An Official Faction Request puts you into much more scrutiny, and as such, concerns over your RP are as valid here as they are in your feedback.
You can try to obfuscate the issue as much as you please, as is your prerogative. But I would advise you to treat concerns with professionalism and grace.
Wrong thread for quoting that, Kaiwren. Try [101st] Shout out. And I wonder where you two crawled out from recently to actually claim to've any knowledge about what's going on here. I'll happily answer all your questions in the other threads though.
(07-12-2016, 02:36 AM)Divine Wrote: And I wonder where you two crawled out from recently to actually claim to've any knowledge about what's going on here.
Whats the old saying? You never really leave?
But I digress. My intention is to give advice to help you. Again, my suggestion to you is this: find as many avenues of cooperation and beneficial RP as you can. Beneficial does not mean "peaceful" but it does mean "RP in such a way that elevates the opinions of both the community and those factions in which your RP coincides"
And you tell me. Go tell some of the other OC-factions. We're not the ones that want this place to escalate and never were the ones, which ofc in peoples memories is held to otherwise for their own desires to view on their past actions. And yes, I'm not going to deal with Kaiwren here. Think of that what you want.
(07-12-2016, 02:45 AM)Divine Wrote: Go tell some of the other OC-factions.
I'm not RP Jesus, unfortunately, even though I'm sure at some point I thought that I was, and thus cannot give a sermon upon the mount on Outcast RP issues. I can only council from my own limited experiences in the hope of helping in what small way that I am able.
Good luck with your faction Divine.
(07-12-2016, 02:45 AM)Divine Wrote: And yes, I'm not going to deal with Kaiwren here. Think of that what you want.
I wonder, by that statement, if you hate the message, or the messenger, and might be moved to treat the message with respect had it come from someone you respect. None can answer that question but yourself.
(07-12-2016, 02:17 AM)Divine Wrote: Seeing as you can't even be bothered to consider the path this faction has gone and how it came to our inRP stance we represent now,
Well she was asking you for clarification about that path and why that path was unique and important. Your response was
(07-12-2016, 02:17 AM)Divine Wrote: knowing that you're very well capable of informing yourself if you don't already know, I won't answer you any further. I'm not going to recap ~9 years of 101st-RP for you.
"I'm not going to tell you, the [101st] is so important and you're just an uneducated plebian. You should know better."
That doesn't exactly seem like community outreach. Are you going to respond with every question you get by claiming to be above others and not wanting to go through the effort to justify or explain anything? You're not more important than anyone else. You're not better than anyone else. And neither is your faction.
Just because people have flown under the 101st tag for nine years doesn't make you special. Especially because the faction is literally 99.9999% different from what it was nine years ago. The Hellfire Legion has been around for nearly as long, and they don't prance about asking for special treatment, and they /made/ an NPC faction, rather than just piggy-backing off of one. This incarnation of the 101st seems more intent on leeching off the Outcasts than making them better. You want to close off areas of Outcast space because a long long time ago someone saved a billion credits and bought a system? Do you want to be the Outcast's LSF or something? Is Omicron-85 your Zone-21, or your Alaska?
Quote:mostly the time where we had to take the leading spot for the Outcasts bc nobody else was around.
You mean the time you led the Outcasts into becoming a dead faction which nobody was interested in playing? Your RP is inherently hostile towards activity generation because it's elitist and refuses to include indies. At least in so far as I can see in this write up and from every encounter I've had with past iterations of the 101st since Jameson left.
Can you please explain to me how this isn't the case? I'm sure I'm not the only one in the community who has this perception. So, what would the 101st do to help revitalize Outcast activity and include other players in their roleplay? Apart from excluding them from various areas of space, because that seems to be the only goal, (or in your case, directive) that is clear cut in the write up.
Quote:Your perception in judgement is blocked and I'm not going to open your view.
So, your response to someone's questions and criticisms is being a toxic jerk. Who in their right mind would want you to be their faction leader? Is this how you respond to new players with questions who want to join your faction, too?
(07-12-2016, 02:36 AM)Divine Wrote: And I wonder where you two crawled out from recently to actually claim to've any knowledge about what's going on here.
Jesus christ, your language here implies that Dane and Kaiwren are either insects or rodents. Lesser-than-you creepy crawlies. These two players are old and respected veteran members of the community, and I know Kaiwren at least is still very active in the game. Dane led one of the largest factions on the server for over a year (one with which whom the Outcasts had a lot of activity, though, never the 101st for some reason). I guess the 101st was above fighting the CR? It must be because of your spooky spec-ops roleplay. Leave the military skirmishes to the pleb outcasts, right? But aren't you also an entire division of the Maltese Navy /including/ regulars? At least, that's what I gathered from literally years of playing alongside the 101st. Which is it?
Stop being a jerk and maybe explain in /simple/ terms what the point of your faction is? Don't leave everyone to piece together nine years of mish-mashed multi-directional roleplay with dozens of different goals and leaders and just assume that whatever bits of the coagulation of aborted stories and long dead goals lasting nearly a decade you picked to be the faction are the things they would have picked too. I honestly have no idea where you want to take your section of Outcast roleplay, care to elaborate?
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I'm neither toxic nor in any way disregarding your opinions. You just came out of nowhere, all three of you together, to obviously settle a score long past. And from your posts I can judge you've not even read the opening post. And yes, my response might put me into a bad light here now, but I'm not going to deal with you three.
(07-12-2016, 03:24 AM)Divine Wrote: I'm neither toxic nor in any way disregarding your opinions. You just came out of nowhere, all three of you together, to obviously settle a score long past. And from your posts I can judge you've not even read the opening post. And yes, my response might put me into a bad light here now, but I'm not going to deal with you three.
But I did read the opening post.
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Thanks to Conrad I'm going to address your questions, but I won't get into any further argument with any of you three.
The 101st Maltese Spectres ever since the appearance of the Contari Lance shifted back into what their initial business was all about, that being exploration, infiltration, assassination and R/D. All whilst still being focussed on shielding the Nacion. Caused by some irregular issues with the Contari Lance, we were not able to properly play out that shift back the day. And in previous times the 101st wasn't able to play on that specific niche of RP bc we had to deal with all of Nacion as being the only official faction. Before that time, with SOB and BLS still around, we had an agreement as of who's going to do what and it worked out pretty well, though the 101st back that day already had its more of a military position rather than its initial R/D one.
This faction, ever since the last 4 years, is trying to get itself back to the roots of what it once in its own lore was before anyone of us even played this game, and what was never played out ingame at any point bc to previous Administrations of 101st this just was some backstory. Despite Jameson trying to liven up the R/D part he also had to care for the fact that the 101st was the only official faction that moment, which ment we, as a faction, had to take care for more than just our own factions lore.
The claim over o85 is a long standing inRP claim and not just some "we've once bought the system" ooc-one. Actually, I did myself ask for o85 to be de-guarded and accordingly used as lore-asset by the dev-team so the system itself and its assets may stay around.
The thread I made some days before caused members to return, current members to wake up and new members to join. To a regard we're confident that we'll stay active for a long time. Our diplomatic dealings have always been arrogant, Jameson and others just been more sneaky about it. So far, the only real issue with any other Outcast-group right now the 101st got is with the Commune which resulted from them shooting at us.
Right now, we're up to support the NC at every of their moves as we so far have not seen them doing any negative to Nacion. They're the administrative body we as 101st have been a long time looking for to replace us.
We aim to provide opportunities to other Outcast groups as well as any other group willing to interact with us for the benefit of Nacion and ofc the 101st itself.
The Ragriz squadron amassed a huge amount of industrial power during their decades of supreme ruling and we still got, inRP, a vast support within the maltese military, though we don't wish to get that openly involved into any of the politics anymore besides taking action when we deem it necessary to guard Nacion. Which is what the other OC-groups eventually will also do should the situation ever arise.
In short, yes... we aim to be the primary intelligence wing to Nacion. With the sidenote that we also still hold the power of a military due to our previous ruling and current assets.
So ultimately, you're not going to answer any of the serious questions posed here because you (or your faction) is above any concerns we may have.
Like . . .
What are the in roleplay goals of your faction? The write-up does not specify them outside of some really vague claims that you're going to "re-emerge from the shadowy depths." 3spooky5me, man.
What is the 101st going to do to include indies and other outcasts in their roleplay and in-game interactions? Apart from excluding them from various NPC assets and areas of space which they previously had access to?
What are the out of roleplay goals of your faction? What will you do to benefit the Outcasts and this community?
Then again, who are we to challenge your authority? You could always just dismiss these questions as the questions of lesser beings, after all, we're not members of the elite 101st, how could we understand? Claiming that I'm just trying to "settle a score" makes you seem pretty defensive. Keep telling us though that you've got it all figured out, but that we just haven't the intelligence to divine the answers which you've shrouded in the mysticism of beautiful gems like
Quote: Ishmael they call Malta. Empire they call the Nacion Maltese. There is one saying these days, and they repeat it wherever possible...
. I'm not sure what information I'm supposed to divine from the fine prose of your faction write up, but I guess I'm just not enough of a visionary to ever comprehend it anyways, and the community certainly doesn't have the right to know.
Or maybe you just haven't thought it through.
As for "the three of us" who've had the nerve to say anything that wasn't entirely positive, well, we've all been big contributors to the community. For you. That's probably why despite your claim that you're
[5/21/2016 11:55:44 PM] Divine: join 101st
[5/21/2016 11:56:16 PM] Karen of the Salt: no :p
But I guess you didn't know then that Dane, Kai and I are part of the anti 101st conspiracy. Our questions are a concerted effort to try and undermine your 101st revival attempt. We got ourselves caught, it was all part of our master plan. But our next step, you're doing for us. Alienating the community from your faction, with no exceptions!
Get over yourself dude.
Edit: Typed before I saw your post.
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