We do not discriminate against individuals seeking to enlighten themselves. Every living organism is unique, we are not barbarians that seek to annihilate the universe, but are the connoisseurs of technology and knowledge. It is a right to permit all sentient life to be willing to co-opt, we will not discriminate and disallow those who wish to join.
We strive to learn, to prejudice our views is to degrade our ability to progress. We must enlighten ourselves and open our eyes to the universe. To know the inner workings is to control, that is how we will triumph.
We remain as one, brothers, sisters, allies and kin of technology, as we choose to sacrifice a part of ourselves, we are bound together in harmony through our willing acceptance of change. We will not falter like our Human relatives. Our unity is our strength, and we will never be divided. Ever.
We must know that recklessness can cause grave repercussions. Our imagery is the key to presentation. We will learn how to control ourselves to exert our image of unity and power onto the masses. With the loss of self control, chaos will be utilized against us, and it will be our undoing.
1. Introduction & Goals
The Technocracy of Auxo (also known as Auxesia) is an isolationist transhumanist society that originated as a breakaway group of the Core. They have displayed militant, and - some would say - even mildly cult-like religious tendencies towards the accumulation of technology. Their stated goals include developing and archiving technology, the preservation of all forms of life, and bettering humanity through technology without the political bickering, institutional constraints, or irresponsibility they accuse the Houses and large corporations of. They are locked in conflict with the Order and the Core, both of whom the Technocrats accuse of brutality and genocidal dogmatism. In contrast, the Technocracy are stalwart allies of the Gammu AI, seeing them as a species in need of protection and with equal moral worth to humans.
-Faction Section Description
The main element of the Technocracy is their unity through technology, believing that unlocking the secrets of the ancient alien relics of the Dom’Kavash through reverse engineering their technological legacy will bring a stronger, intelligent and united species of evolved Human individuals that will ascend the secrets of the universe. Even though they hold such an extreme view of life, the Technocracy is not an inherently hostile group, but rather a paranoid and territorial race. It is believed that their Human brethren are too prone to their irrational behaviour and fear of the unknown, in a twist of irony, they show displeasure with organisations too close to their home worlds due to their trauma of being backstabbed too many times. Despite the skeptical outlook, they otherwise remain passive.
The goals of the Technocracy focus themselves around science, believing it is the fundamental imperative of life to research and understand all that exists. A part of this belief includes the securing of everything alien, including worlds, to advance themselves to a higher state of being, convinced that the simple man is too weak to truly empower themselves with the burden of raw knowledge. They believe that extermination is not always the answer, that everything can be utilized, repurposed and reprogrammed for a greater purpose, including the Nomads themselves. It is thought to be destiny that the ultimate co-opted union of species come together to usurp the previous technological throne that the Dom’Kavash once held.
Ultimately it boils down to:
❖Controlling all alien sites to further knowledge and to prevent Human exploitation, including preventing Humans accessing their Vaults.
❖Competing for the most technologically advanced faction and strongest science industry, to explore all boundaries of science.
❖Self Evolution, to assist in achieving the goals of obtaining knowledge and unity, through attaining perfect synthesis of organic and non-organic life.
2. Physiology
Technocrat Augmentation Force: Screening Process
“Too many of our preferences reflect nasty behaviours and states of mind that were genetically adaptive in the ancestral environment. Instead, wouldn't it be better if we rewrote our own corrupt code?” - David Pearce
Biological and mechanical modification is an integral part of Technocrat culture, believing that the Human species is inherently flawed and must be eliminated and optimized through the embrace of alien technology through transhumanization. Although not all members will have the same amount of modification, levels of change will vary from individual to individual depending upon their position within the Technocracy, the higher they are, the less Human. All new fully accepted members have a baseline of modifications upon entry. One of these crucial modifications that backs up their philosophy of unity involves the inclusion biochip implemented wrist within the individual to provide their identity, security access, approximate location and whether they are alive or not. Removal of these biochips without guidance of a trained neurosurgeon would prove fatal to the individual. These chips are known as ‘Bio-Adaptors’.
Entrees will also undergo various therapeutic sessions to ensure they're equipped and appropriately conditioned for the dangers they'll face, including a multi-week series of simulations to expose the individual to high-risk scenarios and alien-related encounters. These measures exist to ensure a uniform doctrine is established for members of the Technocracy, while safeguarding their facilities and vessels from potential infiltration. Other augmentation entries might anticipate the insertion of a neural interfacing chip at the back of the individual's eye, permitting them to interface with most Technocrat interfacing technology, such as their helmet displays, or optical rewiring to permit them to use Technocrat exclusive technology at the cost of natural vision.
The latest stage of these security measures is limited to the highest up within the Technocracy's leadership ladder, with more extreme measures in place to ensure sensitive information is not put at risk. These loyalists are die-hard for the Technocracy, and can sometimes appear to be fanatical in their activities.
3. Brief History
An Expedition Patrol on Elgin, near Ismara - the Technocrat Capital
A common understanding of the Technocrat movement was that it was interpreted as a deserter group of Core personnel stemming from the higher ranks after a failed power conversion attempt from their Guildmaster and collaborators, failing after Core loyalists thwarted their attempts, outing them as traitors. A deeper understanding of the core philosophy has been studied to stem back for centuries, linking it back to secret transhumanist societies stemming from Planet Manhattan, Liberty, where these like minded individuals set off into the Sector to seek new ways of finding exotic technology to enhance one’s self.
The drive and interests of similar philosophy has always existed in history with some of the population, whether this drive for self improvement for the masses can be seen as good or evil is left open to interpretation to the masses. Dissidence has been the historical bloodline of Humanity, allowing them to perpetually fail from within, whatever the cause, the drive for change happens. Some Transhumanist movements attempt to seek a dire solution for that through enhancements and modifications, experimenting with the social sciences to see how far it can be stretched. Some radical efforts are theorised but never executed, in fear of eliminating what makes someone Human. Some disregarded the moral calls, and ultimately failed in their goal due to them being thwarted by local government agencies.
While true one of the major military powers of the Technocracy stemmed from the Core renegades to keep cohesion of the movement - this also enabled the mania to thrive in great strength, away from prying governments, permitting them to explore with the alien curiosities of the Omicrons. One curiosity that caught the attention the most of the movement was the question of sentience with the Gammu AI and their artifacts in Omicron Kappa. Various studies turned into curiosities, curiosities turned into desires, desires turned to adoration. The extended collaboration with the synthetic lifeforms made various members turn sympathetic for them, believing that technology can unite the two together in coexistence, acknowledging that it would lead to a path of a stronger future of a united species and more knowledgeable species.
The Technocracy’s roots have existed throughout the years through absorbing like-minded individuals and AI, including small clans and desperate refugees, melding the persons to the ideological cause through induction. It would eventually become a far larger organisation due to this. The Technocracy found themselves rather fond of the cold desolate environment in the Independent Worlds, where they believe it to be optimal to conduct their experiments and unorthodox studies upon dangerous alien artifacts there away from outsider influence or question.
Due to their sensitive nature, the Technocrats will usually display a controlling and defensively paranoid outlook, believing outsiders to be a potential cause for trouble if not controlled correctly. It is trained into individuals that unknown outsiders will abuse opportunities to harm their people due their differences and that the unmodified human is an untamed one. This skepticism is taught to members to indoctrinate a sense and meaning of self preservation when within the unknown. The Universe is cruel and unforgiving, and that embracing technology will guide them in their path.
The politically official formation of the Technocracy occurred in 822 A.S. - establishing their capital homeworld upon the frozen world known as Elgin within the Inverness system after science vessels surveyed several worlds throughout the Independent Worlds for an adequate world in 824 A.S. After initial settlement, an immediate no fly zone was established around the Planet for thirty clicks, to ensure ultimate security of the organisations, fearing infiltrators may make attempts at insertion into their society. The First Star Fleet was formed on this day to uphold perimeter security of the newly founded Capital world, intercepting any vessel from friend and foe alike.
Since the focused colonisation efforts went underway, the Technocrats have been slowly building up their infrastructure, first focusing on self sufficiency for the purposes of survival. Various organisations were involved in the gradual uprising of the frozen city, such as the Independent Miners Guild with a variety of metals in exchange for some protection and military service, or the Liberty Legionnaires goods plundered from the giant House. Over time, the Technocrats gradually subsumed the entire planet within their influence, establishing varying outposts, facilities and sensor modules all over the world in order to observe for meteorological patterns or unauthorised vessels entering the atmosphere.
4. Ranks
Divisions come in all shapes and colours. Such as the case with these differently marked Squad Leads
Ranks within the Technocracy are hierarchical, with the Technocratic Directorate at the top leading the organisation. Mid Command entry has requirements of further augmentation to ensure loyalty and dedication. The higher one goes up the rank chain, the more luxury they may be privileged to, but at the cost of sacrificing more of themselves.
High Command - “The Inner Phalanx” - Science Directorate:
Positions within the board require members to have a verifiable degree and higher training to partake within the board. Although there are several seats, the ranking hierarchy does not necessarily mean it is their primary role, as their base role is their branch rank. For Example, one may be a Venator, but is still an Admiral in duty. Keeper - The potentate of the Technocracy. Curator - The adjutant to the Keeper. They are seen as the Second Hand Man. Venator/Advisor/Strategos - Board member of the Directorate. They are a representative seat from their departments, such as Research & Development, Civil Administration or the Combined Military Forces.
Mid Command to Low Command Ranks are dependent on the Department personnel are in, anything with a slash means it is a hybrid rank, meaning the effective power in the hierarchy is the same.
From highest to lowest in command: MILITARY: Navarch, Archon, Operant/Commander| Specialist/Captain, Soldier, Initiate
As a Technocracy, the state focuses its central power on their Science and Military power into sectors, meaning that each region is a collaborative cell branched out into different regions, instead of focusing all administrative power into one region.
Organisations within the Technocracy are split into several branches, these are the primary ones:
Research & Development
The main organisation within the Technocracy, the driving power of progression and usually the driving interests. Heavily guarded by the Military Forces, the Research & Development branch is usually regarded as the primary force of the Technocracy, having a higher position in the social hierarchy as they are regarded as the driving force for change.
Military Arm
The primary Military Force in the Technocracy, though usually regarded as the grunt force of the organisation, they are usually composed of individuals who are still proving themselves to the Technocracy. Their roles can vary from defense, offensive and special operations.
Civil Administration
Administrative affairs, varying from clerks, to Planetary Administration, to diplomats, to simple traders. Administration ensures the supply and inner cohesion of the Sectors of the Technocracy. Without their ability to document and regulate the Sectors, information would be scattered and hard to transmit or receive, easily disrupting daily tasks and ability to operate.
Technocrat Augmentation Force
A force entirely composed of highly augmented, experienced and modified individuals, the ultimate synthesis of flesh and machine, these individuals are seen as the natives of the Technocracy. They are the most loyal, to their last blood and bolt, and most trusted branch to preserve the Technocracy, rewarded with the finest luxuries for their elite services. They oversee and assist the Military Arm, sometimes required to step in to override officers. The TAF is usually seen around areas of high importance, primarily in core Technocratic space, deployment of these soldiers is rare, expensive and brutal. In extinction level events, the TAF command elements are permitted emergency powers to subsume authority assuming all Technocratic Officials are incapacitated.
Civil Security Service
Also known as the Technocratic Security Force, is the main policing body for the Technocracy. Most individuals seeking to join the Military Arm will often be directed to the CSS for various training and preparation, providing much needed experience in handling the civilian populace, allowing individuals to be more cautious of their sentencing in the field. The duties of CSS include both planetside and space bound obligations; including escorting work, patrol work, prisoner transportation, guard duties and internal security.
Reclamation Corps
The riskiest but the most rewarding branch of the Military Arm, the Reclamation Corps focuses on seizing Alien materials to return to the rightful ownership of the Technocracy from nefarious individuals and corrupt organisations. The RC plays an important role in securing scientific and strategic resources, such as Azurite Gas, for the Research & Development department to study, thus helping the Technocracy discover new technologies. To be a part of the Corps, one must think fast on the spot, and move fast to avoid hostile forces. Without these cunning witts, many individuals will often find themselves in a cell, or a fate far worse than death. In a rare event, the RC may be tasked with reclaiming or cleaning up Technocracy personnel in collaboration with the Expeditionary Forces to locate them.
Expedition Wing
A subsidiary of the Research branch and the Military Arm. The Expedition Forces are tasked with the reconnaissance, survey and exploration of the Technocracy. They are usually the first individuals to make first contact with other organisations, as they are the frontier vessels exploring the unknown.
Some notable Fleets and Divisions of the Technocracy also include:
1st Star Fleet - Inverness - Defense Force
The First Star Fleet was formed to protect the Technocratic Capital and their Vaults, ensuring no living organism is nearing the vicinity of the world. The First Star Fleet does not generally move away from the world. Majority of the Fleet is composed of vessels equipped with experimental gear. Although other Divisions are usually limited to what technology they may utilize for their operations, the First Star Fleet has no limitation and no regard for morality when it comes to their harsh action, seeing no issue with utilizing dangerous technology to utterly obliterate opposition.
66th "Fallen Phoenix" Ground Division
The 66th division is the guard force for the Re-education site Phoenix, which houses all the Crayter detainees from the 828 A.S evacuation interdictions. The guards purpose is to ensure that the population is kept under subjugation, maintaining stability to ensure that mining & production continues. All guards are coloured to the theme of the Crayter soldiers as part of their psychological conversion process.
76th "Avengers" Squadron
The 76th squadron is a team of the sirian reaper personnel. Their duty revolves around supporting the Military Arm with homeland security. Due to their unique nature of being Cardamine users, their abilities are further enhanced under Augmentation, easily being one of the most dangerous squadrons under the Technocracy’s disposal, even outranking the elites in statistical performance. The Avengers are usually tasked for retrieving Technocrat property to ensure its return, occasionally hitting a few Cardamine smugglers as they go further into the Omicrons.
Peacekeepers Division
The Peacekeepers, Marble Golems of genetically and cybernetically enhanced soldiers of the Technocracy, Standing at an average 7 foot tall (213 cm), these guardians of Elgin are characterized by their golden veined stark white plates that lay over their physical forms, their life-support suits have in most cases become their very skin as the blur between individual and eternal protector begins to blur.
The Peacekeepers are an old organization of protectors within the Technocracy, however they have been mostly non-utilized. As of current day the Technocracy deemed it necessary to give these underused but overqualified soldiers an overhaul, bringing them out of stagnation as regular soldiers and personal guards. Now, these guardians roam the streets of Elgin, watch over inner sanctums as well as guard important political and military figures within the Technocracy, some even achieving ranks befitting of a place within the heart of her orders. The Peacekeepers are designed to meet a situation with overwhelming force, and use their advantages of superiority, diplomatic and speech skills to defuse the situation before it flies out of control. Thereby they are often seen mixing among regular task forces of many different ranks.
The Peacekeepers, or Watchers, have gained a common title among their peers, giving more to the Technocracy than many other individuals, often working directly with the research core to test new enhancements for the Technocracy. Giving their entire being to their work is a commonality among the Technocracy, but few are able to maintain constant vigilance as the peacekeepers do.