What exactly are you arguing against here? The classification of Lyonnais as House Controlled Space? Or the ability of Zoners to dock Whales and Battleships in systems that aren't sovereign house space?
Also you don't have to censor my name. I'm not ashamed
Edit: No, wait. Let me elaborate. Lyonnais is not considered house controlled space to reflect its role as a border system between Kusari and Gallia. If I roll into there on my Aquilon and sell a load of Uncut Diamonds when nobody's around, all the harm done is that I earn less than a third of what I would if I had rolled in on an ALG 5ker.
You're welcome to log a ship to interact with / stop / kill me, same as when I fly my Aquilon through the lanes in New Berlin. In terms of economic and gameplay consequences, the ability to dock that ship in Lyonnais is totally irrelevant.
Of course Gallia will enforce it's laws in t-23 and irp Gallic control over the system is a thing. I meant to say that it's normal when people are trying to call Gallic space independent or something similar.
(04-28-2016, 06:30 PM)Karst Wrote: Lyonnais is not considered house controlled space to reflect its role as a border system between Kusari and Gallia.
Allow me to apologise for believing Rishiri had that role, given how less developed (aka filled with content like habitable planets or battleships) it is compared to, I dunno, like Lyonnais... Seems I've been wrong.
Edit: Just saying that even Hokkaido, Sovereign House Space as per the rules, has less planets than Lyonnais. But of course it makes sense that the latter is more wild than the former, doesn't it?
It actually is house controlled. Just not sovereign. Same with Pennsylvania. There is lots of systems that have a lot of house presence but aren't sovereign but house controlled only.