Yeah kudos for that fight lads, apologize about yestarday but what happened yestarday, today is a new day, and today was a good fight. We all enjoyed it.
I think that people turn to faction feedbacks too often if they have a problem, but too rarely if they have a commendation.
[27.07.2016 19:42:48] GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc: // seeing what we can get and trying to avoid gaying it with mass cougars
Trying to avoid gay stuff is good sportsmanship. I thank Omicega and the rest of the GRN for this, and commend your performance in battle (although that might not even be needed, because everyone knows you are better than most).
(07-27-2016, 10:38 PM)Thunderer Wrote: I think that people turn to faction feedbacks too often if they have a problem, but too rarely if they have a commendation.
[27.07.2016 19:42:48] GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc: // seeing what we can get and trying to avoid gaying it with mass cougars
Trying to avoid gay stuff is good sportsmanship. I thank Omicega and the rest of the GRN for this, and commend your performance in battle (although that might not even be needed, because everyone knows you are better than most).
Thank you for your feedback! We enjoyed the encounter, and hopefully your side enjoyed it too. Maybe we can get another Valor or two to log to even the sides out next time! <3
We enjoyed it. And yes, that would be good. A Kirk of ours had nothing to do and instead just sat in New London. I think there was an ungrouped Crecy in New London as well. Would have been better with all the potential used by both sides.
(07-27-2016, 10:38 PM)Thunderer Wrote: I think that people turn to faction feedbacks too often if they have a problem, but too rarely if they have a commendation.
[27.07.2016 19:42:48] GRN|Lucie.LeBlanc: // seeing what we can get and trying to avoid gaying it with mass cougars
Trying to avoid gay stuff is good sportsmanship. I thank Omicega and the rest of the GRN for this, and commend your performance in battle (although that might not even be needed, because everyone knows you are better than most).
It's nice to know the efforts are appreciated. I'm not much (any) good in a battlecruiser, but I hope we managed to give you something of a fight one way or another. Next time, I should bring a Valor instead and not bother with a trickier ship to fly. I went the extra mile to try and force people to get their lazy asses online - BAF| have been very good to use lately, and you (@Thunderer) in particular have always impressed me with your similar ethos of trying to hold fights to a somewhat balanced and enjoyable outcome for everyone involved.
To everyone else who's posted feedback and/or videos: thank you for the time taken to leave either of the two. It looks like we're undergoing an activity surge again, though whether it's minor, major, or in any way sustainable remains to be seen - as it turns out, handing over leadership Flash and stepping back from a total burnout into a 2iC position looks to be helping us in more ways than another.
I encourage anyone with any feedback at all to leave it here. If it's a legitimate problem, it'll be addressed - if it's baseless and unhelpfully whingy, we'll let you know too - and if it's complimentary or another video, then we'll obviously welcome it with open arms.
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Keeping in a similar positive vein (especially since I just came here from reading the kudos thread), I want to thank the GRN| for consistently being fun to fly with (or against). You guys are great to laugh with on teamspeak, and fighting alongside you makes getting ganked by LolNS a a pleasure. The good sportsmanship that's (usually) shown in the face of that treatment is honestly an example to the rest of the server in how to take it on the chin, and something I should remember myself more often. I hope I can find the time to actually join your faction as a full-fledged member. Keep doing what you do. <3