[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/JfcK3FB.png?1[/img] Name: Sanuel Butler Affiliation: Erewhonians Topic: Zoner Defense What do you have to say?: The Zoners are a diverse group of people all living different lifestyles but with one thing generally in common, the will to live outside of house control.
For survival this has lead to trying to solve all our problems through diplomacy and a neutrality that is often misinterpreted as weakness. In some areas this has lead to a general erosion in our relationships with opportunist bullies believing neutrality makes us a pushover. For lovers of history we would consider our following actions to be in line with the old earth ideas behind the United Nations concept.
Whilst not a lover of aggression the people equating neutrality with being unable to defend ourselves embodies a strange array of thought processes. To that end we will be bringing our ship in from deep space in order to defend the Freeports. We will utilise our resources in the defense of any NFZ that is being violated by any group deeming the Zoner lifestyle as being an easy target for bullying. Once any imminent threat has dissipated we will return to our far flung wanderings.
[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/528lDHU.jpg?1[/img] Name: Dankien Moebus Affiliation: The Seraphim Topic: Zoner Defense What do you have to say?: The brutal attack by the Core reminds us that the zoners may seem pretty harmless against military and para military factions. However, the large support we received after the attack from the Core demonstrates the strength of zoners also lies in their relations.
Maybe it is worth to remember a story. In the past, the main zoner groups formed the Zoner Alliance. I can't remember precisely its goals, but I would say it was related to protect zoners and enforce NFZ around freeports. Unfortunately, it was not able to accomplish these duties. Indeed, a few years ago, when the Corsairs decided to start a war against zoners, not all zoners agreed on what to do and this resulted in the split of the Zoner Alliance. Today, the situation is simpler: there is a large agreement to condemn the Core and the conflict has remained confined more or less in Omicron-delta. But we don't know for next time.
So, you may create a permanent zoner defense force, but depending what you have in mind, it might be not as easy to operate as it seems.
[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/528lDHU.jpg?1[/img] Name: Dankien Moebus Affiliation: The Seraphim Topic: The Seraphim headquarter What do you have to say?: Dear all, following the recent events in the omicron: i.e. the Core hostility and dramatic ion storm; we have decided to relocate our headquarter to a safer place, closer to the House systems where we operate. So we are currently wiling to settle in Sigma-13.
Name: Prof. Dr. Alessa Freya Samson Affiliation: Ingenuus Research Group Topic: Introduction What do you have to say?: First of all. It is very good having new faces in here. It is honorable and important that independent Zoners all over Sirius want to share their interests and opinions. Being independent, but you aren't alone. This phrase only belongs to us, to Zoners. Certainly, this will take fruits for our society very soon.
You may have heard about the dead of Dr. Eli Starkweather, a founder of this place, the dean of the Outer Rim University, my mentor, friend and family. I hope you understand that sorrow is still hardly present and I have currently strong difficulties to get back to the regular life. Topic: Outer Rim University What do you have to say?: Of course, after Eli's dead, the Outer Rim University needs to have a new dean. The most prefered current option is a promotion of a shared dean position whose persons are the highly professional Doc Holliday and I. I think my mind is clear to talk about the details and having a diner with you, Mr. Holliday.
Another unexpected issue was the collapsing of Omicron-74. Luckily, our sensors were able to capture the indices of Omicron-74's collapsing and we have managed to relocate the whole construction site of the Outer Rim University to Omicron Lost. Topic: Zoner defense What do you have to say?: Dankien, I think setting up a defense force is the last thing we all are capable to do and I personally want. Not only, most of us don't have crews trained for combat situations we even don't have ships suited for combat situations. We should rely on our supporters, most of them are far better trained and equipted that the Zoners are. Ours purpose and destiny lie somewhere else. Even though this may only be my personal view, but this would be also a step back in our evolution. I strongly disagree and disadvise here.
[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/528lDHU.jpg?1[/img] Name: Dankien Moebus Affiliation: The Seraphim Topic: Zoner Defense What do you have to say?: Just to clarify, I am not for the defense force, I was just wishing good luck to whom would do it. The Seraphim are humanitarian zoners, it is very unexpected they participate to any military operation. Our main activity regarding Freeport 11 is providing supplies. Topic: Outer Rim University What do you have to say?: I am sorry for Eli's dead, he was a great man. I hope the University won' t be too isolated in Omicron-Lost, it's probably one of the most remote place in Sirius. This will be quite challenging to supply it. Topic: The Seraphim Headquarter What do you have to say?: The Archangel Fighter Club has accepted to host the Seraphim on Newport station in Sigma-13. The station is currently being renewed so we will keep using our ships as headquarter until it is achieved. The good news is that AFC is also involved in humanitarian actions. We will meet their leader as soon as possible to discuss possible collaboration.
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[img float=right]User Image here !!! Max width 180 pixels[/img] Name: Doc Holliday Affiliation: Med Force Enterprises Topic: The Core As I understand things, Finn McCool has begun dialogue with The Core. I wish him luck. People like them are why I hung up my robes of diplomacy years ago. In my opinion, they show no interest in a peaceful co-existence. I don't seek to be "buddies" but living together? Yes. As I said, it seems unless we give them entirely what they want, they won't listen. Write your text here !!!
Topic: Outer Rim University
Relocation to Sigma 13? Call me indifferent. Unless the Kusari government and/or the GMG have barred the Core from being in that space, The Core can be as much a pain there as they are here. Omicron 74 is Zoner space. Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture as I'm not a military man.
Topic: Zoner Defense Force
I've seen nothing but failure from this in the past. It came up as an item in the old Council of Zoners and the Zoner Alliance. Also, past Zoner groups dedicated to a military defense cause are long gone. Taking the lesser of evils, I almost find it a better option to improve relations with rival groups to The Core. Not promote hostilities but if we're viewed with favor by these groups, they'll have interest in looking out for the interests of a friend.
Topic: Dr. Samson
My schedule is pretty clear so anytime you would like to meet over dinner, I'd be honored. I have quite a selection of beverages from my travels to include a large selection of Gallic wines and liquors. We have much to discuss so I look forward to it.
Name: Prof. Dr. Alessa Freya Samson Affiliation: Ingenuus Research Group Topic: Seraphim What do you have to say?: It's good to see Seraphim expands. My father would be proud that our family values have been stored very well at your foundation. Topic: Zoner defense What do you have to say?: I think I have missunderstood you there, my apologize. Nonetheless, something like this should never be idealed of us. Topic: Doc Holliday What do you have to say?: It seems we are both of the same league. It has been a very long time since I was at a serious dinner, even only for business. Please, tell me a day and time and I will be there.
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Name: Doc Holliday Affiliation: Med Force Enterprises Topic: Prof. Dr. Alessa Samson What do you have to say?: It seems I find myself working a lot out here in Omega 49 aboard my flagship of Med Force One. I have a very nice restaurant here on ship with food and beverage from all corners of Sirius and Gallia. If you would rather dine planetside, there are a good many places there as well. Your choice. I'll be in my best attire. All I need is a couple of hours notice. How is Friday evening, say, 1900 hours?
[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/528lDHU.jpg?1[/img] Name: Dankien Moebus Affiliation: The Seraphim Topic: The Seraphim Headquarter What do you have to say?: Maybe I should add that moving to Sigma 13 was not only due to the Core threat. While the Core is not really active in this region, Sigma 13 is also a more strategical location to conduct the Seraphim projects. Indeed, we are actually especially active in Houses space so it saves travel time and h-fuel to have our headquarter closer of the action. Finally, omicron-74 does not longer exist as it was. The ion storm has heavily changed the omicron map and we feel the zoners bases are too isolated. Moreover, our first contacts with the Archangel Fighter Club are promising, they are also interested in humanitarian projects and we are discussing about future collaboration
Name: Prof. Dr. Alessa Samson Affiliation: The Sol Project Topic: Consensus Multiplex What do you have to say?: Dear voices, I have come to the conclusion that the Consensus Multiplex is an essential installation for the Sol Project. Furthermore the original position offered the Zoner Consensus an optimal spot to host all of its organizations. Therefore the Sol Project wishes to reconstruct the installation. Luckily we were able to deconstruct and evacuate everything important to Corinth Research Station this means a reconstruction will be most likely cheap and quick. Nonetheless I only suggest a reconstruction in case we will do an arrangement with Omicron Supply Industries. They have vast access to required supplies. Topic: Gammuian Civilization What do you have to say?: Since the Gammuian AI civilization appears towards us hostile mostly in nature of an infrastructual expanding of humans. I suggest to form a team for another contact with this species. I personally like to invite the members of MFE and KRG for this. I still do have a hope a mutual agreement is possible, though I determine that this species isn't unified, because over years several forms of them have been encountered.