Comm ID: Asno Muleo, leader of the OPG
RE: Council seats
I disagree, I'm making a point here, not really seeking more seats for the OPG, I find it ridiculous that the Benitez hold only one seat, they should be holding more than the OPG, and at least a comparable number of seats to TBH.
Perhaps Carlos is being greedy, but rightly so I think.
At the very least, the OPG and Benitez combined should be holding as many seats as TBH, in the interest of fairness.
You insult Carlos by saying Zavier is more worthy of a seat, but you do not grant Zavier a seat either? This inflexibility, hypocrisy even is what is driving Carlos and many other honorable Corsairs away..
I am surprised at you all. Such open disrespect will not be tolerated. Communicate your issues privately, or over a different stream, and they will be address.
//End Transmission.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
Hola brothers, you all know me, i am very very patient in all things.
But when somoene act as giving us ultimatum, that make me not very happy...
and to asno muleo:
you say this:
2. I do not agree that Eagle_one should have deferred to Ivan Voronov. He was not under TBH command, if the Voronovs found this behavious to be one of treason, they should have presented the case to the Elders, instead of taking justice in their own hands.
you will say that all independent corsairs can just ignore all centurions or second people in command of the oficial groups? (TBH,Benitez,OPG) when someone from OPG say something, that all can ignore that? because when you think this, then we can have total anarchy in omicron gamma, it will be the same....
I would like to start by offering my support to Senor Asno Muleo with regard to the comments he has made relating to the 'fairness' of the current Corsair Council, and whilst I accept that the airing of our laundry in public is not necessarily a good idea I do think that all Corsairs (independant or otherwise) should be given an answer as to whether the TBH feel that the existing make up of the Council is 'fair'? (\\oorp preferably without talking about the RP of whether more than one individual from any single genetic family can sit on the Council)
In response to Senor Lucend comments I would like to point out that I raised many of these points previously on the 20th April, and have contacted a member of the TBH via private communications some days ago asking for clarification of these points. I am still waiting for a response of any sort relating directly to this communication. (\\oorp I have been speaking to a number of Corsairs, TBH amongst them and generally I have always received a courteous response within a few days - although not necessarily always in agreement with me!).
Whether this lack of cimmunication has been as a result of the individual being too busy I do not know, however would Senor Lucend agree that the points are valid and deserving of an answer?
In the event that Senor Lucend feels it is not something that either he, the TBH or the Council feel that they want/are able to answer would he please inform the Corsair Nation so that we can all move on?
Alternately, if he wishes to contact me directly over my private Comms then please do so (I would also ask that any communication on this particular issue should be sent to Senor Muleo as well), and I will relay the answers to the rest of the Benitez and any other Independant Corsairs who have previously expressed an interest.
Comm ID: Asno Muleo, leader of the OPG
RE: Globalo
I am not saying that everyone with the respective authority should be ignored, just that not obeying someone should not be sentenced to death on the spot.
OK let's say, Gamma is under attack. I call for help, and a low ranking TBH member stands idly and watches while Corsairs get massacred by a larger force. After this, it would be wrong of me to, on the spot sentence and punish said TBH member, even though this crime is far greater than anything Eagle_one committed, as an outsider to TBH, I do not have the authority to condemn him, I would let the Elders and Centurions of TBH know what happened, and let them pass judgement.
In the case of an independent, since they have no direct superiors, such matters, I believe can only be judged by the Elders, or by a small tribunal of Corsairs.
RE: Lucendez
Quote:You insult Carlos by saying Zavier is more worthy of a seat, but you do not grant Zavier a seat either? This inflexibility, hypocrisy even is what is driving Carlos and many other honorable Corsairs away..
I am sorry if you took this the wrong way, I did not mean to say the Council or TBH were inflexible or hypocrites, I meant to say that the situation in which the Benitez hold only 1 seat inflexible.
I have nothing but respect for what TBH stands and does for Crete and her people, however my respect for the Benitez is also great, and it does not make sense to me that they are so under-represented in the Council.
But you are right, let's take this to more private means of communication.
when hypotetic situation as you type come (OK let's say, Gamma is under attack. I call for help, and a low ranking TBH member stands idly and watches while Corsairs get massacred by a larger force.) you will have not time to punish him because i will be first who destroy him as traitor!!!.
and is difference between independent corsair and member of other group.
as member of group or familly you can give orders to corsairs who are not in any group, you have the rights and power for that. thats is why here are this groups or families.
Quote:when hypotetic situation as you type come (OK let's say, Gamma is under attack. I call for help, and a low ranking TBH member stands idly and watches while Corsairs get massacred by a larger force.) you will have not time to punish him because i will be first who destroy him as traitor!!!.
Which makes sense, since he is TBH, and you are a ranking TBH officer, but you wouldn't punish an OPG, and I wouldn't punish a TBH, if an OPG committed a crime, I would expect you to let me know before anything was done, and I would likewise do the same for all TBH.
Quote:and is difference between independent corsair and member of other group.
as member of group or familly you can give orders to corsairs who are not in any group, you have the rights and power for that. thats is why here are this groups or families.
Hmm.. I'm not sure about that.. As members of our respective groups, we command more respect, and reputation but authority over all independent Corsairs does not appeal to me..
Take Ben Laowai for example, he is an independent, and I (and most TBH/Benitez) would never try to make him obey anything, his reputation for being wise and hardworking for the Corsairs, gives him authority.
Any senior Corsair, regardless of faction affiliation holds certain authority, but it is up to the Corsair Council to enforce this authority (where applicable), not for each senior Corsair to assert and enforce their authority (if any).
All I'm saying is, regardless of what happens, nothing drastic should be done without at least a small tribunal.
If a faction affiliated pilot commits a crime, then said faction has the right to punish him within their own internal law and authority, but it is wrong for any faction to assert their laws onto an independent or unaffiliated pilot. Only the Council should have such authority I feel...
when hypotetic situation as you type come (OK let's say, Gamma is under attack. I call for help, and a low ranking TBH member stands idly and watches while Corsairs get massacred by a larger force.) you will have not time to punish him because i will be first who destroy him as traitor!!!.
and is difference between independent corsair and member of other group.
as member of group or familly you can give orders to corsairs who are not in any group, you have the rights and power for that. thats is why here are this groups or families.
Globalo out....
Comm ID: Captain, Ben Laowai.
Message reads:
And as an independent Corsair of wealth and means i have the right to refuse that order should it be given to me by a house member whose rank and experience is less than my own, or if i feel that order is foolhardy.
If i listened to the heated rantings of every new TBH, Benitez or OPG pilot, still wet behind the ears and i was to interpret them as orders that i must follow - then my friends, i would not have lived to the age that i have this day. No offence meant to the many honorable and noble pilots of all those houses of course.
That being said, I will standby a corsair of any house in battle, i do not differentiate between houses here, all i see are my brothers and sisters. I will offer my aid to any Corsair, house or otherwise who might need it.
Any Corsair who does not stand by his own, or who fires upon another Corsair whatever the situation merits arrest or exile in my opinion. For they disgrace themselves by their conduct.
This arguing is pointless, this legal bickering is also pointless, we are all Corsairs, it is as simple as that,.
I think something about orders needs to be explained here. As I see it there are two diffrent types of orders and we need to distinguish between them so the argument becomes more clear. First type of order in a order of inaction. This comes when a Corsair is already involved in a situation, and a second (or third or whatever) Corsair comes into the fray. As I see it, whoever is in the conflict before I get there is in charge and I will follow his or her directives, whether it be the lowleist OPG or Benitez or Indi. If he tells me not to engage I will follow that order, it is his or her battle not mine, and he or her is in charge regardless of rank or family. I think all corsairs should understand this. And yes If I was in combat with someone, and another Corsair refused my orders to back off, I would probalby open fire on them. Lets remember people we are Corsaris, not the freaking UN.
The Second type of order is one of action. for example, come attack this target with me or something like that. This order need not be followed. No one from another faction can tell you to risk your ship, that is your choice, and yours alone.
This Eagle-One sitution was the first variety and I stand behind Ivan. But understand, because some people are not, I am not saying everyone should always follow an order from a ranking house memeber, but when you decide to force your way into a already going battle, against the wishes of those who are already involved, you take your life into your own hands. We are Corsairs, not a moot court squad, we are people of action and all this, lets take it to the council goes against my ideals as a Corsair, If I have a problem with someone, we take care of it, wether by talk or by cannon fire, we will take care of it.
Now Anso, I find it very intresting, that you talk of all your respect for TBH but you seem to not have had the respect for us, when you resigned your position in TBH without telling anyone, leaving us to find out from a post on an unrealated matter. Thats real Class brother, Real Class, it just makes me want to work things out with you soooo much more. Also, maybe you should take the TBH out of your signiture since you are no longer a memeber. Will you also be reimbersing us for the funds used to purchase and arm your ship?
Quote: It ends now.
And please Anso, explain this little gem to me, Is this some kind of threat?
1. I have not officially left the Brotherhood, my fighter is at your disposal, and still proudly flies the Brotherhood colours, if you wish this to be removed, I will do so.
2. I funded myself, my Titan was bought by my own money, equipped with my own guns and armour. I did not receive the 20 million that was offered to me, since I did not need it, I did not accept it.
3. On many occasions when TBH members were in need of guns, and a ranking TBH was not available to get the bank out, I generously provided them with code weapons on many occasions.
I joined OPG because of the following;
My skills as a fighter are nothing to boast about, TBH make extensive use of fighters.
I found myself pirating alone in the Omegas, where I met the OPG.
I found myself more in tune to them, and I've been able to do more good for the Corsairs with the OPG.