(05-29-2016, 06:16 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: On a more positive note, rather than dwelling on the past, since a lot of people have asked me about our next move regarding FP11 what sort of thing would people want to see?
Play the game.
See what happens.
The best things happen when you do not ask for permission first and when it is not disputed to death before anything happened. Because there will always be someone to disagree...
The right questions are imo being asked in the 2 diplomatic threads.
The initiative is nearly entirely with COre, so come up with a plan and follow it, I would say. Perhaps talk to the leaders of the affected parties, but have them keep it quiet, as to guarantee a "surprise".
This entire drama was the result of people playing the game and seeing what happened without asking for permission first. Do you consider this drama a good thing?
Except...this latest Drama the whole incident was a good thing.
I really wonder how this drama is still alive. If people here were open to change their opinion that would did it 10 pages ago. If you have nothing to do it's better to just float around in space for some random RP or just train in conn, depends on what are you up to. I don't know, maybe some people are just salt-addicts.
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It's called roll play, People. Yes, yes, I know, "space is a dangerous place" but we have a lot of people in this server who would rather shoot first instead of RP. I have been a part of this community for over 5 years and made RP my specialty. There is a reason why my character has hung up his diplomacy robes and that's for the reason above. Still, I play the game. Remember, how you get treated is how you choose to RP with my character(s). Remember, PVP isn't something I excel at so I'm rather boring there.
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I think just folks running supplies, traders as you said, should suffice while RP continues. I often find good RP ops while purposely running a route where the action is.
Hello this is Matthias speaking on behalf of IC| HC. In our opinion there were some valid concerns all these months about the economic state of the Core, especially its economic sustainability. The economic activities in which the Core engaged were not realistically enough to sustain all this. We even wrote two separate news reports about this subject.
(05-16-2016, 01:19 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(05-16-2016, 01:14 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Generally, oorply Core| has come off pretty okay with the roleplay consequences.
Do you mean the part where you denied the idea of Zoners having any significance in the Omicrons and antagonizing them had little to no effect on Core's economy?
But I think the matter should be put to rest now.
With the "bailout plan" that the Core accepted, it received a large surge of money which can keep the faction afloat for a respectable amount of time. This does not mean it solves the sustainability issues, I think the Core HC within the coming months or year should actively search for new economic sources especially since 55% of APM's revenue will now go to the IC.
But that's not something which should concern us at this point. Feel free to quote this post in case someone brings up this subject again.
And of course Core/Lyth does it again.
Destroy / boycott roleplay.
Pullout of Nauru roleplay: After initial total refusal to even participate in any roleplay concerning Nauru (and Core feedback exploding), Lyth found it somewhat tolerable to allow for roleplay, even at some point said he could imagine participating (but of course never did even after talking about what would make the thread more authentic and balanced), and now decided to drop out again. Reasoning: the Yaren selling point is agreed anyway, no need to rp any more, and we do not feel we like how it is getting more convoluted.
Literally, this is as bad as it gets on a roleplay server when an official faction is first trying to forbid others to roleplay, then boycots roleplay, then agrees but in reality only stalls, and then pulls out finally.
[3:02:51 AM] Luc E-W: Core| doesn't really want to be part of the Nauru RP anymore
[3:02:56 AM | Edited 3:11:13 AM] Luc E-W: They/we don't like the progression of it. What started as something that was supposed to be a simple overture of events is just becoming more and more convoluted.
[3:04:06 AM | Edited 3:08:00 AM] Luc E-W: and the constant insecurities regarding making our own mind up on the rp, which includes both my own thoughts, the thoughts of my hc and our individual members, just seems indicative that this isn't something we should pursue
[3:04:50 AM | Edited 3:11:33 AM] Luc E-W: rather than have another debate about it or something, i think it'd be best to accept our lack of intent to take part. This time we're quite sure on our stance.
[3:05:19 AM] Luc E-W: besides, Xoria is going to add a sell point for Iridium to Yaren base anyway
"War war war!" yelling, while avoiding interaction: It is rather obvious when looking at the numbers that during the event Core was enjoying themselves, but afterwards, the repercussions and the logical roleplay were not that much to the liking (shown by thirty-something pages of criticism). Pulling out and not playing is the choice, it seems. Same thing with Nauru now.
In my opinion, it is really bad if you have your faction run around yelling "War! War everybody", but then have nothing follow up. Not even present your assets for interaction or pews.
The only credible and realistic interaction with Core within the last weeks is Foxglove, who really does a great job. Without him putting a lot of time and effort into authentic roleplay, Core would be almost on a meme level, rotating around the topics "War! War everybody!" and some funny maps of claims.
Silent removal of unliked roleplay content: Lyth had valid roleplay removed by staff, thereby discouraging whole parties from joining any further roleplay. That's not the way to play on a roleplay server. You are the one who always says "deal with roleplay", but hey... I think that was not meant that you deal with it by oorp means, staff and whatever your means are.
XXX: Not bothering. Staff nuked the thread because Lyth QQed at them
Jack Henderson: which thread?
Jack Henderson: the Bretonian-Core thread?
XXX: Yup. The one where we demanded an explanation of events. Lyth QQ'ed and it got taken down.
I request a statement on this one because this sounds fishy to an extreme degree!
Since when does staff get involved in roleplay?
So.... to sum it up: Lyth, seriously, it sucks. Your silly "play freelancer by secretly sending in infocards to the devs" or by "writing 'lore' by yourself", or by "not roleplaying" or even "forbidding others to roleplay", and getting your way by "secretly having things disappear" and oorp scheming is an insult to everybody who actually cares for roleplay and a slap in the face of those who actually come to this game for roleplay.
A promise at the end: You'll find yourself "roleplayed with", whether you like it or not. And you will find yourself and your faction being called out for every single time you pull a Lyth-destroyer-of-roleplay.
P.S: Foxglove's great forum work and roleplay deserves kudos. He is exempt from the critizism worded here.
XXX: Not bothering. Staff nuked the thread because Lyth QQed at them
Jack Henderson: which thread?
Jack Henderson: the Bretonian-Core thread?
XXX: Yup. The one where we demanded an explanation of events. Lyth QQ'ed and it got taken down.
I request a statement on this one because this sounds fishy to an extreme degree!
Since when does staff get involved in roleplay?
The reason why the Staff got involved was because this Card was played.
- House Miltary, Police and Intelligence factions may enforce roleplay consequences only for actions occurring within their ZOI.
As the Staff, we have to abide by the Rules if it is brought to our attention. Within the Post, mentioned, was some RP consequences. There was nothing 'fishy' about it.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
So threatening inRP (even if it can't be done ooRP) isn't allowed anymore, fantastic work Admin team, best thought process ever
You know Ageria threatened to have my Junker exiled from Liberty, could I have wined to the admin team and said since they didn't catch me in Liberty it was ooRP and remove the thread?
(06-02-2016, 01:20 PM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: So threatening inRP (even if it can't be done ooRP) isn't allowed anymore, fantastic work Admin team, best thought process ever
You know Ageria threatened to have my Junker exiled from Liberty, could I have wined to the admin team and said since they didn't catch me in Liberty it was ooRP and remove the thread?
Ageira isn't a house military, police or intelligence.