Considering I have only two characters at the moment and since it's the middle of summer, I figured I'd go ahead and make a third. And in doing so I thought it's be a good idea to first see what the most underplayed faction or most desolate part of Sirius is in an effort to breathe some life into that area. From what I understand both Rheinland and Gallia are somewhat empty. Any specific factions that don't have too many players?
My suggestion and something I myself did back in the day was to keep at least two Freelancer IDed characters in every house - a lawful one and unlawful once. That way you can just glance at the player list and, if something interesting is happening, join in without wasting time.
Once you do this a few times and see which sides are worth making a faction IDed ship for, you can do that.
I'd say do not limit your potential ingame fun and make a few characters just in case, even if you do not plan using them much. And if you DO happen to start using them all the time, then you can make them into something interesting rp-wise. This was something I had to grow out of, when back in 2008 to 2009 I only had one character and literally missed 90% of all the things going on Disco at the time because of it.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(07-07-2016, 11:50 AM)Thyrzul Wrote: If you think so, you know nothing.
Of course that doesn't mean Council stopped recruiting...
Thunderer is actually right, [C] haven't done much with the council faction rp aside from trading in their CLTs. i was apart of the first ever council faction: Conferie du Renard before creating the first brigands faction Les~Vampirs. We were alot more active but then so was gallia.
And where are your factions now? Try to keep a faction alive for years. Try to keep a Gallic faction with an inactive Gallia alive for years. Check your facts about [C] RP before posting. Then we can talk.
To the OP, if you are going to try to rekindle an inactive part of the game, please be aware that you can burn-out easily and get tired of playing. Best thing to do is get some friends to join you so you have a less chance to get bored and not do anything.
(07-07-2016, 01:15 PM)Black Widow Wrote: We were alot more active but then so was gallia.
(07-07-2016, 01:42 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
And where are your factions now? Try to keep a faction alive for years. Try to keep a Gallic faction with an inactive Gallia alive for years.
The problem with Gallia is location and accessibility. It's too far from everything else and there is no trade route lucrative enough to warrant the insanely long flight. What it needs are more routes connecting it to key locations in Sirius. There is no reason why the NavMap should be looked at in such 2-dimentional terms... it's a star-chart after all, with depth.
If there were gates or holes linking that territory to the Sigmas, Omegas and/or some of the borderworlds, you could bet there would be significantly more traffic through Gallia. But as it is, it's so isolated and distant from most of the other major factions, visiting is like going on vacation to the moon.
When Gallia was added to Discovery, it was like Sirius was a big house and they wanted to add-on another bedroom to the house... but they built the new bedroom across town.