The =DRK= Drakelings union is a collective of workers and freelancers, loosely bound by common political values and the need for unionization. The collective has existed for many years outside of the Sirius sector, operating primarily as a unionized political force in defiance of local ruling governments. The union was founded by political agitator Connor Hill (alias Bluedrake42) with the sole intent of preserving the interests of low to middle class workers... including traders, mercenaries, or even in many cases local law enforcement and military personnel. However while the collective has been involved with many tense political standoffs, rarely has the union needed to rely on armed confrontation to spur governmental reform... instead relying primarily on their control of logistical infrastructure and popular support to impose diplomatic pressure.
Over recent months the collective's popularity and influence has slowly grown, resulting in a slow creep of migrant supporters searching for work in the Sirius sector. Most workers are loosely affiliated with the collective, and impose little to no threat to local government in their current state of organization. Most are also foreign to the system, simply passing through looking for reliable work or short term paid contracts. As such, most migrant workers primarily run multirole ships or fighters, as contract requirements can often be unpredictable. If you see a =DRK= member, possibly offer him work, or direct him to a local job board.
As the union's influence in the Sirius system grows or wanes, you may see a concentrated foothold made somewhere in the sector (likely somewhere with low population, or disputed territory.) If this occurs, thes system will be used for the collective's core followers as a centralized HUB for the union to operate out of... and possibly begin establishing diplomatic relationships with (or pressure on) surrounding regions.
=DRK= Drakelings
We are the people, and the heart of the galaxy.
What Huggie is trying to say is that your writeup does not meet the standards of our community and you should perhaps invest a bit more time into getting used to Discovery before making a faction or group.
If you are dead centered on going through with this, please take a look in this thread to see what you are getting yourself into.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
if you... ever need help with.. anything im sure.. we will all as a LOVING AND ACCEPTING COMMUNITY help you out. dont be afriad to reach out.
Don't worry, this is just a thread to make the transition easier for some of our members who will undoubtedly be playing on the RP server. We'll likely be making our own server, as we usually do, to try and stay out of everyone's hair.
(04-06-2016, 11:32 PM)sindroms Wrote: What Huggie is trying to say is that your writeup does not meet the standards of our community and you should perhaps invest a bit more time into getting used to Discovery before making a faction or group.
If you are dead centered on going through with this, please take a look in this thread to see what you are getting yourself into.
I tried to double check on the Teamspeak to ensure there wasn't anything else I needed to look into or do before making this faction post, they assured me there wasn't, so I apologize. I didn't see the tutorial. This is primarily just a group description to help the players from our Youtube streams/videos find an easier way into the server. We created this faction because we think it more or less explains the kind of people who will be entering the server. A little clueless, but harmless, and normally enthusiastic. If we have to move or edit the application, I'd be more than happy to.
Honestly the only bad thing with the writeup is that the founder is called 'Bluedrake42'. I can understand this is to help transition your members into the community more easily, but that small infringement could be fixed. Perhaps the founder could be Benny Drake? Or Bill Drake? Something B. Drake?
It is understandable.
You must forgive the instant pointing, but over the course of many years, inexperienced players have attempted to pop up their own group without knowing some of the quirks regarding factions and how they interact with other players and the community as a whole and usually end up giving a very poor experience to the people who made them.
In other words, we are suggesting you do this right so that you yourself have fun in the end, rather than anything else.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(04-06-2016, 11:40 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Honestly the only bad thing with the writeup is that the founder is called 'Bluedrake42'. I can understand this is to help transition your members into the community more easily, but that small infringement could be fixed. Perhaps the founder could be Benny Drake? Or Bill Drake? Something B. Drake?
Otherwise, have fun.
Oh what are the requirements for the names? I didn't realize we needed to pick real names... or just names with two words?
(04-06-2016, 11:40 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Honestly the only bad thing with the writeup is that the founder is called 'Bluedrake42'. I can understand this is to help transition your members into the community more easily, but that small infringement could be fixed. Perhaps the founder could be Benny Drake? Or Bill Drake? Something B. Drake?
Otherwise, have fun.
Oh what are the requirements for the names? I didn't realize we needed to pick real names... or just names with two words?