Im trying to follow in my fathers foot step and become part of something bigger than i am...
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
i have spent no time in the Secondary Fleet, while i have spent a few years in the "indie side"
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I can bring Time, focus, and dedication. im willing to learn and become a better Order pilot
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Jonathan Kalh is from Liberty, born on planet Manhattan. knowing his father was killed by liberty has made him angry and personally motivated. After his mother told him why he was killed and what his father was really up to. He sought out the Order and wished to join them. After saving up money and buying a "kingfisher" he fought through pirates and other hardened criminals to get to this point. his long journey has made him a bit of a "survivor" and has changed Jonathan to be willing to do anything to get the job done.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Xeno3763 Timezone:Eastern
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
im online every day and i check the forums every day.. one could say i'm pretty active.. always on TS
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
I have never been sanctioned
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Sender ID:"Tantalus" Location Origin:Mobile Operations Center "Razgriz", code SILVER system. Encryption:Ra Greetings Jonathon Kalh, Im pleased to see you've fully carried through with your induction, welcome to the primary fleet. You have been accepted under the terms of your service and will be placed under the command of the Horus Battalion, your quarters are prepared on Hierlark Planetary Command Center.
Name:Nadia Malacos Gender:Female Age:25 Height:168 cm Weight:55 kg
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
After having flown in the secondary fleet for some time upon my return to the Sirius sector and Order space, I believe I am finally ready to join the primary fleet in the same way my father once did and bring back a sense of fear and respect to the Malacos name, both within our ranks and, especially, to our enemies.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
As an active pilot for some 5 standard months.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
As it turns out my father had left me a wealth of intelligence and information that he kept to himself during his time as Grand Admiral and before. I am very well acquainted with the history and military doctrine of the Order as well as with the development of our capabilities spanning back to the commissioning of our first gunboats, light fighters, carriers, and cruisers. This information and recordings of his leadership is something I am willing to share with the primary fleet to improve our operations around Sirius and Gallia too. I am motivated to follow in his steps and set aside colonial origins to focus on the Nomad threat which I believe is more real than many like to believe.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
I am the daughter of Grand Admiral Sius Malacos. For years my identity was kept hidden from both the Order and myself. The reason why I still do not know but I am committed to finding out, though I have reason to believe it may have something to do with his disappearance.
I consider myself fiercely loyal to the cause of our organization and will follow competent leaders into battle and will volunteer for daring missions which are both dangerous and important, but above all logical and sensitive. I believe that information is power and that respect is earned, not won. That being said my closest friends have seen me at my worse; I have a soft heart and can be emotional as I was born into a life I did not ask for. There is a reason I am here and I am determined to find out what happened to my father no matter the cost. I am convinced his disappearance is more than just a coincidence and may very well have severe repercussions for the Order in the future unless we find out what happened, and where he is. I am determined and motivated to promote and pursue the interests of the Order and its objectives.
Before joining the secondary fleet I was sent away beyond the reaches of Sirius on board a carrier in order to pursue prototype research however I now believe it was to keep me away from Order space for whatever reason. Most recently I have taken part in operation Hidden Giant and have flown with primary fleet vessels prior to that encounter.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
Timezone:CET (UTC+1)
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Asides from my trader, this character (in a VHF) is the only one I currently have in the game. I am intending to fly a cruiser/destroyer in due time, depending on if the Order does in fact get a destroyer. If not I may make a cruiser as a second Order character. Asides from those I doubt I'll make more characters mainly because I am working full time at the moment and starting September I will be fully focused with my studies, meaning I may be able to play a little bit on weekday evenings though will have much more time on weekends, at most.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
I have not.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I do.
I look forward to once again flying with the Order| tag. This is what brought me to this game and to this community and this is where I belong. Thank you for your consideration.
I had the honor of serving with your father. That might not seem good nowadays, but I will always look back and remember Sius as the man who gave me a chance. I have never lost hope that, one day, we can save him, or put him to rest. And after today, that time draws just a little closer.
This application did not need much thought; even with the current state of your father, the name Malacos still holds true the ideals the Order upholds. With full approval of the Grand Admiral himself, I welcome you personally into the Order, Nadia. Report to Giza Military Command on Akabat at once for processing into the Primary Fleet.
The disappearance of your father is a mystery that will haunt the Order still. I can only hope your determination to unravel this mystery, can help the Order close the tome upon which this black mark lies....and that then, we may give Sius Malacos the honor he deserves.
Welcome to the Order, Nadia Malacos.
Jeremy Hunter
3rd Battlegroup - Paladin
I've been getting tired of living in Liberty's heartland. It's a pretty sight, but I've been a simple citizen with no solid purpose for a while and I figure it's time for me to take up arms for the only cause worth fighting for, despite Liberty's beliefs.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
N/A: I haven't been in The Order or in contact with them previous to this Recruitment Form.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Long before I ever thought of joining The Order, I once wanted to join the Liberty Navy, but I never got around to it. After I turned 21, I applied for a Bachelor's Degree at West Point Military Academy, and passed. I learned many tactics on and off the battlefield as well as several different lessons in stratagems, all of which I can offer to The Order, assuming I pass.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
7 out of 10.
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
I was born in the heart of Liberty, right on Planet Manhattan on August 25th, 798 A.S. My parents were ex LN officers, both retiring to birth me. Life wasn't too bad on Manhattan; my family received military pensions that kept us well fed every month. They wanted me to join the Liberty Navy but I didn't decide on that until I started classes at West Point. But when I got out, life hit me pretty hard, and I had to work as a freelancer, completing missions given by officers and cops on Manhattan. Well, I got tired of that life eventually, and now here I am, talking here. As for my personality, on the outside I have a firey passion for justice and equality, and, of course, the saving of humanity. But inside, if you get to know me that well, I can be rather nonchalant. Not in the uninterested way, but in the calm way. That inner peace blended greatly with my skills, allowing me to think clearly. Last but not least, I did take this one trip to Kusari a couple months ago. It's a beauty of a house, might I add. I stumbled across a Blood Dragon whose name I do not remember, but I did help in distributing their propaganda. I hope that promotes well, because it was a little rough getting out, thanks to Kusari's State Police.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Capten Jak Sparoh Timezone:(UTC -05:00), Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I'll be balancing my activity between Blood Dragons and The Order, but I'll be very active, at least until my next school semester starts, which keeps me prisoner until around 3:15 PM.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Nope, I've been a good boy.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Of course. Rules are made to be followed. Those rules and the people that enforce them, as well as the players that abide by them, should be treated with the respect of which you would give a family member or good friend, or to a further extent, that of which you would give to a monarch.
Many come to us with no experience, nothing but their drive. Many only hear and seek us out. That does not end any chance. No, it means you have a fire in you, one that has led you to us.
Welcome to the Order, Amber McCray. Report to Giza Military Command on Planet Akabat to begin your training.
I returned back to the Omicrons after a few years and believe that my knowledge and skills will be of use for the Primary Fleet especially in times like this.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I served in the Order Secondary Fleet actively for over five years now.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Years of experience with undercover work, experiences with liberal arts and mental ways of manipulation or torture. Additional menpower is never wrong too right?
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
I was born on Freeport 7 on September 7th, 788 A.S as daughter of two Cryer workers. To my own luck we moved back to Liberty literally three weeks before the base was destroyed by the Slomon K'Hara. I spent the rest of my youth on Los Angeles and had the luck to study liberal arts at the Loyola Marymount University. To my own surprise my parents decided to go back to Atka in 802 A.S but not as I thought to work for Cryer again but rather join the Orders ranks. So I moved with them, having had good knowledge about the happenings of Freeport 7. I remained on Toledo all the time, helping wherever I could but in 807 A.S. I just couldn't sit still anymore and managed to get spaceship training. Finally having been in space in the year 809 I started to do smaller escorts or recons for who already became like my family.. the Order. Looking back at my past after 818 A.S and the loss of our all home I only wish to tell you that I lived undercover in Liberty, gathering data, planning my own things but I always kept sending the Secondary Fleets command data packs. Now I am here back in the Omicrons. Ready to serve the Primary Fleet.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:The Grand Admiral has it. Timezone:UTC +2/GMT +1
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Daily forum checks. General activity will vary. Most likely around 1 hour per day is possible, often even more.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Had a sanction notice on one of my ships years ago, never found a thread about it though
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
For sure. Wouldn't be here if I wasn't doing this.
Name: Tahl_Skywalker (Heathcliff)
Age:45 (Born 785 AS)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190 Lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Why do you want to join the Order Primary fleet?
I believe I have the skills to help better the Order, I've been training, scouting, and mapping since my last request was denied.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet?
I reckon since I was 15 thanks to Orillion, he pulled many strings to get me recruited early.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I can bring you a pilot that know what he's doing and someone that can convince others to join our cause.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
As long as I have Nepthys I'd rate my skills at a 9/10. I've been around training since 800 AS.
Pilot History:
The Story of Heathcliff, The Order Pilot.
When I was born, I remember one thing, I was cold and wet. I was not very happy either. When I was given to my mother, she was happy. That was all that mattered. I later began to realize why I was cold, I was born on planet Toledo in 785 AS. I was a good, I was balanced for the most part, and on occasion I was also kind of an asshole… I regret that to this day. If only I had been nicer. Every day I realize what I could have been. When I was three years old, I lost my father to the Nomads. I was so upset, I always wondered “when is daddy coming home?” I never saw him again. When I was 5 years old I went inside an Anubis for the first time. It was amazing, I was immediately fascinated by every bit of technology in there. That is when I decided to dedicate myself to the cause. I was going to fight Nomads.
It was very hard training, I was instructed by a special person by the name of Orillion. Who would have thought he was going to be so important in the future? He was tough, his training courses were tougher. I wasn’t even supposed to be learning at the age of seven, right? But it helped me, Orillion saw something in me than no one else would see. They refused to see it, at least, that is what it seemed…
At the age of 13 after many brutal training exercises and flight simulators, Orillion decided it was time. I got to go into and Bastet Mk I, for the first time, it was a wonderful experience. I wish I could have had it longer. Soon after my launch, Toledo was attacked! I had to return but I knew I had to help. So I ignored orders and fought, I fought until my ship was just a cockpit. With no weapons, no shields and barely enough hull to call it a ship, I just surrendered. With luck, a lot of luck, the Osiris had arrived, the legendary space Battleship stolen from right out from under the Liberty Navy. I was towed on board where I met with Orillion, what he had told me changed my life forever... My mother had died.
At the age of 14, Orillion was out on the war against The Nomads in 800 AS. I was eavesdropping and heard something about plans to attack the Donau. Confused I just left the area. I was confused because that ship was not even worth anything, just a Rheinland Cruiser. A year later I had figured out a lot more about that ship. Anyways, I was actually recruited at 15. This did not make any sense because it is usually 18 at the earliest. It seems Orillion pulled some strings for me. I was actually promoted and recruited straight to Lieutenant, this was great! I could finally show my worth to The Order. They never did seem to mind me leaving either, only as long as I came back when ordered.
When I was 20, a lot of changes were made. There were amazing breakthroughs in technology, now even using Nomad weaponry, it was pretty awesome. I was outfitted with the Nomad Tech and a new prototype called the Nepthys. A vastly improved Anubis with heavy armor, a huge powercore and some amazing hardpoint mounts.
About 6 months later, I was told to meet Orillion near the old Nomad base in Omicron-92. Good thing it's dormant, when I arrived he told me to tractor in the equipment he was about to jettison. It was a custom torpedo launcher, just for me. He told me “it is self-sustaining you don’t need to buy ammo for it.” I was then told to leave the area very fast. I was not going to complain. I left straight to Minor afterwards, strange I never did see him again after that meeting. I am sure he had his reasons. I was very bereft by this though, he was really the only family I had left. Even though he was mean and tough, he was like a father.
During the attack on Toledo I was out on patrol by myself. I started to hear a lot of static and I saw way too many flashes near Toledo, I hurried to Toledo. I nearly fried my engines I was putting way too much power in them, cruising at 450 KMS was dangerous but I had a bad feeling. I was suddenly in between about 4 fleets each consisting of 2 Nomad battleships. I had no choice, I was forced through the Alien gate, I hate myself for it, and I felt like a coward. Upon reaching the other side I was very surprised to find only a few fighters and a gunboat in Major. I quickly took them out with my modified torpedo launcher. Thank God I had that or I would have had no chance on that gunboat. I quickly flew deeper into the nebula. I took a rest in the middle of nowhere, about 75K away from the jump gate. All of a sudden a Nomad battleship had appeared, I was taken out and only a single piece of cargo was taken from my inventory. One strange artifact. Whatever, I ignored it. They had spared me, at least on accident. I then awoke on Battleship Apophis in the medical bay. I just decided I got lucky. A nurse came in almost immediately, she told me a strange man had dropped me off, not who, or when, just a strange man. My ship was towed as well, all the way out here to Omicron-100. The ship itself was completely ruined, no way it would of survived. I was given a new Nepthys though, and most of my weapons had made it as well, I was very upset about losing my torpedo launcher. That was custom designed for my ship… It was made by Orillion’s finest engineers. It didn’t technically even exist and they took it and kept it and made some new classified Torpedo out of it. I knew it was the Torpedo launcher I used because there was no way they could have made that technology in 2 months. It had to have been it. Whatever… I kept most everything else, but I still felt like someone important dropped me off, I knew it could not have been Orillion because he was not on any cameras and on top of that, there was no possible way that he could have gotten to me from all the way in New Berlin. At least that was the last I heard of him, where he went from there I do not know because I hear a lot of rumors about him being somewhere on special assignment out in Kusari.
After a while I had discovered that I was no longer a lieutenant either, My rank stripped, all because I was KIA. That doesn't even seem right, I should've been declared alive and still kept my rank. It was almost as if someone had me removed from The Order ranks. Everything around me was going to hell. Later some people tried to arrest me and confiscate my equipment, my ship and my cargo. They tried to take everything, this was going horribly. There was no way in hell that this should've been happening. I took my ship and ran deep into liberty. Straight to Manhattan, luckily I had a contact there who got me to go in well with the guards, now I was both invisible and stripped of rank. I was thankfully met by someone who knew what was going on, or so I thought. Turns out he was a Kusari agent that had told me of Orillion, he made his way to Omicron Alpha! I wasn't even going to look for him. The Kusari agent was actually a spy though trying to lead me straight into a trap I figured it out when he became ever so pushy in trying to get me to Alpha. It eventually clicked and I just left afterwards, I went into hiding in Omicron Delta. And I've hung around ever since, strangely enough I kept my Order affiliation tag and I was never actually hunted by The Order either. They flew by me and I did the same with no confrontation. And I've been there ever since, keeping my cool and hanging out with The First Order Fleet.
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I come online as often as I can. So, maybe 2-4 hours a day, and I am almost always checking the forums for something or another.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
I have never been sanctioned for anything. I was once pulled out to talk with the admin about RP combat rules but that was the extent of it.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Name:Gemma Silverstein Gender:Female Age:32 year Height:5’7 Weight:119 Lbs.
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Why i’ll served well humanity in the secondary fleet already but i think i can serve it much better in the primary fleet where everything is much more well organized.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I’m serving in the secondary fleet a little less than twelve years in the first three year as an ship engineer and after that as a scout.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Resourceful thinking, Experienced scout pilot and of course the good old bretonian tea.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
I think it is 5 but i try to improve my fighting skill.
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
So my life started 2th february, 791. A.S. on planet Stuttgart as a second child in my family. My father was an pilot in Rheinland military with rheinlander origin while my mother is worked as a secretary in a DHC office but she was from Bretonia.
My family is pretty small because except my parents i have only an older sister and a little brother who born three years after me. My life is fairly simple until the summer of 798 A.S. when one day the whole family packed up and leaved our home.
At that time i don’t really know why we moved but only know one thing: if my father says we need to go then he have a very good reason for it. Only years later i learned that he is suspicious about that something is not good in the military and soon afterward someone contacted him from The Order. He don’t need to think much about it because after all was mattered for him is his family.
If i remember well then we first arrived to some well hidden ship in the deep omicrons which was used at that time as a headquarter and later settled on Toledo where we started a new life. Of course as the war escalated we can’t escape the nomad scourge, sadly my father was one of the first who fallen in the first battle against them in orbit of Toledo.
That days was quite sad for us but while we mourned our father we were still happy that we won the war. On that day i promised not only to myself but also to the spirit of my father that one day i will follow his steps and defend our family and all of humanity at all cost.
The following years passed fast until i was sixteen i applied to the flight academy and four years later i gratuated as a skilled engineer and scout pilot but in my first three years int he fleet i’m only used as an engineer and only later given to chance to prove myself as a scout which later becomes my full-time job.
In the following years i done many scout mission and two undercover mission which i of course can’t talk about it here but i’m sure you can check them in my personal profiles in The Order database. Thanks to the fact that i’m quite resourcefulness i’m still alive despite the fact that i was on many nearly suicidal mission.
During the years in the service of a military, people can be prepared for many things but the terrible battle what occured in 818. A.S. at Toledo is not one of them. We lost so many friend, comrade in that battle…and i’m also lost my older sister who was a scientist and was in one of the underground bunker when the nomads started bombarding the planet.
At that day something is broken in me and in many pilots of The Order. We lost so many life just because some megalomaniac bounty hunter. That was the day when i started to hate them and god know that if i have a chance to shoot one of them to the after-life then i do it without hesitation.
While my family chosen to settle on Akabat like many of the civilians i’m myself deployed to serve on Meskhenet station in Omicron Zeta and serve the humanity as well as i can until the day come when we can purge not only the nomads and their thralls but also The Core from the face of Sirius. I just hope that i live enough long to see it.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:amethran(there is four account with this name but you need the one with the lion picture.) Timezone:ST +2
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
It is really depends on when i have time to come online but a daily 1-2 hour is minimal for me. I’m check the focus regularly but mainly just reading because i’m not tryed yet rping on forums.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.