(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: Post from Lythrilux, this does not represent the views of the Ichiru corporation ™ or it's affiliates.
Nothing has changed.
The fact that the Staff have issued a punishment to the 6 still shows that they feel entirely justified about the process of 'A Heavy Decision'. A punishment is a punishment, no matter the severity, and it still sends the clear message that the root of all the trouble spawned from this ordeal lies within the Staff and the process they use. 2 members still banned and 4 are probated? They still feel justified in their decision.
You've banned me and Karst because you think we're harmful, toxic and detrimental to the server. Our contributions aside, let’s keep things general. Hell even if it was just some randomer who got hit or my worst enemy I’d still argue for their case. Throughout this entire debacle the Staff have remained very coy as to why any of the 6 actually are so terribly detrimental to the community. Even when given evidence (for those that were able to get it at least) we weren't even told WHY we were detrimental or given any actual reason for the banned. And as Garrett said in his story that was a commentary on the past month, the pathetic evidence that we do have to justify our bans is scrapings from the bottom of the barrel. Whilst some of the Staff did post some 'examples', they were very reluctant to link them to any of the 6 players and I greatly question the validity of those examples in any event - that they were not just personal viewpoints.
If the intent here is to ban players and hope that they reform by the time they are unbanned, how are they supposed to know how to improve their behaviour if they staff keep those very reasons shrouded in secrecy and seclusion? The staff should be practising a 'tough love', not swooping down onto unsuspecting community members and then dropping them out of the sky with no idea what led to that outcome.
And furthermore for the next time you wish to enact this extremely maverick behaviour against members of the community you say you'll give them a public warning and outline why their behaviour is bad. Why are none of the 6 entitled to this warning? As I said we have no idea what makes us harmful.
So let's wake up and collectively smell the piss-flavoured coffee. This entire manoeuvre was an effort by the Staff to simply ban players they did not like personally. We have seen damning evidence that supports large amounts of bias against some of the 6 leading up to this decision. The posts by some of the Staff in the past months are leaning very closely towards this as well. And I think it's extremely disgusting how the Staff has been, with great effort, pushing their opinions in an attempt to try to demonize the six banned players and turn their friends and other community members against them. Whilst not directly, I would pin the actions of @Laz that lead to his ban to this very behaviour.
All in all this announcement has made no progress. Yet again, the Staff are pulling wool over the community's eyes in hopes that they'll just roll over and let them continue using the green name in the wrong manner. The brown-nosers are going to just rush forth onto this post and ignore this gross conduct, in hopes that they'll land a Staff position someday themselves and the cycle of people pushing their personal agendas in front of safeguarding the health of the community will continue. It's sad. And I'm sure the Staff will try and write this post off as me trying to look out for my own skin. Or invis it. They'll do anything in the pursuit of 'authority' these days.
Either way the current mentality of the Staff, whilst not in the short-term, will doom this community. And it makes me sad that this community has such great potential to be something amazing but it is squandered by people in power who only care about themselves.[/align]
Quoting this post for mirroring's sake.
I think everybody with a lick of sense can agree that NOTHING LIKE THIS MUST EVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
However, having encountered things almost identical to this before, it's my experience that the administrations minds will not be changed. That is, that these are bans of opinion, and in lieu of facts, trying to change someone's opinion on the internet, especially through arguing, is a fool's errand. Like, bucket-of-sparks and can-of-checkered-paint tier waste of time.
This decision is the best we're going to get. The rules are still ignored at will, you will still be removed from the community if you piss off the wrong people, but you will at least be warned first.
And so, I reiterate. Thank you Goodmins, I didn't actually expect you to give on this. /cheer.
Before people reply more, I would like to say that nothing either party - members, devs, admins, could come to an agreement with would have been perceived as the ''right choice''. Please keep that in mind as you burn this thread to the ground.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
While you're at it can I have my forum account back? I'm assuming you can tell who this is, but I guess that depends how thorough Alley was in cleaning me off the server [:
(07-25-2016, 01:47 AM)sindroms Wrote: Before people reply more, I would like to say that nothing either party - members, devs, admins, could come to an agreement with would have been perceived as the ''right choice''. Please keep that in mind as you burn this thread to the ground.
Howard Williams - CEO, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing - "Just try and stop us"
Caroline Convair - General Secretary, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing - "Please excuse the CEO"
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: Post from Lythrilux, this does not represent the views of the Ichiru corporation ™ or it's affiliates.
Nothing has changed.
The fact that the Staff have issued a punishment to the 6 still shows that they feel entirely justified about the process of 'A Heavy Decision'. A punishment is a punishment, no matter the severity, and it still sends the clear message that the root of all the trouble spawned from this ordeal lies within the Staff and the process they use. 2 members still banned and 4 are probated? They still feel justified in their decision.
No, something most certainly has changed. Discovery's administration, which in the past have been adamant about staying the course with all their decisions, have decided to revert four bans.
I don't believe probation is justified for anyone here, and I don't believe the remaining bans are justified either, but this is progress. You need to see the bigger picture and realize that you are dealing with an organization whose biggest concern is maintaining the status quo and saving face. The fact that the decision was reverted at all is a testament to change, perfect or not. Baby steps.
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: You've banned me and Karst because you think we're harmful, toxic and detrimental to the server. Our contributions aside, let’s keep things general. Hell even if it was just some randomer who got hit or my worst enemy I’d still argue for their case. Throughout this entire debacle the Staff have remained very coy as to why any of the 6 actually are so terribly detrimental to the community. Even when given evidence (for those that were able to get it at least) we weren't even told WHY we were detrimental or given any actual reason for the banned. And as Garrett said in his story that was a commentary on the past month, the pathetic evidence that we do have to justify our bans is scrapings from the bottom of the barrel. Whilst some of the Staff did post some 'examples', they were very reluctant to link them to any of the 6 players and I greatly question the validity of those examples in any event - that they were not just personal viewpoints.
It has more or less come to light that this was an opinion based blanket ban, so I think we can drop the discussion about evidence. It wasn't right, but its clear that the administration recognizes that a mistake was made. I think as @Psyentific said, they, along with the rest of the community, are very well aware that something like this cannot happen again.
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: If the intent here is to ban players and hope that they reform by the time they are unbanned, how are they supposed to know how to improve their behaviour if they staff keep those very reasons shrouded in secrecy and seclusion? The staff should be practising a 'tough love', not swooping down onto unsuspecting community members and then dropping them out of the sky with no idea what led to that outcome.
The administration has said that warnings will be given before such an action is taken in the future. Whether or not they will be sufficient in providing explanation remains to be seen, but I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: And furthermore for the next time you wish to enact this extremely maverick behaviour against members of the community you say you'll give them a public warning and outline why their behaviour is bad. Why are none of the 6 entitled to this warning? As I said we have no idea what makes us harmful.
Retroactively posting warnings may seem redundant, but not entirely unjustified given the situation. It's something I'd say the folks in green should consider thinking about.
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: So let's wake up and collectively smell the piss-flavoured coffee. This entire manoeuvre was an effort by the Staff to simply ban players they did not like personally. We have seen damning evidence that supports large amounts of bias against some of the 6 leading up to this decision. The posts by some of the Staff in the past months are leaning very closely towards this as well. And I think it's extremely disgusting how the Staff has been, with great effort, pushing their opinions in an attempt to try to demonize the six banned players and turn their friends and other community members against them. Whilst not directly, I would pin the actions of @Laz that lead to his ban to this very behaviour.
All in all this announcement has made no progress. Yet again, the Staff are pulling wool over the community's eyes in hopes that they'll just roll over and let them continue using the green name in the wrong manner. The brown-nosers are going to just rush forth onto this post and ignore this gross conduct, in hopes that they'll land a Staff position someday themselves and the cycle of people pushing their personal agendas in front of safeguarding the health of the community will continue. It's sad. And I'm sure the Staff will try and write this post off as me trying to look out for my own skin. Or invis it. They'll do anything in the pursuit of 'authority' these days.
Either way the current mentality of the Staff, whilst not in the short-term, will doom this community. And it makes me sad that this community has such great potential to be something amazing but it is squandered by people in power who only care about themselves.
Anyone who has spent five minutes talking to me knows I'm about as far away from a brown noser as it gets, but I'm going to give this a shot. I believe that pride can cloud judgement, and I do think that is the primary reason for the lack of a full reversion of their decision. Following that logic, I don't believe a move like this will ever be made in the future. I think the administration has gotten their wake up call, and that's why I've taken every attempt to demonize or marginalize the strike in stride. I understand what it is like to be up against the wall and to be hellbent on staying the course. I applaud them for doing even this given the history of the admin team.
(07-25-2016, 01:28 AM)Ichiru Wrote: Oh, and to the people who are willing to just roll over:
Now is neither the time nor the place for that rhetoric, and I say that as someone who has used it quite liberally themselves.
(07-25-2016, 02:26 AM)Durandal Wrote: I think the administration has gotten their wake up call, ...
It has come the time now for your wake-up call to say goodbye?
Not even going to comment on anything else of what you've said here, in the "dev-announcement" or later threads. Though I'm leaving one remark: you've done more harm in just the time since the respective bans were issued than literally every other member of this community combined for the last five years.
Those that need to know my opinion either already know it or can ask me.
(07-24-2016, 11:51 PM)St.Denis Wrote: - The Dev strike:
You are free to keep working on the Mod if you want to do so, should you decide to keep your "strike" up and decide to stop working on the Mod then please notify us to put you back into the standard member group as you do not require access to the Dev forums any longer. You will be given 2 weeks to make your mind up on this.
and who else is gonna determine PvP balance or implement it?
Sara Adeline - "It's not that I ran away because I was scared. I ran away for my own cause, living a life away from war and corruption torn Sirius, in hopes to find the answer out here, on the brink of life. Will it sort itself out? Maybe, maybe not, but all I can be sure of is that a life on the edge, is the best one of all."
The best thing to come out of this was the fact that players now get a warning ahead of time prior to a ban. That alone makes me proud of the Admin team. I know this wasn't an easy decision to come to. There were many developments that made it hard for you all to swallow your pride. Eventually, you rose above it all and came together to do the right thing. This final warning process will save you all needless heartache in the future and at least give people a chance to self-correct.
I feel bad that Karst and Lyth won't benefit from this final warning, but future players will benefit, as will the admins. Probably the best that could be expected from this month long ordeal.
(07-25-2016, 01:47 AM)sindroms Wrote: Before people reply more, I would like to say that nothing either party - members, devs, admins, could come to an agreement with would have been perceived as the ''right choice''. Please keep that in mind as you burn this thread to the ground.
Quoting for emphasis.
(07-25-2016, 04:09 AM)Garrett Jax Wrote: The best thing to come out of this was the fact that players now get a warning ahead of time prior to a ban. That alone makes me proud of the Admin team. I know this wasn't an easy decision to come to. There were many developments that made it hard for you all to swallow your pride. Eventually, you rose above it all and came together to do the right thing. This final warning process will save you all needless heartache in the future and at least give people a chance to self-correct.
As a new member at Disco, I honestly commend the Admin Team for this - It gives new players who - have read the rules and make good will to correct from their mistakes, a chance to do so without harsh reprimand.