? Like this char inside this acc is property of this faction, thus it's not allowed to be moved unless there has been made a request again to be unlocked. I think thia should be possible. Once the char is setup on shared acc, you submit it to Admins then they lock it? Whenever u try to move it ll just give an ERROR Char Locked, unable to move.
if it is done on the ship owner, and ship level, the management of the mechanic is in the hands of the owner of the asset, ergo less administrative work for the admins. Sort of giving a fishing rod, not the fish all the time.
I doubt this needs a custom hook.
It does not happen often, but when it does- it does hurt a lot.
Literally just submit the ship name, armor grade, additional stuff like cloaks and such, with SSs. And have it refunded if something stupid happens.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I think this is a fine idea. It would prevent the loss of faction flagships with a ton of history behind them because stupid, or because someone decided to take their toys and go home.
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I'd support this. You can't really shared with "trusted people only" when the intent of the ships is for them to be used by all faction members. Only recruit people you know can be trusted, you say? Well, gee, I suppose factions should exclude indies, new players and folks who play in other factions and only comprise of your close friends in that case. I'm sure that is a far healthier situation...
And even so, most of the issues with shared accounts happen when apparently stable people rage-quit over something else, which cannot be predicted or anticipated. A good example was when a certain member was recently banned for acting like a dickweasle and scamming people in Conn, resulting in him quitting and deleting every shared ship he had access to.