But he is from 2013, surely he has existed long enough to be a bittervet, right?
On topic though, I realize that perhaps my posts regarding this topic haven't been too coherent, but I did not assume that at that point the whole subject would be blown out of proportion as it is now.
Look, I am speaking as a furry here. The general community of the Fandom is just as tardish as Disco is at times. It also has a huge roleplay focus. This is why you will find Furries in RP communities all the time. Some only go as far as using their own or borrowed art related to the fandom in their avatars or siggies, others decide to flaunt it. I will flat out say it - I do not feel comfortable roleplaying a human character. If I do, it often ends up a parody of a movie character or somehow otherwise being associated with one. My last proper character was probably either Mort or Dgahr - two characters within the span of eight years of Disco.
This is no doubt true for other furries and I can sort of relate to SMI with his qq over it. But at the same time there is a thing called ''respect towards the original lore''. If we are using a game and its original lore for our roleplay platform, it is up to players to utilize what is given to them in order to achieve their RP. Copy-pasting your ''fursona'' into Disco is not only lazy, but also shows complete lack of respect towards the setting you want to roleplay in.
There is also the problem with "Haters can bite me" attitude that the fandom has acheived over the time. That they are somehow entitled to creative freedom and have ''gotten used to the fact that people will qq about their characters, but those people can just suck it.''. Yes you are entitled to creative freedom, but within the constraints of the community you are a part of. This was the case in 84 and nothing has changed now. It was SMI's own fault for trying to crowbar his furry character into Disco. He was warned about that, I even remember a similar thread popping up in 2010 where this was discussed. It was then when the admins were pretty much ''meh'' on the subject and said that unless it disrupts the general RP atmosphere, it can be ignored and ''tolerated''.
I think the reason this has gotten attention and was ''fixed'' was because we are trying to bleach the gene pool and lift the standard of Discovery roleplay from the nosedive that it has been in for a while now. Silly names first, furries now. This is a good change and if we need to stomp over a few people to achieve that Disco survives as a RP server for another few years - so be it.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(04-10-2016, 02:30 PM)SirDoge Wrote: @Fluffy Tails Listen, dude: if you need to make a post, let it be constructive. Otherwise, just shut up.
As a side note, your above post:
(04-10-2016, 02:21 PM)Fluffy Tails Wrote: I like your style Jansen... We should grab a drink sometime I Remember them fun days of killing ZA and the entire server for once all grouped together which was shocking as hell lol I mean the SCRA, Corsairs, Order, other zoners -.-, Nomads, and well pretty much everyone and that temp cease fire until ZA was wiped clean xD
But ye I know some of you guys tried fixing it but man oh man where many admins lazy back then. I do gotta ask even though its off topic, when did all of you lot start buckling down eh?
is completely off-topic. And,if you are here to troll people...well, it isn't the place.
Have a nice day.
The staff should worry more about banning trolls and griefers, and not letting them come back a few months later to start it all over again, instead of limiting people's RP. There are a few good characters completely retconned with this decision. Players that are amongst the oldest members of this community still active.
Also this: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread...pid1764245
After this latest decision, asking for the removal of all non-cannon lore is only logical, and not a play. The staff member here is making fun of an issue that is very serious for some people. It's not a proper behaviour for a staff member, imho.
(04-10-2016, 09:51 AM)Jansen Wrote: Because transparency is a cool thing, here is another part of the discussion in the very hidden parts of the forums. This might also show that Admins arent the mean clique who simply agree on things to destroy your lifes, there is usually a rather lengthy dicussion with different viewpoints that end up with some sort of consensus.
(04-03-2016, 04:57 PM)Jansen Wrote: Furries have been around for way too long to go and forbid them. I dont really get why people freak out about this either, except for a wierd picture in Comm threads or Stories there is usually not even the slightest difference between 'normal' characters and them.
If we forbid people to play them, or edit out their pictures afterwards, we sould as well forbid underage cap ship captains and anime pictures, I always found them to be about as bad when it comes to immersion breaking. Though in general Im not in favor of telling people what they can RP and what not as long as it makes some kind of sense and isnt completely made up without any effort (ghost ships for example).
The fact that we have to write up a post telling people, that they can just ignore Furries if they think that they are bad for their mental health and shouldnt treat them like complete idiots really makes me question this communities sanity.
That people pick on Toris is not necessarily related to him playing furries, the guy just has a real talent at annoying people.
And even Toris himself admits this all may have started, because of his actions. Which I do know that he has told me off the bat he is sorry for doing unaware that it led to this day. Before him. Nothing. Very little arguments on this topic. And everything was fine to an extent.
(04-10-2016, 10:04 AM)Fluffy Tails Wrote: The definition of furry is covered in fur... Just type in furry definition on google search. -.-
Now type in nekomimi, okamimimi, kitsumimi and tell me what you see. If you say furry, you need a bullet to the brain since your stupid and cant tell the difference thus meaning you think humans are furries without ears and a tail -.-
If you say, they only have a tail and ears on the top of their head but are 99% human otherwise than your smarter than the average human being online.
If we go by this chart Snak3, you'll find that you are indeed wrong. And they would be classified under "More Furry" & "Very Furry". Reason. The body structure alone is virtually entirely human. Skull, Feet, Hands and Tail are the only major changes to the body structure. Fur can be labeled as cosmetic just like your skin color.
(04-10-2016, 11:29 AM)Hannibal Wrote:
(04-10-2016, 11:01 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: So, you get to a world where absolutely no reference was made to anything furry/pony/anime related, want to accepted as one who doesn't fit in the original theme and now calling those who wish to stay at the common sense and basic lore nazis and communists, getting mad about those who have the housekeepers rights for making a decision with argumentations and try to get others to "revolt" against that decision? Calling the community idiots, but want still things to be changed?
the only thing will change is a ban for his alt and his main
they can still RP their characters without the need to look the way they look,take a closer look if you think there's a difference between furrys and ponies:
You'll find that virtually -all- of these characters came from one person. Me. The rest are a mix of Toris and a new person I have honestly not had the pleasure of speaking to, so I cannot judge him/her by such alone.
(04-10-2016, 11:39 AM)Genexus Wrote: Even though I am not a fan of auto-restriction of creativity. I have mixed feelings about this. Regarding the fact that nearly any other RP game has a "fixed-tree" to create your character ingame, we need to have something similar. I suggest the admin team to do a googledoc-form for setting up characters. Regarding, that nearly any RP game has a proper char creation template ingame.
FL is forced to extend to other sources, but as the forum is directly connected to ingame, I think a creating a template on google might work as well.
Races, factions and such can be predefined. If the "player" can't create his char based on this or is more exotic, he could simply use the SRP forum.
Furry debate aside (or the subject matter of it, at least), all this T R A N S P A R E N C Y is really cool. I like it a lot, and I'm delighted to see the trend.
Also, the last few admin decisions have looked to be spot on as well. Flexible/targeted 1.0 enforcement, Bastilling of meme names, and so forth are all things I am over the moon to see.
As regards the whole furry thing, this isn't the first time I've seen that particular section of a community cause drama. There's a reason the term 'fursecution' ended up being coined - but it's always been my view that they bring it on themselves, so to speak.
My view is the same as it's always been - there is stuff that fits in on Disco, and there is stuff that doesn't. Having done stuff that doesn't fit in for months or years should not 'excuse' it any more than it should in the event of any other rule change.
I see no reason why furry characters cannot simply play as humans instead, and make at least a token effort to adhere to standards of canon and RP that fits inside the universe. We already have plenty of furry players here who are capable of such and more than happy to do so.
Reading aerelm's post, I couldn't help but echo many of the same sentiments. I have RPed with furry characters here in the past, but only up to the point where it inevitably (and it always seems to) becomes clear that the character is covered in fur - something I have no desire to ever acknowledge as Discovery canon. When that happens, I generally turn 180 degrees and head for the nearest dock.
In short, furries have only ever annoyed me when they have forced me to acknowledge their supposed existence - the same way all the 'stolen Valor/Lynx/Cougar' SRP attempts and such have only ever really bothered me when I'm forced to allow it to encroach on my RP environment. Furries are not created in LSF experimentation labs any more than Valors are left out in gigantic space car parks, idling quietly with their keys in the ignition.
Naturally, the owners of such characters will not be glad to have this rule in place - but at the end of the day (IMHO) whether the character happens to have fur on it or not shouldn't even come close to defining their personality etc. Nobody wept for the two or so Gallic Junker players when that ID was removed, they simply adapted and got on with it. In fact, that was a change I agreed with far less, since the GJ ID at least offered a different gameplay and RP niche in the form of privateering-style RP. Furry RP, on the other hand, offers the community as a whole nothing, and only serves to indulge the fetish of those behind the character at the expense of others' immersion and suspension of disbelief.
While I've told you multiple times that I respect you for the bull you have to put up with in the GRN, I do believe there is far more drama on and against the GRN than the few remaining people who role play as Anthromorphics. That and there are only 2 people who RP to having 'Stolen' valors. I believe one is Alley, which the Normandie was actually stolen, and the other is mine, The Grande Guillotine. Which was never stolen but forced to flee when its commander, Sebbby at the time, refused to hand over one of his officers to GRN| of that time. And that officer, was my character Vulpe Felanis. If there are more than that currently trying to RP stolen GRN tech please go ahead and show me. But I'm digressing from my point.
From what you are saying, if I'm getting this right. Is that the moment you find out the person you are RPing with turns out to have even the tiniest bit of non humanity in him, the whole RP becomes sour and stops. To make a mental image, picture a train pulling a few cars behind it. This train is your RP. You go for miles and miles until you come to a bridge. The bridge is of old stonework masonry covering a single road. Out of disgust cause it wasn't a conformed steel gridwork bridge like the rest of the line has that you've come across, you decide to back up miles and miles to find a junction to either go around the bridge you don't like, or just go back to station and hop off the train entirely.
Now yes, there were people who were upset when the GJ ID was removed and such. But don't forget, it was mostly a game mechanic that few people used. Using the ID alone would lead to character creation that you might find interesting to make or it could be the other way around, character creation then finding the ID. Both works. Those who make anthro characters, don't have that option off the bat. Our characters are not part of the game mechanic built in. They're outside the box. Something completely different. And when we jump in, taking the risk that we know at least one person, wont like what we're creating.
(04-10-2016, 02:11 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Bret's characters have not been made non-canon by the annoucement. Simply, they're just considered to be normal humans now.
May I point out my only 2 human characters (those that don't use Anime images) are:
Lord Montchevre - Lasted 2 whole posts with Brigands.
Canins Domrey - Lasted 3 months before I got honestly bored and left the SCRA.
Now to the point I'm getting at in a whole is simple.
Let's use the painting of the Mona Lisa for our example. She represents our RP for a character. Underneath that paint is a line work of the painting that was essential before Leonardo da Vinci placed a drop of paint onto the canvas. The outlines represents a grid of what we want our characters to become. Our hopes, dreams, known pitfalls so on and so forth. Now we add our paint, which is the flesh of what we want our characters to look like. And this is where the line between people who Role play as Humans and those that do not now divides. We can be human and follow the course in which da Vinci went to finish the artwork that we see today.
There will always be people who paint their Mona Lisa in different colors. Some can go fancy 50's retro sharp colors. Or 60's neon's. Some may paint the Mona Lisa as a zombie or even Miss Piggy from the Muppets. For those who show their characters flesh as something different, is our paint.
After banning the use of anthromorphic images in RP, what is next? Those who use anime characters? There goes three more characters of mine. Ilo Takato, Jenson Volengos, and Miki. There goes their RP cause I can no longer use the paint I wish to use for my Mona Lisa. And a whole lot of other's will also be affected by this change too. And after that. Video Game characters? I believe Thyr who uses a character from Star Craft will be upset. As will a very large chunk of the SCRA as they've used a good portion from the Red Alert series for the foundation of the Coalition in some form or another. And. If the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) passes in the USA and such, you wont be able to use images of celebrities, and such out of copyright laws. There goes even more paint.
Now am I going to go like Gytrash did and make 39 pages on why Zoners should keep their caps? No. Cause like some people, they'd read the first few paragraphs and ignore the rest. It was a game mechanic that would have affected virtually the entire game as a whole, breaking far more than immersion. And we all know that.
If there are changes to the ruling on using Furry character images to represent the character as a whole, please do so. Be it fully removed or hell even only in SRP.
But please.
Don't take the paint of my characters away. It's the only paint I've found over the years that makes me feel that the work into making my version of the Mona Lisa feel like an achievement for others to enjoy. Not for my benefit alone.
(04-10-2016, 11:49 AM)Omicega Wrote: pink works etc
Agreed with what Omi posted.
I'm enjoying the changes the staff are making. Normally choices like these cause a small group to be very vocal about their dislike for such decisions and the satisfied group just gives the choice a nod and doesn't say anything, more negative feedback than positive and all that. Have fun with the minor backlash (as seen in this thread).
Keep up the good work, I enjoy the fact that the staff is being more open and revealing so people can understand the process on how things work, and potentially help out to make it a smoother task for all those involved.
(04-10-2016, 02:56 PM)sindroms Wrote: But he is from 2013, surely he has existed long enough to be a bittervet, right?
On topic though, I realize that perhaps my posts regarding this topic haven't been too coherent, but I did not assume that at that point the whole subject would be blown out of proportion as it is now.
Look, I am speaking as a furry here. The general community of the Fandom is just as tardish as Disco is at times. It also has a huge roleplay focus. This is why you will find Furries in RP communities all the time. Some only go as far as using their own or borrowed art related to the fandom in their avatars or siggies, others decide to flaunt it. I will flat out say it - I do not feel comfortable roleplaying a human character. If I do, it often ends up a parody of a movie character or somehow otherwise being associated with one. My last proper character was probably either Mort or Dgahr - two characters within the span of eight years of Disco.
This is no doubt true for other furries and I can sort of relate to SMI with his qq over it. But at the same time there is a thing called ''respect towards the original lore''. If we are using a game and its original lore for our roleplay platform, it is up to players to utilize what is given to them in order to achieve their RP. Copy-pasting your ''fursona'' into Disco is not only lazy, but also shows complete lack of respect towards the setting you want to roleplay in.
There is also the problem with "Haters can bite me" attitude that the fandom has acheived over the time. That they are somehow entitled to creative freedom and have ''gotten used to the fact that people will qq about their characters, but those people can just suck it.''. Yes you are entitled to creative freedom, but within the constraints of the community you are a part of. This was the case in 84 and nothing has changed now. It was SMI's own fault for trying to crowbar his furry character into Disco. He was warned about that, I even remember a similar thread popping up in 2010 where this was discussed. It was then when the admins were pretty much ''meh'' on the subject and said that unless it disrupts the general RP atmosphere, it can be ignored and ''tolerated''.
I think the reason this has gotten attention and was ''fixed'' was because we are trying to bleach the gene pool and lift the standard of Discovery roleplay from the nosedive that it has been in for a while now. Silly names first, furries now. This is a good change and if we need to stomp over a few people to achieve that Disco survives as a RP server for another few years - so be it.
Yello Sindroms been such a long time.
Yeah Ive been here for a while and this acct was an alt since my first went awol lol.
But I agree with this also, trying to crowbar stuff in is a no no in most games since the communities go loony bout it.
Honestly despite some furries supposedly doing very good RP -I got not clue just what most are saying- I think games should be around there lore honestly. I mean look at star wars for one hell of an example. As mentioned the Cathar race of cat like furries that actually FIT in said lore rather than a random walking talking fox driving a space ship doing RP. Anyways the whole haters can bite me, that's just never gonna end online as much as I hate to say since it gets very very annoying for that attitude.
Btw wuts up with people thinking I'm trolling xD I just droppped by to voice my opinions on behalf of a few peeps I know, if you got an issue with me a "Very bitter vet" posting then you can ******************** and bring it up with the admins lol. I still remember Jensen, Ktayn, @Ae -Admin- screw spelling his name, SummerMcLoving, along with the peeps I used to know being Jeremy Hunter, Tabris, Snakelancer (Trademarked) He knows why I didn't do a proper TM :p, Conrad, the Judges, And my RL bud Shizune... So... who here thinks I'm trolling hmm? Cause I can assure you I don't bring words to a plasma fight. Anyways This whole cluster F has got peoples panties in a bunch and I literally have it settled. I mean my buds are laughing their rears off in my chats since I made this whole fiasco drop in a matter of 6 posts or less and in the most obvious way that even a caveman who reads it would understand.
I took another route, sought for valiable changes and restarted a completely new character, which should satisfy the community - taking "mumbo-jumbo non-human species" subject off the board. I kind of regret I have not did the route before, in the form was proposed to me firstly.
Edit: Oh my God, avatars are dark again. Praise The Kitty.
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Staff roles: Systems Lead
(04-10-2016, 11:49 AM)Omicega Wrote: Furry debate aside (or the subject matter of it, at least), all this T R A N S P A R E N C Y is really cool. I like it a lot, and I'm delighted to see the trend.
Also, the last few admin decisions have looked to be spot on as well. Flexible/targeted 1.0 enforcement, Bastilling of meme names, and so forth are all things I am over the moon to see.
Agree with everything Omi wrote here. I'm glad that you've become much more active and did all the things mentioned by him. I'd also add the quick processing of sanctions and player requests as well as at least one of you always being available on skype to talk to. A few months ago a lot of people lost their faith in the admin team when the activity was barely existant, but it's definitely coming back now. Keep up the good work.
The furries are no longer existant inside discovery universe and I followed that. As I stated in PM, the AI's mainframe can have any form - be it a humanoid creation (such as things on the bases) or in form of a whole humongous vessel. Nothing is wrong with that character, as character is not a living being born of experiments disallowed by lore, but a machine created by man.
I disagree with closing Tikam Kunuri's story thread, because there are no rules depicting on how human-made and alien-made AI's "body" should look like. They can have all different forms.
This character has not broken the overall rule from the News Announcement, which states that non-human, non-Nomad and non-AI (both human- and Kappa-born) characters are disallowed on Discovery.