Name: Sean Walker Gender: Male Age: 27 Height: 1.89 Weight: 82 KG
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
My father died during the nomad war and I got bad hurts but somehow survived so it's time to take revenge from nomads.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
Two weeks
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
Respect, Loyalty, commitment, and the good attitude with others.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
My name is Sean Walker, was born in planet Manhattan 782 A.S. my father Lieutenant Bill Walker died while serving Liberty during the nomad war. Somehow I’m the only one survived in the family but with bad hurts in my leg so I retired from the liberty Navy and went freelancing to earn money for living. But I never forget the old history of my life, few weeks ago, I got report from the doctor saying that my leg is fine and I can fly again with my old ship so I want to take revenge from nomad that’s why I want to join Order.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: facebook:maadi__boi Timezone: GMT +2
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I Love disco, I play as individual for couple of hours per day, but I want to join good faction so I can have some friends.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
My steps brought me to Rheinland , started as a miner , trader ... after a while i got my first military licence and craft ... after a while i was ... "tired" of the corruption , and realised that the real front line is "out there" next to the Alien next to the real enemy , "out there" where men become battle brothers on the first day off duty. I met a man in the past who told me about the organisation ... that they are the real heroes behind the scene . Now i am old enough to see the truth behind these words ... it's a "guts" feeling ... that's why i wanna leave the world behind , to join the real fight , to fight the real enemy. To earn my place among those who deserve a medal of Honour but their name will never be known.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I only arrived here and i am geting familliar with the ships and tech of the Order , just a few days ....
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I can bring all my skills , all my knowledge any "contacts" i have from the ... civilised world , contacts that if you need will be of assistance to the Cause ... and ofcource my desire to become better as a soldier , a matter i hope is in your capable hands , and my heavy duty nature ...
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Well i preffer to be examed , but if i must i say i am a 6 , a friend says i am an 8 in "big" ships , but this is finally up to you to judge
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
I was born not at a planet but in a ship, the "SOLAR WIND" an old asteroid miner , always on the move never at rest ... my family was a miners father to son by tradition company.All i know is that when i was born the ship was going through the Peloponnese field heading to Livadia Shipyard for repairs so typically i was born at the Omicron-74
After i grew a bit older i found my self at the liberty systems sucking Helium , not big profits but easy and calm days of my life.Later i got around Cusari and finally i got at Rheinland doing uncut diamonds to New London and gold ore back to New Berlin.I even got a nice set of combat ships all was great , untill well you know the rest as i mentioned before ... As far as a personality ... i am good and polite generally ... until someone piss me off , in that case i am good and polite again , unless the "other" guy doesn't like that , so i am good and polite again for the last time, only that this time the "other" guy is in truble ... also that is the only time you expect me to take the big Cigar out of my mouth , well don't ... the cigar never goes away ...
I also have a habit ... before battle i exchange (i mean it ... i expect to trade cargo with my wing man ) cigars or booze or somethig like that , which we celebrate with after battle , that way we ... remind our selfs that we are alive and kicking or we bring in memory the KIA or MIA brothers.Other than that ... i am a simple man.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:airshaman Timezone:+2 GTZ
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I am on alot , i also take a challenge of the longest shift , straight , no sleep , wanna bet on that? And i am on all around the clock day night whenever ... the forums ... well i get lost in there , if you give me the basic links , yes i'll check them , but generally i check the forums from time to time
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Sanctioned ? what is that?
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes i do agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players ! ! !
I also promisse to
Stay low
Move fast
Kill first
Die last
signal termination
signal failure
Your signature was eating my mobile data, so I optimized it for you under Rule 2.2. ~ Squad
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?: I wish to further my skills and worth to the cause.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?:Around 2 years.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet: Excellent skills in communications and decryption. A leader at heart and a true patron of the mission.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application) 8
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin: My name is Marco Florenza I was born and raised on Planet Houston in a farm town called Haperton my father and mother both owned a robotics technician shop called Jerry's shop of Wonder's. I would say I was raised well off I ran the shipping/security department of my families business importing and exporting product.
- About your personality: Im outgoing and sometimes tempered but keep confident in combat. Work well as a team in coordinated attacks and from time to time can be a squad leader.
- Any previous ventures you have undergone: I have seen as much conflict as any one pilot has seen. Deaths of your friends...and family. Which leads to the main reason why I am enlisting in the primary fleet. While I was off planet doing the standard convoy of robotic hardware to our buyers, I received a message from my parents which is strange because they contact me directly most of the time. While reading the message it said to return to the parents voices sounded different..almost not themselves. Once returning to the shop I am faced with a man and a women both hold blasters in my direction, it was my parents! Shocked by what I am seeing they begin speaking in some strange tongue. "Mom! Dad!" I yell with nothing in return. The last thing I hear from them is "We are the future change yes must happen no going back you are ours!" then they open fired and I dove behind a table. Next thing I see is a squid of Liberty Security Force agents storm the room in full hazard suits.....they murdered my parents. Without a word from the agents they take them and all I see is this purple like substance oozing out of a wound.
At the time I was lost confused until I met a Order pilot while traveling we ended up at a bar and I explained my story to him. He gave me the most logical answer I had heard which lead me to join up with the secondary fleet to rid humanity of this pest. But now I want to show the Order I have what it takes to support this mission in any way necessary.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly? I check the forums everyday and will be on at least 3 times a week a few hours a day.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details. No
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players? I do.
Communication channel opened...[img float=right][/img] Encryption:Medium Origin:Planet Manhattan, New York, Libertionan ID:Mark Webb Subject:Recruitment Form
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name:Mark Webb Gender:Male Age:26, Planet Manhattan, New York Height:6'3 Weight:184 Ibs
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet? I wish to join the Primary Fleet, to protect humanity against the Nomad race. Ontop of this, with the rising numbers of alien threat within Sirius I would like to fight for my family and friends in Liberty and for the human race.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet? I have been a member of the Secondary Fleet for roughly two months.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet I could bring all my experiences from being a former high ranking officer of the 5th Liberty Navy Fleet, with tactical, strategic, commanding, but I am also determined for my family and myself.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application) 7
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin.
Planet Manhattan, New York, Libertionan
- About your personality.
I was born on Planet Manhattan, completed university and my basic bomber training out of West Point, where I completed and was one of the ace students. Once I completed my basic I was informed to go into military training and I completed that with cease. In university I completed basic science and engineering but it was not my thing. I want to join the Navy to fight for the people of Liberty.
- Any previous ventures you have undergone.
Just from being within the Liberty Navy 5th Fleet, to moving to Omicron Delta.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Kieran.Talmey. Timezone:UK.
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly? I check forums daily.
I will be online Monday - Friday, NOT Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday till about 6pm UK time..
Spaceminer, the recruitment bureau has reviewed your application and files and has seen fit to deem your application to the primary fleet as denied due to your lack of experience and the lack of the provided biography.
Marco Florenza, your files and backgrounds checks all clear. Welcome to the primary fleet, you're accepted. Find your way to Freeport 11, a shuttle will soon pick you up there and you will be joined with training details on Akabat for further advanced training. Good luck.
Mark Webb, as much as we appreciate experienced agents among our ranks, but due to the lack of sufficient details on your background information, it was only possible to deny your application.
Name:Ella Night Gender:Female Age:23 Height:5'8 Weight:143 lbs
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
My old job was to fix ships that would aid humanity against the Wild and Nomads. I wish to continue that in The Order and help make their ships do more damage.
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
I spent these last 2 years on Aakbat, fixing order ships as much as I could.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
All of my experience with the nomad and the wild. My contacts throughout Sirius with info what will aid humanity. And my engineering skills do keep themselves out of rust.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin: I was born on New London. Which makes me Bretonian
- About your personality: I am a person that can kill someone if goes angry. Other than that I am very friendly. I love the sound and the smell of any kind of metal and ships are my babies when I work on them. As I am a perfectionist I do them with the best of my skills.
- Any previous ventures you have undergone: Just a part of the very old nomad hunters guild. The guild had a secret job to maintain balance in Sirius as much as possible. But before I came to Akabat the carrier I was on was obliterated and everything fell down. Hell broke loose in Sirius and stuff. After I got my head out alive I came here to work as a Mechanic and Engineer.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I check the forums more times a day. I log when there is something interesting happening in the area. Other than that I tend to keep my RP as high as possible.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Just got warned by mods for posting where I should not and typing bad things in the shout box once.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I always did and will keep doing it.
[img float=right][/img] » LOCATION: Evora Shipyard, Omicron-100 » COMM-ID: Clara Valmer, Recruitment Office » TARGET-ID: Ella Night » SUBJECT: Recruitment Process. » PRIORITY: Low » ENCRYPTION: Low
Hello there,
Ella Night, your background checks show all clear. The Bureau has decided to accept your application, find your way to Evora Shipyard where you will receive further training. Bonne chance!
Name: Michael Dobjanskiy Gender: Male Age: 25 Height:182cm Weight:87kg
Section II: About You
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Want clean Sirius from Nomads and other enemies. My whole life was dedicated to the battle against criminals and those who flout the law and justice. I took would be honored if I was join in the order
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
My entire career has been in the military intelligence group of the fleet of Liberty. I learned about the existence of the Order recently thanks to the recruiter who found me in a bar
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I am confident that my piloting skills and knowledge of tactics battles useful to you in the war
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
My fighting skills are not the best. I fight is not quite as the best driver, but with courage and fury of the enemies. 6/10
Section III: Pilot History
The history of the brave pilot named Michael begins with the story of his family. Prior to her departure from the planet earth his ancestors were immigrants from Russia. We know exactly what they were half Russian and half Polish. Surname Michael remained ever times when people lived on his home planet. Michael borned on Los-Angeles.Childdhood Michael is no different from the childhood of other children. When he grew up, he was taken to the police Liberty. After a brief service in the army he transferred Liberty Navy in scouting group. After serving there for several years and gained invaluable experience in military pilot,One day in the bar on one of the planets of Liberty, he led a long conversation with a recruiter for the Order, a mysterious organization leading the war against alien invaders-nomads. Michael always had a craving for secret knowledge and the whole mysterious. And there was a very brave man. Service in the Police made him a man of honor. It was just as much as possible. His heart was full of love for those whom he protects. He was a very versatile man. Hard to one and gentle to others. Once the conversation was over, Michael sat for several hours in the bar and thought about all heard. And decided to find those mysterious "Order".
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:mishaarhipov Timezone:UTC+3:00 Moscow
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Minimum: 2hours. Maximum:5hours. In day or night.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No. Never.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Michael Dobjanskiy, the Bureau has reviewed your application and has deemed it denied due to some issues with your background information. Good luck with your future plans!