So I've been thinking, would it make sense, and would there be people willing to do it as an alternative way to earn cash, if we had in-game inRP ads?
E.g. you log a ship, fly through systems and spam advertisements in the sys chat. It could be faction advertisement, or product ad (CardiCola anyone?), or rebel scum unlawful propaganda. Then you provide proof you did the job, and you are paid (by a faction, or an individual player, who hired you for that)
Remember how annoying was Cody's constant /s preset messages echoing through NY while you were trying to RP with someone?
I ended up having to /ignore the guy on various characters.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Would it not be possible to change some of the news feeds on the bases? You know, the one where you take jobs? Factions could advertise there. Might be a great new way for characters to find new routes and jobs offered out by people. Maybe include bounties there? Pay a percentage fee to a certain bank, say an admin one, and have player bounties put their on certain NPC bases?
Also, I find the whole RP centering around the usual set of "they are scum etc" and "freedom radios" to be completely nonsensical in the first place. Not one I've encountered, when RPed with, can provide legitimate explanation of what they are saying or the sense behind it, because mostly this sort of /s crap is the usual ''they are scum etc'' nonsense done by people who haven't even taken time to read up on the faction that they are ''advertising''.
What I meant to say is that before you start paying someone to do ''propaganda'', that sort of RP should not suck in the first place.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: