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(04-09-2016, 11:03 PM)Doria Wrote: It's so bad to retcon so much quality roleplay
Or just edit the character picture, find something nice and human to replace it, and there's no need for retconning. Seriously, I suspect the main reason Bret's characters were tolerated is that the only thing that indicated they were furries was their character picture.
If the few furries in our community affected by this are too "proud" to change a word or two in some bios and change some character pictures, good riddance.
In all honesty though, I think the rule might be a little too targeted. Although it'd be hard to write up something more generic without blocking a lot of valid roleplay, I feel the real issue with furries is that they don't belong in the Discovery Freelancer universe. A lot of other things don't fit in either that aren't necessarily furries, but those are currently not prevented by any rules.
(04-09-2016, 11:29 PM)Haste Wrote: Or just edit the character picture, find something nice and human to replace it, and there's no need for retconning. Seriously, I suspect the main reason Bret's characters were tolerated is that the only thing that indicated they were furries was their character picture.
If the few furries in our community affected by this are too "proud" to change a word or two in some bios and change some character pictures, good riddance.
In all honesty though, I think the rule might be a little too targeted. Although it'd be hard to write up something more generic without blocking a lot of valid roleplay, I feel the real issue with furries is that they don't belong in the Discovery Freelancer universe. A lot of other things don't fit in either that aren't necessarily furries, but those are currently not prevented by any rules.
I would change my artwork. Except I paid, for legal reasons of copyright etc, actual money to use some of the artwork. A bit of close to $200 USD.
Am I 'Too Proud' to change a word or such? Off the bat no. Cause I worked hard, actually worked hard, towards where things are today.
I agree with Bret here. While I do not RP as a Furry or some other 'Anthro' there are others who DO and those whose role-plays were of sufficient quality and conductive to the community like his should have at least had the opportunity to be 'Grandfathered' in as an exception.
It is unfair to those who spent months if not years developing these characters, RPing them with others and proving that they can make it work and not ruin the Discovery Feel.
I would urge the Administration to at least consider looking at acouple of the more well known members such as Bret 's and considering exceptions.
The way I see it, roleplaying as a furry who appeared without a very good explanation will get people slapped.
However, 1950's science fiction comes to the rescue and we can safely say that some kind of experimental fusion SNAFU has caused the character and some random dog to become fused somehow, not die from shock, or otherwise go insane before being put down humanely (or kept for study).
The issue with furries was that they appeared with a token backstory involving human error or cosmic rays or something.
However, are clearly deluded individuals (I have successfully roleplayed as a Lawl's Syndrome infectee) who believe they are furries, and use badly done photoshopping to look like furries acceptable? Insane people get in cars all the time (usually directly in front of or behind me) and nobody bats an eyebrow. Why not space vehicles?
I fail to see how this might be a purely troll character.
Also, in reply to this...
Quote:The way I see it, roleplaying as a furry who appeared without a very good explanation will get people slapped.
The issue with furries was that they appeared with a token backstory involving human error or cosmic rays or something. is the reply.
Quote:In case of Cody, the facility took yet another way instead of creating a hybrid child, knowing there is no full possibility to achieve a mentally stable creation (...) moving conciousness onto silicon chip or/and [implanting it] into customly-designed hybrid body.
The underlined part is crucial here. Why? Because the original conciousness was copied (modern theoretical science states that it cannot be moved, but copied) onto silicon chip and implanted into a living body, instead of a machine. I liked the idea and put it into character's origin, given it is more feasible than creating an organism with self-awareness from the scratch. Remaining part of statement ahead.
Quote:In this case, Cody Faulkner was a mere Rheinlander, but that part is known to you: Vrolick Syndrome and no hopes to cure it making him actually unable to fulfill any serious job. What he does? He joins the experiment with undercover being experimental medical treatment (well, not really far from truth to be honest), being prepared to the process of moving his conciousness - which, again according to the theoretical medicine, is more copying from original source rather than actual cut and paste action. It happens nonetheless and "second" Cody's mind is transferred into new hybrid body - with "old" Cody being either left to die on streets of Stuttgart or killed right away in order to keep secrecy of experiments.
The entire process, as Dr Whitehall stated somewhere in the roleplay, is "not yet perfected" and Cody not only suffers several mental problems, but also his new body - despite being one of the best attempts up to date - having some issues that must be constantly cured with medicine very similiar to the one given after organ transplantation.
TL;DR (but in a very simplified manner):
Rheinlander suffering terminal illness joins shady experiment concluded by two madmen well-versed in biotech, with his conciousness being copied onto silicon chip and implanted into artificially engineered hybrid.
I've done a cursory glance over it's details. So far I see far more effort put into it than a lot of other folks. I see/saw a lot of '12-year old Catgirl admirals' who gave little to no RP explaining their back-story. So this immediately puts his head and shoulders above what I usually see.
There is effort put into involving others from what I've seen in-game in a manner that is not disruptive to the community. So his like Bret's would be ones I consider 'quality' examples of how it CAN be done right. That is my opinion on Savage's work.
About damn time this happened. Guys srsly, since the day Monkeys on Planet Primus got retconned, the thing with furries already died there tbh. If it still existed I would've maybe accepted your excuses to use a furry as char, but hey it's non-existant.
The thing about retconns, the same was for the Coalition when we had to retconn the attack from Phantoms on Jiang Xi with just "Enemies of the Coalition", did it kill our RP now? No, considering such retcon is a bigger issue than having cat ears or dog tails removed from a Character, but we went on and changed it to "Enemies of Coalition". It's still interesting and didn't kill our RP, so my best guess is it wont kill your characters RP aswell. The FL Universe itself doesnt have furries, point
(04-09-2016, 11:58 PM)Tabris Wrote: I agree with Bret here. While I do not RP as a Furry or some other 'Anthro' there are others who DO and those whose role-plays were of sufficient quality and conductive to the community like his should have at least had the opportunity to be 'Grandfathered' in as an exception.
It is unfair to those who spent months if not years developing these characters, RPing them with others and proving that they can make it work and not ruin the Discovery Feel.
I would urge the Administration to at least consider looking at acouple of the more well known members such as Bret 's and considering exceptions.
im +1 Tabby's post. totally agree that grandfathered exceptions for proper, quality long RP should be allowed.
I think people still do not get one thing. I pointed to the roleplay and from all the people in this thread, only SMI- and Tabris are the only ones which actually not only read the character's bio, but also read the entire explanation regarding the character in which I explained how character came to existence.
I said it many times. Without avail, but I will say it again. This is not matter of removing ears, a mere few words, edition of several paragraphs. This is a pretty serious intervention into characters with tonnes of roleplay done, invalidating long hours spent on thinking our things and even more hours spent on roleplaying. Changes so fundamental it would require creation of characters from very basis, completely anew - because retconned characters will not be the same characters initially created.
This is waste of time not only of the player which created the characters, but also waste of time of other players involved into creation, brainstorming and actual roleplaying. Igiss once said that "it's a game and nothing is gained, or lost, save the experience. "
What we gained is bitter taste of disappointment. What we lost is time and effort put into characters.