Had a run in with one of our members? Left hapless or pennyless, annoyed, amused, elated or deflated by the experience? Let us know!
Please keep all comments civil and constructive.
Well I had a pretty good RP in California where we-Bloodroses encountered one of your members, I think it was Tawi Tawi . Anyway, so far I like you guys.... wish ya all the best.
Thanks for the feedback, apparently you made quite the sales pitch for a Maltese vacation. Glad to hear you folks had fun and hopefully more to come in the future.
Can I know who is the Faction Leader for OSC| ?
Since you guys are more active now and I see you guys around, l'd like ask if you are interested in a few things.
I've also read the small lore thing on Planet Curacao and it interests me greatly on some things that the faction would be interested in.
Would've been nice if the Renzu Liner would be the 5ker of OSC, since not only does the infocard says it's the size of a 'small city', but there's also no liner currently sitting at the 5k mark.
I'm glad you enjoyed my little sales bit, it's always interesting to see what folks want for their ships and allows me to show Pines' customer experience to boot.
Cheers indeed.