>Plan event with other leaders
>Wait for Admin bureaucracy to get it's ass in gear for 6 months
>One of the planners gets banned twice within that time
>Event never gets set up
>We give up out of frustration.
I don't understand the point of the event system if the staff don't want to cooperate with faction leaders, and even normal members, at getting stuff set up for the benefit of the community. I can really feel that individual staff members really want to help, but when it comes to functioning as a collective I feel that nothing really ever gets done. Delta's activity post-DROPs needed to by harnessed by something and myself and others had a fun solution in which every corner of the community could get involved.
But planning is meaningless if there's no one to set stuff up for us.
(06-22-2016, 09:37 PM)LunaticOnTheGrass Wrote: Pay me $80/day so I can replace my current 40-hour/week job with this, and I'll get everything you need done and more.
Send me your bank details and I can start to send you some money