(08-23-2016, 04:22 PM)Wesker Wrote: When I think of "Roleplaying a character" I think of actually setting aside my own personal thoughts and beliefs and acting as what that character would think of or act on. Too often do I see the collective style of RPing a character who thinks the same way the person does oorply. It's kinda weird, people have always told me I'm a bad RPer yet when those same people fly an ordinary secondary fleet character they don't "role play" a character in the secondary fleet or primary they just act like themselves oorply. The whole reason I'm bringing this topic up is because this past week I've gotten a lot of rage skype pms regarding my RHA comms, people assume that what I post in those comms is how I actually feel oorply. It's not, I'm ROLEPLAYING the character. It's just some reoccurring thing that has been bothering me and I felt the need to ask the community if they see the same thing just as often, or if its just me. It wasn't necessarily my oorp motive to siege solitare, in fact I went to the owner the night before the siege and explained this to him. But inrply the character I was RPing would be motivated to go as far as sieging the base completely.
tl dr are you actually acting as the character you "Role play" or are your oorp motives completely dictating your characters motives?
For starters let me say that I've found myself saying things very similar to this, to people who have criticized my IRP actions, although it was in situations which I consider quite different (no organizing of base destruction involved, but rather assuring my own survival, the survival of my allies, and a one-time popping of an enemy ship to achive the later in spontanious ingame encounters). Since the main motivation behind your post seems to be a sort of self defense of your blowing up someone's POB, one could remark that looking back at some of your slightly older posts, the arguments you bring forth here could be used against yourself there, in much more trivial situations than destroying someone elses' week long work. Maybe this is you turning their arguments around to make make them work for yourself now, on a different scale. I don't even know if the person whose base you destroyed even minded that you did it, or if he was sick of it anyway and wanted to get rid of it, so I'm not gonna criticize you for that before I know. Either way, I consider someone's hard work to be destroyable by groups of hostile players a very bad concept for an internet game. Furthermore, in your post here you casualy classify yourself as "playing your character", and the exemplary "secondary fleet character" as "playing himself". You judge this other player who is a theoretical "secondary fleet character" in exactly the way that you are complaining about how people allegedly wrongfully judge you. But whatever.
Role play is a sort of conceptual art from. For those who dont know what it means, it means that the artist doesnt just paint a picture. He creates a concept, a modus operandi, an automation, a machine, and this machine paints the picture for him. In role play, you create the character and his/her/its nature, and the character paints pictures according to the concept that you created. When people interact with your character, they are operating a machine they created that is interacting with a machine that you created, and which you are operating.
This does not make you non-responsible for the actions of your character.
You are the one who programmed the little robbot to go around bashing everyone on their heads. It didnt create itself. You were not forced to create it in exactly the way you did. You're the one winding it up time and time again and unleashing it time and time again. You are the one who put it on square B1 instead of D4. And if your robbot was made to always bash everyone, and to always attack everyone on all squares, and to constantly be present and wound up all the time and everyhwere, you still have the option of making it fail if you wish, since you're the one pushing its buttons to make it move and go beep beep beep.
Role play lets you do many things, and it liberates you of many things. You can create a character that would behave just like you would in a fictional universe, if you want to. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can create a character that is everything you always wanted to be like, although you know you could never be like that. You can create a character that you would normally hate, free yourself of morals, and experience what it feels like to be hated for the things that you'd never do. Or you can go full retard and see what happens when you free yourself of all dignity and intelligence.
But in the end, the people behind the little toys that your little toy smashed are still going to be there, and be happy or unhappy about it. You can try to blame everything on the fact that it was your plastic toy who broke all their toys and not your fist, and that you stayed within the rules, but its not going to make the way you behaved to the other players any nicer than the way you behaved to the other players.
Then again, the rules and mechanics of the game are very poorly designed if they leave everything just up to "please be nice to each other, thats a guideline", while allowing people to do horrible things to each other as long as some feel that it aint too much of a problem for them right now. Especially on the internet.
So far, none of my characters were specifically intended to be reflections of myself. Of course, they really all were, in a way. They've been very different kinds of people, some diametrically oposed in nature. Had the nasty hard-ass first officer of a transport oppress another one of my chars on the same ship, while the captain was unaware of it, and another player kept ooc pming me telling the captain how nasty the first officer really was to my other char. Good times.
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I like to believe I do roleplay as intended, but as I'm giving my own opinion about myself it's bound to be flawed. My first character was a junker, on that one I acted like I would oorp, but after a few years of experience RPing I learned to play all 3 sides - the bad guys, good guys, and the guys who don't give a rat's bollocks. One guy is a reckless and fearless old timer who cares about too many things, another has more bark than bite, he's all talk and pretty mean, and lastly I got a guy who's pretty much never communicating but isn't afraid to casually stroll right through a Scylla pirate party (*cough*everysingleunofficialrogueplayer*cough*)
I get what you mean, there's SO MANY DAMN PEOPLE who just act the exact same on all their characters...Yea it's pretty annoying, but I'd like to think of it this way: they are still learning how to RP, even though for some - no names will be mentioned, it seems to take over 4 years...
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(08-24-2016, 01:08 AM)Ace Razgriz Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 01:06 AM)Petitioner Wrote:
(08-23-2016, 04:42 PM)Sanctions Wrote: Only here for blues, nothing else.
I unironically think statements like this should be punished with a permaban.
Agreed, Thinly veiled "roleplay" to be able to PvP and blue is no reason to be able to get a passing grade on Discovery RP 24/7
Ye, keep pews to pew events and conn if you want to flaunt your ego - pews are fine but - going out of your way to try and act cocky is pretty lame.
Of course, pews are also part of the RP environment and is to be expected - especially in areas like the Omicrons, warzones, pirates in capital systems etc.
Like it or lump it, PvP being excused by minimal RP is necessary to maintain any sort of server population these days. This isn't a co-op mod or a co-op server - there are competitive elements all over the place in Discovery's gameplay.
The reason why being cocky and ''hip'' about not caring for RP and being good at PVP is because most RP consequences in Disco are played out via PVP events - closed or open. And it is simply a statement that "You can bang on about your RP all you want, but you are not the one having direct control over whose RP wins."
This has always been the case, mind you. It is just that over the last two years or so these pvp-centric bodies are much more aware of their impact on the server and are not afraid to simply go "what are you gonna do about it?" and flaunt their influence. Perhaps going as far as to take specific pride in delivering absolutely no RP contribution to an apparently hardcore-RP server, but having more real influence on it than any of the highest quality RPers.
That realization, when it comes around - that high-skill PVPers have more influence on RP than the people who do said RP is usually what causes such statements to act as a "8| you know it is true" vibe to it.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
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(08-24-2016, 01:20 AM)Omicega Wrote: Oh, really?
did I do that?
did I say I approved of it?
I haven't stated that I agree or disagree with it.
Besides, that character had previous interaction. That's not really acting cocky or egotistical. When I mean cocky, I mean going out of your way to act all, "hahahah, all of you are scrubs get bent nerd" - mentality in an oorp manner.
You can call it that if you want, Nyx, or you can accept that it's pretty much dickwaving and an excuse to say "we killed you, hahaha". Regardless of whether you wrote it personally or not, as a product of your faction it still bounces back to your doorstep.
And if you're stuck dealing with smartasses in Sabres, you can cure anyone's attitude problem with enough decent gunboat pilots on speed-dial.
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(08-24-2016, 01:28 AM)Omicega Wrote: You can call it that if you want, Nyx, or you can accept that it's pretty much dickwaving and an excuse to say "we killed you, hahaha". Regardless of whether you wrote it personally or not, as a product of your faction it still bounces back to your doorstep.
Then I'm afraid to tell you that wasn't the point of the message, but rather to note that the faction doesn't focus on killing lawful entities and that we're noting about their focuses. Besides, we let the guys go in the end.
I don't care about wininng in pvp as much as enjoyable it can be. You could stomp someone over and over but that's bland. I don't play to win, I play to have fun.