(05-04-2016, 01:19 PM)Gagadug the Duck Wrote: So basically youre saying you dont like us and some of the players specific and thats why its ok to disregard inRP allying limitations, ooRPly take part in the conflict and generally hating all Core players ?
well done
Aren't you hostile towards the freelancers you allied with in group? Pretty sure I've seen some kills on them claimed by Core|.
My understanding is Lyth allowed everyone access to the shared ship fleet, if members of the core abused that and lost it for the faction that is a darn shame, but outside of that, there is no reason to release them, like others have said, 5 battleships aren't going to make or break an event.
(05-04-2016, 01:19 PM)Gagadug the Duck Wrote: So basically youre saying you dont like us and some of the players specific and thats why its ok to disregard inRP allying limitations, ooRPly take part in the conflict and generally hating all Core players ?
well done
Aren't you hostile towards the freelancers you allied with in group? Pretty sure I've seen some kills on them claimed by Core|.
You mean A/ ? In the first engagement I wasnt present so I dont know the exact circumstances. But yes A/ is hostile to core. Still they can be hired by Core or does the ID state otherwise ?
(05-04-2016, 01:37 PM)Gagadug the Duck Wrote: ut yes A/ is hostile to core. Still they can be hired by Core or does the ID state otherwise ?
Although the rule 4 of the Bounty Hunting and Freelancer Hire Rules states that "4. Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game by non-generic IDed players to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.";
there is also rule 9, that states: "9. The character registered on a board must be at least neutral to their employer, and hostile to the faction they are targeting in a bounty. This does not apply to assassination missions where the target is a single character. Board owners are obliged to ensure that the persons they are hiring have a suitable reputation. This means no hiring or paying people who would be hostile to you based on previous actions or non-hostile with the targets they claim."
Of course, rule 9 talks about Bounty Boards. But it's only common sense and good RP that you always apply the part I marked in bold on the text. The fact that Core hires Aurexia after they already requested a FR5 against them is lame RP at best, and should be sanctionable in my opinion.